Breasts are a female trait; being flat is a male trait. Therefore...

Breasts are a female trait; being flat is a male trait. Therefore, a flat chested girl is the same thing as a bearded girl or a girl with a dick: a female with a male trait.

If a flat girl is the same thing as a girl with a dick, and considering that everything that has a dick is a male, liking flat girls is the same as liking men. Therefore, people who like flat girls are faggots.

Generalizing what has been said, everyone who is into women with male traits is a faggot, it doesn't matter if you like futanaris, traps or flat girls, you are a degenerate.

>Breasts are a female trait
How about you go outside and realize that humans aren't the only lifeform on this planet.

go back there

Flat chests are ok

The true patrician breast size are the lumps that you can't see when a girl wears her clothes but when she takes them off they are just big enough to fondle

>flatfags literally have to resort to bestiality to defend themselves

Yeah, well, thats just like, uhh, *sniff*, you're opinion, man.

go back there with her

Your logic is flawed. You are assuming size is comparable to having a specific trait. Your argument can be turned around to a make with a small dick is actually strait, because women don't have dicks, when that is not the case.

go back there with her

Flat chest = having no breasts
Small dick = having a dick

>Can't defend argument
>Repeats the same line over again

If she is female, she has the same structure as someone with larger breasts, sorry you can't understand High School Anatomy.

do not use kou for your political propaganda

return to alongside the slag who started the thread

>Still can't defend argument

leave boards.Sup and return home to know thy meme, horse faced bitch

All I'm asking is for a simple argument, now is that so hard to ask.

go back there freak

You have at be 16 to post on Sup Forums, go back to r/anime where you belong.

based memeknower bringing the menstrual cramps

I see you are disregarding argument logic as shown in the chart. Now you are just repeating the same line as well as insulting me. At this point you have shown no argument, thus I have won.