I found Jesus' statement in John 8:44-45 interesting...

I found Jesus' statement in John 8:44-45 interesting. He implies that wicked people are of a demonic bloodline (fitting with Sup Forums's idea of genetics determines quality.) I want to make sure that's what He meant though, so I'm going to check the original Greek. If anyone else is interested I'll post my findings here.

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>Falling for Jewsus

t. kike

Don't really believe a word of that book of witchcraft but i am intrigued because evil is very real and needs to be dealt with because its literally spiraling out of control. What did the plagiarizing rabbis who wrote that book mean by that, user ?

You know it's true.


>In Genesis 3.1 we read:– “Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field (Chay Eretz).” The word translated “serpent” is Nacrash meaning an enchanter, a wizard, this is the personal name of this living creature. This creature could reason, dispute, speak and walk upright. He persuaded the woman to eat of the fruit of the forbidden tree.

>Cain, the son of Adam and Eve, formed a relationship with a Chay Eretz, a pre-Adamite female (Genesis 4.7): “If thou doest not well, sin lieth at the door. And unto thee shall be his desire, and thou shalt rule over him.” The word Chay is a masculine word (Genesis 1.25); the Chay were made after his kind. In Genesis 2.16 we read:– “Thy desire shall be to thy husband and he shall rule over thee.” Therefore the desire of Cain’s consort would be to Cain and he would rule over her. The Apostle Jude refers to this in verses 7 and 11:– “Woe unto them for they have gone in the way of Cain... giving themselves over to fornication and going after strange flesh.” Cain was afraid that he would be killed: who was going to kill him? The Chay Eretz. Cain married his consort and built a city; built a city for whom? And with whose help? The Chay Eretz, the pre-Adamite people.

It seems everyone falls for some Jewish tricks


Jesus was the anti jew. You're retarded.

Was his mother Jewish?

So the modern English says "You are of your father, the devil." The original Greek uses "patros" for father which literally means "genetic father" or "spawner." For devil it uses "diabolou" which means "enemy" or "accuser," but is often used in a context referring directly to Satan in the Bible. Jesus also uses interesting language to describe the devil in this passage. He calls him "a murderer from the beginning" and "the originator of lies" in the original Greek.

What you're saying disturbs me. I looked at Genesis 4 and what does Cain do? He murders and lies. He's the first one to do it too. I don't like the implications of this at all. There is literally a Satanic race of humans.

The computer is obviously the devil's machine. Why are you christards still on board. Your gahd is going to damn you to eternal hellfire for being tempted and defiled by the internet.

>taking the bible literally
you need some Jordan Peterson in your life.
The psychological definition of that story is that evil breeds evil as lesson are passed down. It's not necessarily genetic, but rather an evil ideology that catalyses the worst in mankind and is passed on down the line.

Sexy Jesus bump

Oh my poor dear, you didn't know?

>Matthew 13:24-30

>In ecology, CRYPSIS is the ability of an animal to avoid observation or detection by other animals. It may be a predation strategy or an antipredator adaptation. Methods include camouflage, nocturnality, subterranean lifestyle and mimicry.


>It is entirely possible, therefore, that a species could have been formed by biological selection that automatically preys on our species as instinctively as wolves prey on caribou, although, of course, with much greater cunning and versatility.

boomerposting is a decent strategy. I give it a 7/10 because it's too obvious

Even if it's not genetic it's still passed down and a big problem. Who took over our media industry? Why are our young who are heavily influenced (and practically raised) by media suddenly degenerate monsters after this new group took over? It sounds like Jesus was giving us a big warning.

I'm in my early twenties.

Checked. I think this is very likely too. It's funny how in the most degenerate era of man discriminating by race is considered the worst evil.

Jesus precisely rejected the racism of the Jews.
They claimed that they are [sperma Abraham] -- literally the racial seed of Abraham. Look more closely elsewhere.
>"And think not to say within yourselves, We have Abraham for our father. For I tell you that God is able of these stones to raise up children to Abraham."
>[Matthew 3:9]
He is merely saying that your damn genes have nothing to do with it.

The term "Jew" changes meaning in the New Testament. It changes from the ethnic people of the promise from whom the Messiah would spring forth from to a rejecter and murderer of Logos Incarnate.
This is how the ethnic Jew, St. Paul, is able to say pic related.
"Jew" is a negative identity; one founded totally in the rejection of Christ. Not merely an ethnicity. Once one becomes baptized, they are no longer a Jew.

>falling for the pagan meme

>Not a pagan

Try again kike lover

Are you familiar with Michael Heiser? He talks a lot on this topic.

Wasted numbers, probably because you have access to the system. So you are saying that it's ok if niggers fuck your daughter if they're Christian, which could not be further from the truth.

Jews are mongrels who bred with pre-adamites.

To further prove my point that the term "Jew" changes in the New Testament, let us examine other Scriptures.
>"And after these things, Joseph of Arimathea (because he was a disciple of Jesus, but secretly FOR FEAR OF THE JEWS) besought Pilate that he might take away the body of Jesus. And Pilate gave leave. He came therefore, and took the body of Jesus."
>[John 19:38]
>"Now when it was late that same day, the first of the week, and the doors were shut, where the disciples were gathered together, FOR FEAR OF THE JEWS, Jesus came and stood in the midst, and said to them: Peace be to you."
>[John 20:19]
Were the disciples not ethnic Jews?
>And it was the parasceve of the pasch, about the sixth hour, and he saith TO THE JEWS: Behold your king. [15] But THEY cried out: Away with him; away with him; crucify him. Pilate saith to them: Shall I crucify your king? The chief priests answered: We have no king but Caesar.
>John 19:14-15
Does this mean that also the Blessed Mother, Mary Magdalene, and St. John were screaming "crucify him?" They were certainly Jews.
>"Yet no man spoke openly of him, for fear of the Jews."
>[John 7:13]
The difference here is that Jew comes to be a description of someone who rejects Christ.

>Once one becomes baptized, they are no longer a Jew.
I think Christianity definitely has a way of removing cultural evil in general. So what you're saying agrees with the following posts.
There is also the possibility baptism removes some inherent evil (which the church already preaches it does for original sin) in a Disney magic tier kind of way.

Where in the hell do you get that? You have niggers on the brain.
I'm merely speaking of the traditional Christian teaching on the Jews.
Read some history, kid.
Start with Adversus Judaeos. And perhaps Sicut Judaeos Non. Then get back to me.

I'll check it out.


Parasites hate being exposed.

>Disney Magic Tier kind of way
Exactly, because you have committed to tenets that will eventually make you a better person, and more effective in a good community. The act of baptism is deeply emotional and spiritual, so I'm not surprised it has such a profound mental impact on those who go through it.

Jews became revolutionaries the moment they rejected Logos Incarnate, Jesus Christ, and instead took Barabbas--the insurrectionist and revolutionary.
They have been the progenitors of revolution and revolutionary ideas ever since.
This book and interview(s) on it explains it much better than I could ever.

>John 8:44-45
It would make sense the Nephilim weren't all wiped out

What you are doing is Jewish Pilpul. It's empirically evident that Jews are a breed or species of hominid which uses crypsis to prey on humans. I don't need the Bible to see that, just biology, from there it all makes sense what the Bible says about you creatures.

Well whether seed of Satan, space aliens, or just normal people with a shit past, there's no doubt Christian ones act much better than jewish jews.

But Cain's line was wiped out in the Flood.

That's fucking terrifying, and plausible. Those who rule in the shadows really do look odd every time they are exposed to the light.

Good point user! In the same verse it implies that when someone lies, they’re actually speaking a demonic language... O.O

>you creatures
Please, kid. I suppose Jews are also crypto shapeshifting lizards from planet poptart.
No, they're human who have been culturally engineered to hate Christian culture. Because they have rejected Christ who is Logos, they have rejected the natural and divine order and thus are the progenitors of revolution.

When you stop lisping someone else's opinion and start fucking voicing your own, people will take you seriously.

>He implies that wicked people are of a demonic bloodline
Sodomites are.





Not if they bred with normal humans.

There are anatomical and genetic differences and conversion to Christianity is very convenient for these humanoid predators. Mengele wasn't allowed to finish his work or we'd know the truth.

>lmao dead kike on a stick amirite fellow magapedes

>The Adamites corrupted their flesh by interbreeding and brought upon themselves the Great Flood. “The Sons of God (see Luke 3.38) saw the daughters of Men (descendants of Cain) that they were fair and took to themselves all they chose... there were giants in the world in those days... the Sons of God came in unto the daughters of men and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men.” The word “giant” is Nephil which can mean a tyrant and a bully, the word translated “mighty” is Gibbowr meaning a warrior and a tyrant. The Adamites saw the hybrid daughters of Cain that they were fair and copulated with them and their children were tyrants and bullies.

>And “The Earth was corrupt before God and the earth was filled with violence. And God looked upon the earth and behold it was corrupt: for all flesh had corrupted his ways on the earth.” The flesh of the Adamites had become mingled with the flesh of the Chay Eretz: the mixture of Adamite and Chay flesh in the offspring was corrupt flesh. This is referred to by the Lord Jesus Christ in Matthew 24.37-39:– “But as in the days of Noe, so also shall the coming of the Son of Man be, for as in the days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage until the day that Noe entered into the ark, and knew not until the flood came and took them all away, so also shall the coming of the Son of Man be.” But “Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations” (Genesis 6.9). He was of pure Adamite stock as were the other members of his family with him. They were saved in the ark together with full blooded members of the Chay Eretz.

the shilling against Christianity and Jesus is so real and so obvious here ..

So you're saying there are anatomical and biological differences in the races of men?
I can't believe I've never thought of that before. Of course there are differences in the races.
You could probably say that the Irish are genetically predisposed to drinking alcohol; and perhaps the Jews are predisposed to revolutionary movements.
Conversion to Christianity for any man is not a guarantee that they'll follow the teachings of Christ and His Church. That's a given.

He means niggers. Niggers are the devil's people. Nigger suck in general

Well if you're saying people are born from a demonic blood line then they can't go to heaven because of their genetics.

>Irish are genetically predisposed to drinking alcohol
>The Jews are genetically predisposed to drinking blood.


We read in Deuteronomy 23.2:– “A mamzer (hybrid) shall not enter into the congregation of the Lord; even unto his tenth generation shall he not enter into the congregation of the Lord.” In Jeremiah 16.17-18 we read: “And first I will recompense their iniquity and their sin double; because they have defiled my land; they have filled my inheritance (Israel: Jeremiah 10.16; 51.19, Isaiah 19.25) with the carcasses of their detestable and abominable things (hybrids).” In Ezra 9.2 we read:– “For they have taken their daughters for themselves and for their sons: so that the Holy Seed (of Adam) have mingled themselves with the people of those lands.”

Is that you Justin?

Look into the mezzo expansions into the American southwest around they year 1200AD. The spics have a very predatory behavior even compared to other natives. They introduced cannibalism to the area in the form of shaming rituals. They would intermarry with the families and kill off their kids in rituals to show dominance. They do similar, backstabbing shit today. I see the spics as walking demons. Every one I've met is fucking evil.


Genetically? You mean Historically. It has most certainly been perpetrated on baptized virgin Christian children.
Read the book Blood Passover.

>they can't go to heaven because of their genetics.
That's not certain. There's no doubt some people are more prone to acts of violence, but some of these people commit less violence than someone from a passive bloodline who made poor decisions. It wouldn't surprise me if there are other genes with the potential for sin, but I doubt there are any that absolutely override your free will.

Cain’s son Enoch was good enough that he was taken directly to heaven by God himself.
Hardly a lineage of pure evil.

Who? Is he an author who covers this stuff?

slowly but surely. the memes i brought here about serpent seed have arrived. and like fucking always. it becomes a jordan peterson is a tranny anti gay anti tranny may may. eve was not a tranny. but she took devil dick literally like no tomorrow

his dad was jared you dumb fucking whore! cain's lineage is so shit it's never even mentioned

free will doesnt exist

People are wired with an ethical code, and at different levels. Globalization is business execution at the lowest level within the code as acceptable to the insects doing the work. Most important thing is the domination of the low moralists by the high.

There is no shortage of reasons for why it is a bad theory.

The Carthaginians had to go somewhere after the Romans destroyed their civilization. They became the Aztecs after genocide of the white pyramid builders.

>I have been pursuing the fate of the victim’s body in order to establish the point that Aztec cannibalism was not a perfunctory tasting of ceremonial titbits. All edible parts were used in a manner strictly comparable to the consumption of the flesh of domestic animals. The Aztec priests can legitimately be described as ritual slaughterers in a state-sponsored system geared to the production and redistribution of substantial amounts of animal protein in the form of human flesh. Of course, the priests had other duties, but none had greater practical significance than their butchery.

Swallow this redpill Sup Forums

good post. strange flesh in my opinion means angels. this is what is sodomy. and when we do unto the least of these we do unto Christ or unto an angel

They are going to swallow it whether they like it or not because it is the truth.

E. Michael Jones is 100% correct

It gets better. Look into what the name "Adam" means. "He who shows blood in the face." I.e., 'he who blushes.' White people?

>Your link
>"If, as seems to have been the case, a large number of former Phoenicians and Carthaginians had joined the Jewish community via conversion, they must have brought some of their commercial skills and contacts into their new communities."
>via conversion
Kinda throws a kink in your Darwinistic demonic Jewish bloodline theory, doesn't it?

Indeed. Finally got the book for Christmas as a gift from the wife. It's a tome. Great stuff.

this is not something over which you need to check against the original languages. maaaaany other things are. this aint one of em. what a fuck up of a post. at least you brought it to some kind of half assed attention

the fuck does that have to do with anything. what is wrong with blood? would you rather blush and not show it? for that matter what is wrong with the male gender? fuck all. that's what's inherently wrong with them. bible says adam and eve created all deaths and all sins. but also that adam never transgressed. i can elaborate but should i?

I have the book too. I can't wait to finish and then get to the spiritual sequel, Barren Metal.

If evil is very real, then it's counterpart is too. That doesn't make the Bible any truer, necessarily, but do you have a better text setting forth the reality of that dichotomy?
>inb4 he lists Eastern esoteric texts that the Bible takes from and simply westernized

I've heard several interviews on the book. Sounds great, but I think the next one I'm going to get is Dionysus Rising.

Then they breed with them and alter their genetics, take on their characteristics to improve their crypsis and blend in with their host organisms to avoid detection.
>Richard Dawkins provides several examples of how cunning parasites can be, and how easy it is to be fooled. The sophistication of some ant species makes the cuckoo look like a novice. He describes a parasitic ant which invades a neighbouring colony, seeks out its queen, climbs on top of it and methodically gnaws off its head. Having usurped the position at the top of this social hierarchy, the alien queen produces eggs which are tended by the invaded colonies’ workers, and new queens then go off to invade other colonies.


Tfw Jews are white.

men must not cover their heads and women must because fallen angels like only women and long hair

How can you not believe in free will? It is experienced by people every day.

it's not scriptural. like the rapture isnt

I forgive you

Uhh thanks user. I appreciate it.

get out. all you say is fucking LIES

I don't understand. Please clarify


Literally the same fucking chapter Cain was born:
17And Cain knew his wife; and she conceived, and bare Enoch: and he builded a city, and called the name of the city, after the name of his son, Enoch.

find me where in the bible it says that you have the ability to pick and choose everything that which you do. did you choose to be born. no. does anybody deserve Christ's blood? no.

All I said is Jesus is a Jew and you can't trust Jews.

T. Kike lover.

The bible is just a book. It has been written and rewritten many times. It can not be taken as fact. It is just a story.

The rapture is a myth written into the fabulous Scofield bible of the brainwashed boomers.


>satanic race of humans


it's the serpent bloodline

>It has been written and rewritten many times.
That's why I looked at the original Greek.

there's two enochs. God wouldnt take up to heaven without his dying, the son of a murderer. since when are grand babylonian type cities things to respect anyways. the rest of the hebre text of genesis 4:17 around that area has been lost

galillee is not judea. judah is one thing. you invented the word jew in 1880 and then usurped it being an ashkenazi who's not even of shem

Free will is inherently accepted in the Bible. It clearly expresses free will and the results of action.

>Ye do the deeds of your father.
How else to honor your father?

Yep. Nephilim and all that. Book of Enoch.

End game? Convincing man that they can be gods i.e. immortal and control life and death. How? Through science and genetic modification.

End game? A Satanic "immaculate conception," creating life using Satan's DNA.

where. whereas it specifically says God preforeordains all. even the law and all the elements will one day be destroyed by Him in fire

i have seen humans free will be overwritten many times

We who know this are the Elect. The Revelation is here and now in our time.
