Everything is going well in Japan now

Thanks Abe

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If things were going well your children would be able to afford backyards.

>American glove puppet

Retards believe conspiracy theories

:D It's not a conspiracy. Your children truly will not afford to own backyards.

Nothing is "conspiracy" in a country where people believe the royal family is born from god.

Nothing is "truth" in a country where people believe petrol is daynurse.

When I went to your country I saw a public shooting.

All the best japanese girls are emigrating to Korea. Thanks Abe.

I never doubted Abe.

When I went to your country I thought I saw a bunch of dangerous animals, roaming the streets unsupervised, that should clearly be shot to keep their populations down.

Turns out it was just Australians.

I want to impregnate princess Kako with my strong Nordic seed.

The Japanese government has 55% stocks of the Japanese central bank.
Other stock holders have no voting rights. Anyone can buy and sell the stock in the open market.

The bank's policy is carried out by members that appointed by the Japanese government.
The minutes of the committee are published on the bank's website every time.

and then white people move to japan and ruin it

last I checked fertility rates are so low in Tokyo that adult diapers sell more than diapers for infants.

but it's going up. so it's ok.

>people believe the royal family is born from god.
it's western's propaganda. no japansese has believed the story.

I never went to yours, normal people don't function upside down.


cute Emperor desu


so JSDF, will Japan have an actual army soon or not? I read an article about Abe buying some high tech military planes a while back in some Arabic journal. Unless it's just private military complex business.

The (((media))) spreads FUD about the Japanese birth rates, but that's problem in literally every developed country (and even some of the top developing countries), with the exception of the US because too many hispanics and niggers. They want Japan to import rapefuges.

There are EU countries with lower rates, but the (((media))) doesn't talk about it anymore because of all the rapefuges.

Eventually Japan will hit equilibrium. As population shrinks, birth rate will rise again, as it's already happening.

Japan has the 1/3 of the US population living on an area smaller than California. This is unsustainable.