The Seismic activity lately in the west coast from Chile up to Alaska is crazy levels of cataclysmic lately check it out....

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It never happens,

why doesnt the government drill down into earth there to release the pressure? its a giant volcano without an escape route, couldn't you drill multiple holes into the area and create mini volcanoes, so the whole thing doesnt explode and kill millions?

This is fake jews and you know it. Call me when the caldera blows its load.

Ummm no sweetie! This has been debunked by real Geologists. They said drilling into the caldera is like stabbing a balloon with a razor blade. IT FUCKING RELEASES ALL ITS PRESSURE AND ERRUPTS DRUMPFNIGGER!

>why is seismic activity happening in a seismic area?

>like stabbing a balloon with a razor blade.
Would modern technology allow people to drill into hundreds of points simultaniously to prevent a huge erruption? Or is that too over ambitious?


I heard that if we throw tide pides into it there might be a reaction and it'll kill itself.


4.3 is shite. That happens like every day.

found the low-functioning autist

I'm so tired of this shit. Can't it just stop edging and just nut already? I can only grow so bitter about humanity before I fucking try and erupt the damn thing myself.

I fart louder than that.


If doubles it's a happening

if doubles the secret society that is mentioned in the texts are about a group of deep-state insiders that through virgins and children into volcanoes to trigger the apocalypse




I laughed at this harder than I should have

Call me when it's 13.6.


Not my site I just find it useful for earthquakes

Wyoming user here, it's not happening

if only user would get some digits and predict it will happen in 2 days

4.3 is like elevator rumble tier

We are working on a way of drilling in through from the UK to release the presure there.

das da jok breh

I heard that you can use baking soda and vinegar to predict the exact time of the explosion. I also heard you can use magnets to disprove gay people scientifically. If only those damn Italians would accept my views instead of sending their scientists to jail. I could save people a lot of time with baking soda model.

What have "real" geologists predicted btw?

whoa a pissshit >5 earthqauke?

in a seismically active area no less?

truly a happening!

If doubles it's Satan beating off

bad luck, Satan is currently squeezing out a redunkulously difficult deuce

oh no

yo, galo sengan

why don't children know how to use greater than less than operators? I keep seeing this in the past year and i never saw it in my life until then

is this because of common core?

BLOW cloud hard WEST

It's a meme.

I sincerely doubt it is a meme

It's called fracking, and it's going to kill us all because instead of utilizing more intelligent sources of energy, our entire economy is based on scarcity and the fucking kikes have realized that natural gas is a thing so they are paying all the greatest engineering minds to use this form of fossil fuel rather than free us by figuring out new and sustainable ways of harnessing energy.

Blame such boring symptoms of hubris as nice things for this. Blame human solipsism

Why dont we just harness its powa?!?!


The hivemind of Sup Forums is getting stranger

If yeller stone goes we all dead nigga. it wont just be commiefornia

seriously, all we gotta do is dig a long ass tunnel under the continent and into one of the oceans. Then Yellowstone could shit out a brand new landmass somewhere for rich fuckers to war over

Wheres q user?

Not a happening. Sage.

Most of all, blame the kikes and blame capitalism. If we got rid of both of the above we might have a chance to survive as a species. But you hairless apes are too fucking near sighted to give a fuck about anything but your immediate comfort and monkey status, you disgusting attentionwhore little skralings

Not even a happening bro, you must be new to this

4.3 is not noteworthy. It is normal. Earthquakes are measured in and around the Yellowstone area daily. The ground constantly moves up and down as magma moves around caldera. We have no way of really knowing what will happen leading up to an eruption of this scale, however, logic would dictate that there would be some sort of warning, the matter would be time, as in a massive signs with hours, days, weeks, months, etc., how long from the happenings to the actual explosion.

And if it did go off, pray, because not only would the states around the eruption be fucked, but given the location of the caldera, the entire US would be fucked by proxy, and if the US goes down, the world will come with it. So, yeah, as much fun as a happening would be, I hope it isn't Yellowstone, I'm not ready to die yet.

>I'm not ready to die yet.
I am, and I hope that Gaia the consciousness of the Earth wipes you and me and rest of these disgusting hubris monkeys off the face of the planet. Not a single fucking hominid deserves to live. Bring down a new winter, bring down death on these stupid creatures that think themselves so wise. I use all my energy and power to kill you all. May the Yellowstone caldera erupt within my lifetime so that I can see all of you panic with your pathetic hominid hysteria and I can laugh. I will laugh with the forces of a thousand suns.

He's actually getting peg'd

No, you just put tape over it first and then it doesn't blow up


I came back to this plane of existence to do this

Can you even feel a 4.3?

my burger education taught that the sign opens toward the larger number like a hungry alligator, so to me that user is perfectly correct and is saying the number is anything larger than 5

Because thats not how volcanoes work, its dependant on the magma chamber turning from just hot rock like its now into actual molten magma. Theres nothing you can do to change the melt rate of the chamber, however right now yellowstone's chamber is fine.
Also there are faultlines all along the entire region, earthqaukes are nothing new, tired of these faggot happening threads

yes yes everything is fine don't worry about anything believe me I'm an expert just keep living your vacuous lives of materialism and don't forget to bow down to your masters you disgusting swine

hollow earth is opening up



Damn, Conan btfo