Let's Talk About The Collective Fate Of Humanity

So, we're all focusing on short term selective outrage bullshit. How about we talk about the end game? Consider the following:
>The market is your ruler and the elites run the market.
>There's nothing you can do about it, because if you criticize the system you will get labeled a "commie terrorist scum".
>This system will unironically destroy humanity. A century from now, only the elites will exist, surrounded by robots and a race of genetically engineered "neo-human" clones (fully compliant and submissive, literally uncapable of disobeying orders or having original thought).
>White people were the first to fall, which is why they have always been used by the elites to "pacify" and dehumanize any group of people who refuses to comply.
>Why are the elites trying to force this on everyone? Why are many neo-nazi cucks so willing to subjugate the more "rebelious" races only to give the elites all the power in the world?
>Why are all humans falling for the mind control, instead of working together to escape their fate of mutual destruction at the hands of the elites?
>Maybe the few elite families are meant to win, after all... maybe they really are the next step on human evolution.
>Humanity has lost.
>Since we're one of the last human generations to ever exist, can we at least be happy and avoid suffering?
>Will the elites allow you to be happy, or is unhappiness the main tool of control in this system?
So, tell me what you think about it. Are your thoughts really yours, or are you just another product of social engineering by the Archons of society? Your energy is being siphoned by reptilian brained psychopaths who despise humanity to their very core. Many of you are helping the elites with "your memes". Instead of attacking other races, how about you stop being a braindead little nazi toy soldier and try to elevate humanity for once in your worthless life? We won't make it, unless we all make it together. Only the elites are winning.

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please go away

wow, fucking shill was fast on this one. I guess the idea of people working together instead of against each-other is not that great, right? lol

>>This system will unironically destroy humanity. A century from now, only the elites will exist, surrounded by robots and a race of genetically engineered "neo-human" clones (fully compliant and submissive, literally uncapable of disobeying orders or having original thought).
Where do you get this from?
Isn't this diametrically opposed to other comments about "elites wanting third world shitholers to increase the population"?
>Humanity has lost.
As opposed to what, elites aren't humans?
If what you are saying is true, wouldn't this be par for the course, as 90% of the population used to be farmers and not do anything meaningful?

I don't want to be forced to "play and work together" with retarded drop outs flown here from half a world away. If they had ANY value whatsoever their own country would keep them.

So yeah, got any responses to what I said?
The elites are human

Elites aren't human. They are from the same species as us, but they have a dysfunctional reptilian brain. They lack compassion and empathy, and only care about control, power and becoming the highest on the food chain. Historically, the elites have been known for even killing their own family members to achieve more power. They have no remorse, because they are not capable of displaying normal human qualities. In the last 50 years, the elites have achieved a level of power which they have never had before: the ability to control the minds of the masses through digital technology (internet and mass media). The elites may be from our species, but their vision of what humanity should become after the "assisted evolution" will be far from humane. But, who knows? Maybe this is the fate of humanity. Maybe human qualities, like compassion and empathy are a sign of weakness. Maybe there's no stopping this.

Well, it depends what you are talking about.
Let's go back to this chart as an example, you can often hear people complaining about people losing jobs, in your post yourself you paint a picture of an elite surrounded by robots.
Here's a fundamental question, are we better or worse off, for 90% of the population no longer being farmers?
I think we are better off. You can argue that replacing all those jobs was discompassionate, and you'd have a case, especially for the Luddites, where you had a middle class, a class of skilled artisans, and their work was replaced by machines, and then they were worse off, and their children were worse off, and their children were worse off, but then the subsequent generation was better off in terms of pay.
Are we better off now for their sacrifice? Yes.
The losses are painful, and they are there, but the gains are forever.
We no longer have to buy ice for freezers, and sure that removed jobs for ice delivery man, but we are better off for it. As is the case always with automation

Good post OP.
Consider watching this video? vimeo.com/242569435

Nationalism is just another tool, which is being used by the elites to cause chaos. Their endgame is own everything and everyone. As soon as they get automation in place, they've won. The elites will just clone themselves and assassinate each-other until only robots exist. Their minds are sick and they are spreading their sickness to the world. I pity the humans who will live in this world 60/70 years from now.

> The neo Nazi, commie, feminist

What is the key here?. Do you guys really understand what they're beliefs are or anons just don't really have the understandment about jesus and Satan and life.
Has the Democrats never seen / experienced the opposite of being a atheism before? So they have not support in those liberals?

you seem to lack imagination
these AI/neural networks will be able to improve upon themselves without input from humans. there is a clear difference between automation of agriculture or obsolescence of the ice man and self-contained systems designed to progress.
whoever owns these technologies will be the final victor of the earth. there will be nothing but a widening gap as the AI is deployed to fully placate the cattle masses, or possibly just kill them off.

Just watched this "IN-SHADOW: A Modern Odyssey". Sadly, I do not think we are reaching the end of the cycle of pain and suffering. I think the shadow will win this time. There are too many layers, too many bots and shills... too many masks. People are walking around in circles, chasing the carrot-on-a-stick, without confronting the source of their collective agony. Instead, they confront each-other while the elites become even more powerful.

Do I lack imagination?
Or do I merely look at history.
History says when new technology comes in, the nature of work changes.
That's why you can have so many people who's job it is to be youtube personalities, because we are so plentiful that we can have creating the most minor forms of entertainment as a viable job
No country is even close to 50% unemployment, and trends don't seem to point that way, even with advances in technology and AI

State of the art AI really just emulates what we call "thought" as a path taken in a sort of "eigen-thoughtspace" it is constrained to operate within.

Most of our decision-making is inspired by how we feel at a particular moment. AI, on the other hand, must have an arbitrary stimulus, and it doesn't always correspond to an "emotion" (e.g. let's start it with a few of John Williams' pieces and see what it comes up after training - you end up with a sort of weighted average of his work).

I'll admit there are some uncanny bots out in the wild, so time will tell. You'd have to be an idiot to maintain a conversation with one, though - they never stray from whatever narrative is prescribed.

somewhat related,
I've wondered what is closer truth for humanities future.
Mad Max or Star Trek?
silly shit, but....

so then what do you anticipate the nature of work changing TO?
the first industrial revolution was one of manual labor
this industrial revolution will be of mental labor

>I'll admit there are some uncanny bots out in the wild, so time will tell.
look at the various flash crashes in financial markets we've seen triggered by trading algorithms.
remember a few months ago when inputting random foreign syllables into google translate yielded responses sounding like an insane asylum patient trying to negotiate an escape?

Truth is neither.
Mad Max is pushed more by a Ehrlichian idea of a population bomb, human overexpansion and societal collapse. Ehrlich famously bet and lost on this notion, the example being if you are running out of copper for phone lines globally, humans adapt and make communication satellites instead and you're as well off as if you had an infinite supply of copper.
Star Trek is far off as well, but for different reasons. Money will always have a place. as long as people have desires and those desires have scarcity of goods, or requirement of someone else's labour, money will exist.

It's not clear. I don't think it's something we can comprehend. 100 years ago would humans be able to comprehend the idea of someone's job being a YouTube host? What about at the dawn of the industrial revolution?
I mean I could shoot in the dark, but really it won't be correct, because I know of how little we know of the future

Firstly. Prostitution will still be a thing, as will security of some kind even if the nature of it changes. There will be a role for social facing jobs, things like bartenders, we have had the technology to replace bartenders with vending machines for decades, people like the human touch.
There will still be jobs in the legal field, even if people use AIs for consultation, many people would like to have an expert by their side.
I suspect that data analysis or tour guide like jobs will exist. For the former, there will be heavy automation with AIs interpreting the data and showing patterns of what a million Google searches or satellite coverage of all of North Korea says, but there will always be a roll for humans, trying to interpret a new way of understanding the data, a new edge.
As for tour guides, there is a value placed on tailored information, so it could be someone who makes money doing a ghost tour through the streets of Boston, an audio track in a DC museum, or even some VR Art gallery, no matter the layers of abstraction the interest will be there

The reason I attached the chart about the rate of eating out is, there will be an adoption of things that used to be seen as very big luxuries, like going out to the theater or out to a restaurant, or something like that, and those will become a commonplace and new standard. Most anything you can think of as a luxury

Literally the best post of the night.

okay, but if you're referencing people who are gainfully employed as youtube hosts, i dont think youre including volume as a consideration.
the current number of people who want to work vs the future number of jobs that will exist in these niche roles will never be a balanced equation again.

first quote meant for

>Are your thoughts really yours, or are you just another product of social engineering by the Archons of society
i don't know. we're not very smart. most of us can process information and handle issues. but we're all human in the end, and we will act like humans do.

i worry that we're being ruled by selfish humans who don't have any idea of their frailties and will destroy our species because it sounded good at the time.

i seriously, real-life blackpill about this

No. I get what you're saying.
I'm just pointing at stuff I know will still be around. I do think there will be a population drop off, but it won't be bad, it's just a nature of demographic transition. This will continue until space exploration becomes viable, in which the value for human lives will expand massively and there will be a huge population spike.
Basically how the economy works now is a service economy, which means people providing services for other people who provide services, this is where you get the argument of immigrants bringing jobs into a community, as they spend the money they earn on services. The country isn't actually better off in this way, as none of this is production, it's all consumption. So it will be like the Luddite example, people will be poorer as their skills have less value, but the population will shrink, and the value of the highly skilled will make it so the common man is worth less by his labour, but lives a better life. There may finally be a change in the common knowledge about the virtues of a shrinking population as well.

There's another argument, not necessarily one I subscribe to but one I respect. Which is basically 1/10,000 people is 200 IQ or something, and those people can shape the world and have people below them shape their will, but these people have limited time and specialization, so by having more people we can have more bill gates in the world, who fix things like the Hotel industry through Airbnb, or the transportation industry through Uber, you can have a Bill Gates level intellect fix something as small as shipping palletes, which would be 9000 on Bill Gates priority list of what to do, but because we have all these people and 0.001% are Bill gates level intelligence, instead of having only One Bill, we have 70,000

If you replace bill gates with elites than I think this would fit in line with your thinking OP

>Why are many neo-nazi cucks
Beacuse they are idiots. Simple, im currently working on a project debunking white genocide conspiracy theories and amoung other things these idiits push online with click bait articles from breitbart to spread their hate and propaganda


lurk more newfag

Muh grand conspiracy narrative

You learn more conspiratard


Stop watching biased "journalistic" documentaries that promote overexagerated crap

Sure.. it's just a conspiracy theory. We've been living inside a box for 10000 years. The elites are are breeding us and feeding on us all, for many timelines. It's time to break the cycle. Their narratives only serve to create their perfect "controlled chaos", so they can steer the sheeple in the direction they want them to go. You think this is a conspiracy theory, but the evidence is all over the place. They use lies, fear, bribery and prejudice to turn us all against each-other. Even here on Sup Forums, it is clear that there is an effort by someone to control the narrative. Why do you think you see so many "white women like BBC", "'n-word' hate threads" and anti-unity bullshit? Someone (or something) is behind those posts, and they have a clear intent to make you sheeple hate each-other. Meanwhile, the apex predators of society (the elites) will keep feeding on your collective life force. It takes both hemispheres of the brain thinking together, to reach the truth. There's no reason, without humanity. They are breaking the spirit of society, and turning humans into soulless machines. We are all being poisoned (body, mind and spirit). This is not a conspiracy theory, but a simple observation of reality. Something is wrong in this world and the future look bleak for humanity. Again, maybe this is all meant to happen this way. Maybe, evolutionarily speaking, human qualities (compassion, empathy, intuition) are just not good enough. Maybe the elites are just that superior and there's nothing that can be done about it. Anyway, I'm only passing through here, so it doesn't really matter. All I know is that we must try to empower ourselves, not try to tear each-other down. Is it too late? If you don't want to help humanity resist the bamboozling, at least quit shilling for the masters of this system. Unless you're an elite yourself, freedom and happiness for all should be in your interest, because you're also stuck in here with us.