Is The Neverending Story redpilled?

>Teaches kids to read as a means of preserving old stories (traditions)
> enemy is "the nothing" that causes nihilism and leads characters to become apathetic and allow their own destruction to happen without fighting back
>Main character watches his companion commit suicide by succumbing to sadness(depression) yet he continues onward because he has to save his people
>defeats the nothing with pure will
Is The Neverending Story redpilled? And what are some redpilled movies, stories, tv shows, etc for kids?

Other urls found in this thread:

>>never ending story

>>movie runs at 130 minutes




The nothing is commie "utopia"


Yes user -- the Nothing is postmodernism and deconstructionism; believing that nothing is meaningful.

Good stuff for kids: the actual Neverending Story *book.* Books in general. It's hard to find redpilly media because the industry is so left-leaning. Have your kid read The Girl Who Owned a City.

>never read the book

I like 3 cause it has Jack Black. Jack Black is hilarious

Anyone that likes 3 is subhuman.

Is it any worse than whatever the fuck this was?

>jack black

Kill yourself for liking that unfunny kike

>we're allergic to yooo

The Neverending Story was my favorite movie as a child and my best Halloween costume of my whole life was in 2005 when I went as the Childlike Empress and my then-boyfriend now-husband sculpted and painted an Auryn for me. I can't wait until my kids are old enough to watch it.

t. old lady

>Jack Black
I didn't know there was a third but that sounds terrible.

TNS named the jew.

"who are you really"

>people who have no hopes are easy to control.

>you have no culture goy
>you're ancestors are murderers goy
floods your nation with third world shitholers and promotes their culture

2 was still better than 3

My childhood film that is still in my top ten movies.

Redpilled or not, it's a story that resonates with the 80's.

Nerrrver endddding storrrrrieeeeee, lahhh lahhh la la laahhhhhhrrrrrr.

I can't even imagine how awful 3 must be then lol

I remember watching it all the time as a kid, Atrayo's death in the Bog of Despair made me cry like a pussy every time I reached that scene.
Still can't believe they got away with putting two statues with huge ass godly tits into the movie. Also I always looked away at the part where the knight gets zapped by them and fries him like bacon in his iron armor.

I feel like it throws a lot of heavy material at kids, and it is overwhelmingly positive.

"The Chronicles of Narnia"

Wait a second...

I read those as a kid. I think they are good books with good moral lessons and whatnot. I also think that because the writing is not that difficult, they are good books to introduce proper story structure, characters, plot development, etc to your kids instead of the meaningless shit that a lot of kids read early on.

That pedo scene...

though you should have them read the books in the order they were written, because it's a lot more interesting that way. certain things are revealed purposefully that get spoiled if you read it out of the order the were written.

I only read like one of them when I was a kid, and my dad read 1 or 2 more to me. I wasn't too interested in them, but my brother loved them.
I actually read the rest of them half a year ago when visiting my brother, he still had all the books from when he was a kid. I was surprised by how good they were, when I was a kid they all seemed boring as fuck.

that's understandable. I think with these things it's a matter of introducing everything positive you can, and just hoping something sticks.

Pic related is a childhood favorite of mine. Displays good and honorable traits in a few select animal races (mice, hares, badgers, otters) and their antithesis in a few others (rats, ferrets, ermine, cats, etc). Stories usually follow a theme of having to pull together in hard times to overcome an evil which I imagine has something to do with the author living through WW2 as a kid. Just all around good shit. Plus, the medieval theme is righteous. And don't fuck with badgers.

thanks user, I'll keep that one in mind. It looks familiar, but I don't think I ever read it myself. Seems like something I'd remember.

all about the hardy brothers books homeboy

What are those about?

Yeah and for some reason I think C.S Lewis took certain things from the Bible and put it into the books.
Ex: Aslan = Jesus

It may not have been intentional in its anti-ZOG narrative. But it was in its innocence a rebellion against modernist thinking. The empress could easily just be called Europa, because we are all fighting against the Nothing.

Its a simple story that effectively disseminates traditionalist ideas as well. Most people will never artistically read evola, but they will enjoy watching something like this film.

Yeah definitely. And the Jesus metaphor with his resurrection