Read this at your own risk you easily offended fags

I will start this opinion piece with a simple statement that must be said. I am gay. Now most of the time I have an issue with people shoehorning their sexuality into their writings with no purpose at all but to get praised by those around them but in my case I am doing it to remove any accusations of homophobia from any discourse that may come after this is done. I will explain many of my viewpoints around the concept of being gay including how/ why people become gay, the gay community, how gay people create stereotypes of themselves and many more topics. If you feel that any of that could offend you I will make this clear now, leave. I do not have time for the easily upset. Now with that out of the way it’s time to go my first topic.

How gays are made.
This is something that people have been debating for a good amount of time. Many theories about where being gay starts or how it happens have popped up but inevitably I have always had an issue with all of them. That being that they always try to pin it down on one specific reason. Examples include: “Gays are born that way!” or “It forms during puberty!” Or “The person had a traumatic sexual activity happen with the opposite sex!” People tend to take one of these explanations and take it as law that applies to every gay person and what I ask you is why can’t people be open to the idea that maybe it could be any of these three? Maybe some had it develop at birth? Maybe some during puberty? Maybe some had a traumatic experience? Is it that hard for you (part 1)

Other urls found in this thread:

all to view gays as individuals rather than some collective constantly? Maybe but I’m hoping by the end maybe you won’t view things as so black and white.

Let me start with the first example, “Gays are born that way!” While I do think that some gays may be born gay there are still a few flaws in this theory but before I get to that I will give a summary of it. Basically in this theory its stated that when multiple babies are born it increases the fact the antibodies will attack a baby. This baby while in the womb is attacked by said antibodies thus affecting it’s hormones and making it more feminine causing the child to be gay. There are a few issues in this. The first one being that not every gay is feminine. Some gays are very masculine in their mannerisms, interactions, sexual banter, and intercourse. Think of that one guy you never could have guessed was gay whose jacked, says faggot all the time, is always playing sports, and is only ever a top. If you wish to claim that he is feminine simply based on the fact he is gay I will straight up call you a moron. Then I will ask you this question. What about straight people then? You’ve met him before. The guy who sways his hips, has a higher pitched voice, and based on stereotypes is assumed gay all the time. You approach him thinking he’s as straight scimitar but turns out he’s attracted to women. Does that mean just because he’s attracted to females he is no longer a feminine man? No he’s still feminine he’s just attracted to women. This idea that gay men are inherently feminine or that femininity/ masculinity is only decided by sexual attraction but only with gays is a blatantly wrong. But to further prove my point let’s go to animals. Now usually we don’t consider animals feminine/ masculine, right? But gay animals do exist. Does that mean (part 2)

if a sheep is gay it’s a feminine sheep while the straight sheep is a masculine sheep despite the sheeps acting exactly the same? (except the fact the gay one is attracted to males of course) No there is no such thing as a feminine or masculine sheep even if some sheep are gay because some parts of femininity and masculinity are socially constructed and do not exist in nature. (Except the parts found in biology like naturing, aggressiveness, etc.) The second flaw being that I’ve met gays who were once attracted to women but that changed. If they were so predetermined to be gay then why were they ever attracted to women in the first place.

Now onto the second explanation. The idea that being gay starts in puberty and that’s when the hormonal changes cause the change is a fairly reliable one. That’s when a lot of people discover being gay and it explains the gays who were attracted to women at one point during puberty who became gay at the end. But there is one flaw and that is there are some who claim knowing they were gay before then and this theory doesn’t have a way of fully describing how these people exist. I have my own opinion on that. There are two types of gay children. The ones that had a slight feeling about being gay or the children being overtly sexual. The ones who had a slight feeling I assume were born gay. The ones who were being sexual at a younger age were being formed into being gay (or maybe they were born gay but also were being conditioned by their parents to be sexual) The second type of child worries me. I assume the parents are always the culprits (though I know it could be an even more dire situation than that.) After all how would a six year old even know what being gay means! (part 3)

was about that age I met a “gay” child who was always going on and on about it and even then I found it disturbing. A six year old going on about how he wanted to do sexual activities made me question what was wrong with his parents.)

Now onto the third explanation and let me point this out -my next point will seem harsh or cruel to some. Sometimes being gay is a mental disorder. Before I have claims of internalized-homophobia thrown my way let me explain. If someone has a traumatic experience (probably during puberty or before) happen to them that causes them to turn gay is it not a mental state that will cause discomfort to them. If their whole case for being gay is fear of the opposite sex I do think it is a mental disorder. See, gay people who don’t have this fear are not afraid of the opposite sex. They just aren’t attracted to it. If you find yourself being straight then getting molested or raped then turn gay I would say it is a mental disorder in your case just do to the fact that your sexuality isn’t really based around what your attracted to. It’s based around what instilled less fear into you. So if people ever ask me if I view gayness as a mental disorder I say it depends. Because in reality sometimes it really does.

So now that I’ve fully explained my viewpoints on these three theories let me say this. These are all ways one can become gay and if that offends people that I keep a more open mind about it then most I just have this to say. I’m about to offend a whole ‘nother set of people so you can stop curling your toes and foaming from the mouth and (part 3)

Fake and gay

watch as I tear into the religious for a bit. (Don’t think I won’t be coming back to question gays though.)

The “It’s a choice” AKA “It’s against god!” debate!
This is a debate I am sick of having with the religious. But since simply telling them no it’s not a choice isn’t good enough I guess I’ll have to use simple logic to explain why in fact it’s not. (I’ll demonstrate this through a sort of list presenting questions for questions cause people to think of new perspectives.)

I hear people constantly say that to change you have to want to change but here's the problem with it. It’s not a choice. Why?

*Some gays didn’t want to be gay. How is that a choice?

*Some gays try committing suicide or turn to self harm due to hating themselves wanting to be straight. Why would they do that if they enjoyed it?

*Gays tried conversion therapy and this itself proves that some gays WANT to change. Why would they be so desperate to be zapped if it’s just a choice? Why go to such extreme measures?

*A lot of gays force themselves into a relationship with a women hoping it’s just a phase yet they still have feelings. If it’s a choice then why don’t the feelings go away?

*Some gays are taught that being gay makes them evil. Would you willing chose to be evil?

*Many gays go to Christian conversion camps to feel like it worked for a while due to the conditioning and placebo only to revert back to being gay again. This shows it’s their natural state. Why would they go back to having those feelings if it’s a choice?

*Animals in nature can be gay. Why would animals in the most natural environment be gay if it’s just some choice? Animals don’t really chose that much when it comes to social interactions. Don’t they act on instincts most of the time? So wouldn’t that mean being attracted to the same sex is an instinctual thing beyond one’s control?

*You don’t choose what your attracted to. Try not liking a kink you like.(Page ?)

Can you?

Gays know it’s not a choice. Have you ever thought about what if you’re wrong? You spent your whole life giving them shit. Even if heaven exists we gays know that a supposedly merciful god wouldn’t send us to hell over something we couldn’t control.

*The bible only ever mentions the act of gay sex as sinful. If a gay couple never had sex would you be ok with them being together?

Also I’ve heard some Christians say that the Christian camps and conversion therapies are only messed up because they don’t work because gays don’t want to change. That’s just fucked up. Look at the point I made higher in the list again then process what you said wrong if you’ve said that before.

Now that THAT is addressed I’ll go onto the anti-gay yet not religious comments I’ve seen before.

Anti-gay assholes
These are the type of assholes who argue against being gay but in a debatably more “scientific” way. I’m going to do the same thing I did last time here.

*”Gays don’t contribute anything to society because they don’t have kids or spread their genes so they shouldn’t be in relationships” is something I’ve heard before let me

explain why this is incredibly stupid for those who don’t see the issue with it. There are many people besides gays who don’t have children. Priests, monks, people who have problems with reproductive organs, elderly, teenagers, most of us on 4-chan, and couples who doesn’t want kids yet. Do you see some sort of pattern with this list? These are all types of people that can’t, won’t , or are expected to not have children and guess what they all contribute something to society as a whole. You shouldn't measure gay lives based on if they can have kids. When you do that you say all of those people listed above are also contributing nothing. You should measure them based on their deeds, morals/beliefs and capital just as you do everything else. Also the part about not spreading their genes ever heard of a sperm bank or having a doctor put a sperm in a womb?

*Gays degenerate society I hear others say! That’s funny because last time I checked only degenerate gays degenerate society (Like in Cali kek.) not your everyday gay. There are even historically influential people theorized to be gay due to their lack of interest in women like Michelangelo and Leonardo Da Vinci! I’m pretty much sure these two brought in a lot of benefits to society but what do I know?
Gays are overly pushy about their sexuality is another thing spoken by some on here. I’m not going to lie sometimes it’s true -- some are. But to assume all must be and go after all gays as a whole for it is just ridiculous and you must be on the intelligence level of a rotting fish carcass to think that way.

Gay assholes
Ok so here I go again. If you're easily offended by what you think I’m going to say then leave. Why do I say “by what you think I’m going to say?” Simple, if you’re one of these assholes you aren’t going to actually address what I state. You’ll argue a point I never made then go into your hidey holes and I’m not in the mood for it --now into the point. There are a good amount of gay assholes (#notall) who go out of their way to be pushy, hateful, and cruel when presented with ideas they disagree with. I would know I went to a place called Manatee school for the arts and I’m not gonna lie most of the gays I met there in high school before graduating were ((gay assholes)). I told myself it’s because it was an art school so I’ll never meet a gay like that ever again. I was wrong. Now let me actually start getting into what a gay asshole is instead of being a petty faggot talking about his personal problems.

The ((gay asshole)) is the type of faggot who goes out of his way to get offended by the word faggot on 4-chan not realizing it’s just a substitute for the word person on here (New fag, old fag, etc.) and then labels 4-chan as a homophobic website. When people finally tell him he gets even more angry and goes to Tumblr to rant about it. (Some people on here are but I would say the majority aren’t)
The usually over flamboyant ((gay asshole)) (not saying being flamboyant immediately implies he’s a ((gay asshole)).) is the one who keeps calling you girl even though you said “I am a man stop calling me girl” just cause you’re gay then gets (part fuck you)

offended when you ask him to stop. He then says you have fragile masculinity. (It’s funny how many so many people gripe about having labels forced on them but it’s okay here?)
He’s the type who constantly mixes political views in with being gay and if you don’t agree with his political views you are not “a real” gay.
He’s the gay who’s overly sexual with you or touches you and when you tell him to stop claims that you not wanting to be overly sexual is internalized homophobia or part of the patriarchy. Really? Maybe it’s just that I don’t like you, or I am more conservative sexually than you? Ever thought of that? Oh and here’s the thing if it comes to non-sexual touching like I dunno ... arm wrestling or something I wouldn’t have a problem with another gay touching me that way. (Unless he’s always talking sexual to me) then in that case fuck it don’t touch me. I don’t let anyone touch me in anyway if they make random sexual advances at me be it women or man. You wanna know the funny thing though. When I tell a (sain) women naw I don’t wanna arm wrestle you because you were too sexual before she doesn’t throw a hissy child fit and claim sexism. She realizes she fucked up and went over my personal boundaries and realizes I’m not the type of personal that like random flirtatiousness (not like it matters because I’m gay and all but still).
The ((gay asshole)) throws a fit and says I have internalized homophobia bla bla bla.
The ((gay asshole)) also is the type that if he’s in a relationship constantly talks about it and his sex life with his partner. Now let it be known that most people have

already had to deal with the gay assholes shit before and probably will put up with him. But be the one guy who who says “I don’t really like you and I don’t wanna hear about your relationship” and get ready for accusations of homophobia. Then once you tell him your gay too get ready for MUH internalized homophobia.
The ((gay asshole)) also believes it always impossible to ever really explain to straight people what being gay means and also believes that straight people have no place in the discussion because their gayness never affects anyone. Which is ironic because the gay asshole’s type of gayness inevitably always affects others lives because he forces it down their throats constantly unlike normal (sane) gay fags.

The gay asshole is a detriment to gays as a whole. He’s the loudest voice. He’s the reason straights call us degenerates. He is a degenerate. Don’t be a gay asshole, thank you.

((Gay assholes’s)) pushiness and how it effects every fucking debate ever (in a negative way)

Now I will go on to talk about how the ((GA)) changed the perspective of how some groups viewed us (particularly Christians).

Gay marriage is something that is completely legal now but we all know it wasn’t always. Let me present the scenario real quick. There were three type of Christians at the time.

The first one was the one who hated gays. He didn’t want them to get married not due to anything but pure hatred most likely fueled by religion.

The second one didn’t want marriage legal for a slightly different reason. She didn’t hate gays but she viewed marriage as a holy thing between a man and a women. She is ok with gay couples having the same rights she doesn’t want to call it marriage. She would rather change the rules on civil unions (and have them use this to get the same rights as straight couples). She wants the same rights for gays but she’s afraid that once gay marriage is legal people who don’t agree with gay marriage will be forced to marry gays. (Surprise surprise guess what’s happening.)

Then there is the Christian who supported gay marriage. He believes that god would want them to get married because god would support any type of love. (and being gay isn’t a choice.)

>everyday gay
Kek, added spice

The ((GA)) is unable to see any difference between argument one and two and labels them both homophobes. Not only that the ((GA)) probably would go as far to say that all Christians were the enemy during the time despite Christians being the majority of the population and gays being only one percent.

Now let me state this of course I support gay marriage. But my opinion is different then most on way. See I don’t care how we got the same rights as long as we got them so I don’t really care what we called it. Now here’s was my main problem with gay marriage being illegal. My viewpoint was this -If some churches want to marry some gay couples why not let them? It really isn’t the government's place to decide.- Now in addition to that I do not think it’s the government's place to FORCE churches to marry two gays either. There are plenty of churches willing to marry gay couples and just because one won’t doesn’t mean you should sue them into submission. Yes, they could be the first type of Christian (the one who hates gays.) but they could also be the second kind (the one who disagrees with marriage between same sex partners but believes they should have the same rights.) What they government should have done in this situation was given a back door way of getting the same rights while at the same time allowing churches that WANT TO marry gays the ability to do so. But the uncompromising ((GA))’s couldn’t see the difference and that’s why we are where we are now.

The ((GA)) is quick to assume every gay is just like him and thinks like him and will state it constantly how the lg community stands with him. (Even if they don’t)

Now due to the ((GA)) plenty of Christians feel like they are under attack and their children go outta their way to be as anti-gay as possible. Thanks ((Gay asshole)), thanks. You really helped us all out.

The lgbt- “community”
I view the idea that there is a community of something people don’t chose as stupid. If someone finds out I’m gay and then asks me how’s the lgbt community stuff going I will look at them like they’re a retard, which is to say I will smile at them, pat them on the head, treat them nicely, but then feel bad for them behind closed doors. Unlike the idea of a white community or black community there is no psychical lgbt community. (Cali is pretty close desu.) There are no real values or culture the lgbt “community” shares. Then on top of that you mix in trans with it so straight people will constantly think there is very little between being gay and trans. Like why are trans and gays in the same community again? Being a transgender is a mental disorder. (saying transsexual would be more appropriate but for some reason transexual means somthing else which is stupid. Their mindset isn’t what they're transitioning. What they're trying to transition is their sex, but ok.) They feel discomfort in their body everyday. It’s a little bit different than being gay dontcha think? They have to cut thier bodys up to even feel secure in them. Think about it. They have a problem that can never truly be fixed. Being gay causes no discomfort nor is it a mental disorder. (unless it’s the I’m gay because of bad experiences kind.) Here’s the reality of the situation they will never be able to

change their sex fully. It just can’t happen and it’s pretty sad when you think about it. I guarantee you if there was a cure for being trans that would fully fix it most would take it. Also I want to say this if you make having a mental disorder into some bad thing that's on you. When I say someone has a mental disorder I say it with no malice. The reason they want to transition is because it’s the best option they have for not feeling like shit and I get that. So while I know they will never truly be a man or women fully I will call them by the gender they prefer if only to help with the fact they are dealing with a pain I never will.

The lgbtq+ whatever the fuck “community” in media always contradicts itself in thought
The fact is and I’m going to state this plainly that the lgbt community never sticks to its own messages.
Here’s some examples:
Gender does not equal sex. Then they get offended by the fact they are assigned a sex at birth. Sorry budo but your sex is your sex. SCIENCE.
Transgenders are trying to transition from one gender to another but sex and gender are not synonymous buttttt transgenders actually change their physical body parts and sex is actually what your physical body is and not what you are in your mind

and trans people are another sex in their heads. Also none of this matters because both gender and sex are now a social construct and now there are millions of genders instead of two. (But if sex and gender are social constructs doesn’t that imply being gay/trans is a choice?) SHUT UP YOU CIS FAKE GAY SCUM MUH PATRIARCHY.

For gayness and trangerism to even be real things there has to be only two genders and sexes. So either say that straight, gay, and trans people don’t really exist or ditch the million gender thing.

I’ve said all I really have to say. If you somehow got offended congrats, I don’t care. I will be posting this both on Sup Forums and /lgbt/ just to see the different reactions.

Statistics on gays and marriage:

Science on gays as parents:

The benefits of gay marriage:

Genetic Evidence of Homosexuality:

Does conversion therapy work:

HIV information:

Are gays more likely to be pedophiles?

Is being gay a mental illness?

Here's some info some people linked.

Don't forget to add spice
>TL;DR op is gay

fuck dude, by the time i'm done reading this the thread will be archived

and here is the /lgbt/ if you want to see if any of them get offended by any of this.

>and here is the /lgbt/ if you want to see if any of them get offended
((if they do))

You're gay, no-one cares, you're on a trap-loving image board ffs.


I hope you didn't forget to add spice to your post.

>Nobody on Sup Forums or /lgbt/ cared

Kek didn't cared either, kek

I don't really care if anyone cares desu. This is an image board kek. Things come and they die and fall into obscurity. But the whole point of this post is to say things I can't in a daily life. Because be it fag or straight there are some things you just can't say. Here I can say whatever I like. It's more of a just type what I think sorta deal. Anyways now that what's said has been said I'm going to let this die.

U ded OP?
>My thread now

Yea sure I don't care? Take it. Add traps in it. Sell it to the Irish mafia. Whatever.

I don't care you're gay, OP. Literally. I don't hate you, i just regard you like anyone else. Do what you will. Whatever. Good luck.

Twice. Kek's blessing OP. Godspeed.

This is a load of baloney. Maybe be more concise next time?

I never said pol was all like that. I actually posted on here knowing pol wouldn't flip I was actually hoping to piss some people off on LGBT with some of the shit I said tho kek. You taking the ship captain?

Yeah at the end I said fuck it and started typing whatever.

I'm just trying to sage it into oblivion.

Can you sage yourself? Cause I've started doing it now.

Maybe I can magic integers again

Don't think so, as you can't bump yourself anyway. Can't hurt tho right?
>If you break Sup Forums you win

So close


Wasn't suppose to be a reply kek.

Literally shitposting at this point

As if this whole thing wasn't a giant shit-post to begin with.

But what if I'm bi tho?

It was a big guy, I'll give it that

Still a fag.

Partly shit-posting. Partly rant. Party retarded. Partly mentally inflicted brain damage.Whatever you wanna call it.

Oh no end of the world.
Kek. Well we established no-one cares you're gay here. Such is life in the zone.

Oh and I got these
Breddy sick

In the zone, auto zone?

you two have some sexual tension

Holy fugg did you just bump this

Oh shit

It's not been the same since Reddit came here

What's Reddit?

Don't go there it's gay

So many words.

It's a silly place?

Am I unbanned

And yes it's full of fucking retards jizzing on themselves and recycled 4ch stale memes they ruin

Oh so you mean the fags who keep doing Ugandan knuckles (red sonic) over and over and over?

there are chemicals in the tap water that turn the frogs gay. alex jones was actually right about that crazy as it sounds, atrazine, look it up

Omg you're right.

This isn't your blog dumb faggot

You're right it's an anonymous posting board. Also I don't have a blog. Kek.

OP a faggot

You are sick in the head and I hope there is a cure for you. God bless, user.






Literally no one is going to read all of this, faggot.

didnt read a single word after I am gay. not gonna give a mentally diseased person any more room to spread their cancerous sludge

put it on your blog, faglord

If there ever was a cure I would take it desu. Buuuuttt there isn't. Also who the fuck is this sicko liking shit on his dick? That's like a singular person? Also yes I'll take your blessing or whatever. Praying iti away myself doesn't work anyways kek. Maybe if others pray for me I'll wake up cured.
The whole purpose of that was so that people on lgbt couldn't pull the homophobia card for the stuff I say later on. Anyways just let this die kek.
No mainly cause I have a family who would isolate me if they ever find out. I'm not going to make holiday visits worse than they already are. Also fag lord? I didn't know I was that powerful.

Sodomites are repulsive.
F*cking hell

Ugh this guy.

>>I am gay.
That's where I'm going to stop. Bye.


... I actually read it
fyi (it's not worth it)

Being internally gay isn't a choice, but pursuing gay relationships is. Religious people are saying that your love for men is a temptation that you have to overcome, similar to an alcoholic's love for alcohol.

>I am gay
stopped there

>Being a man is hard.

So you're saying they should be alone? I don't believe a god would be cruel enough to let someone be gay and expect them to be alone their whole lives.
Anyways the bible only talks about sex not gay relationships itself. So would god have an issue with two gay guys who never had sex but were in a relationship then? Also why would god allow the creatures we rule over (animals) to be gay then? Are they going to hell?

I never claimed being a man was harder than anything else. Every group of people have their own issues and problems to deal with. Saying one group has problems is not the same as others don't.

>There are no real values or culture the lgbt “community” shares.
That's the only thing they share. The LGBT community, like the MGTOW community, is a movement formed by multiple physical or online "real" communities. Shared beliefs and culture tie them together.

haha faggot kys

Shit, I misread your post as saying "it's worth it" then went and read it (it wasn't)

>ike why are trans and gays in the same community again?
Trans and gay are in the same community because they both feel that they are ostracized by mainstream ideas of gender and sexuality. As a whole, the LGBT community is an identity acceptance movement that pushes against traditional marriage and ideas of gender. You're a gay man that isn't part of the LGBT community or movement, even though you would be considered LGBT due to your gay status.

>Fake and gay
Gay and Fake as well.

>So you're saying they should be alone?
I'm not religious, but that's what they seem to be saying.

Ah sorry for assuming. That was rude of me.

> I am gay.
I stopped right there.
Gay? What? Haha!

>I will start this opinion piece with a simple statement that must be said.

A too-wordy, obvious, and unnecessary first sentence. Already bored.

Lmao you just admitted you're a faggot.

>I will start this opinion piece with a simple statement that must be said. I am gay.
I think that's when you lost credibility newfag. The rest is blah, blah, blah, blah. I demand you agree with my degenerate behavior blah blah.
FUCK OFF -your on Sup Forums we fucking wish you a happy KYS weekend.

No problem. I'd be surprised if you assumed otherwise.

>I am gay
Stopped reading right there.

HA you have a fucking meme flag my dude! And the Kekistani one at that! I'm sure you're not a new fag at all. Yeppers.