Why do many right-wingers assign a moral value to sexual activities?

Why do many right-wingers assign a moral value to sexual activities?

Because once you die God will judge you for your sins. I prefer God over degenerate sex any day.

Because morality can be ascribed to showing restraint. It is considered virtuous to have sex with only one partner. To mate for life.

Because they're virgins and mad at people who are getting some pussy.

>what is impulse control?
>what is deferred gratification?
>why are these things highly correlated with high trait orderliness and high IQs?

I guess we'll never know, OP. Complete mystery.

Sexual activities are important to society, and the form of society encourages different moral outcomes? It's a giant feedback loop.

Conservatives have a strong disgust reflex. Sexual depravity is a black mold that poisons the foundations of a civilization.

It is natural to be disgusted by homosexuality and trans and takes the full force of the jewish media and a decade or more of public reeducation to make people think it is normal.

because morality is very subjective and all of moral beliefs comes from religion

We get it; you're sexually frustrated.

Sexuality for the creation of moral families >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mindless animal rutting

Why do lefties act as though there is no connection between sex and emotions

Actually no. I am married and have three children, though with a new born my wife and I are too tired to have much sex right now.

Character attacks are a weak method of argumentation.

How long have you been curious about sex with men or transexuals?

Thousands of years of experience show that high civilization, of the kind that white people create, can only exist where the citizens' sexuality is controlled. Let me ask you this: Why don't we allow public nudity?

Because lefties are sociopaths

Jewish armchair psychologist

its called the bible read it

Because something something Jesus. Fuck religion.

shill thread

I didn't ask what your religion or job was. You ok?

Morality also means beating your wife

And consuming the most porn. Oh, American South...


Because right wingers have an innate biological moral compass, and understand that sex has the purpose of reproduction, and when used for other purposes, is destructive to society by ruining pair bonding and spreading STDs. White people are meant to marry, and the data shows the healthiest marriages ate between virgins.

Is low impulse control correlated with low iq? My mate got cucked by a girl who was into drugs and had zero impulse control.

Always felt like she was a tard

But sex also feels amazing. Why do you see a society that embraces humanity to be destructive to itself?

Sex is the key to life.

Any time one perverts life it evokes disgust and hatred.

fuck off faggot

>convinces white people that sex is immoral and don't do it unless reproducing

>wonders why white people are being outbred by everyone else

Sex exists, and has always existed, as a means of creating offspring and bonding to create a connection under which children can be raised. What humans have done is appropriated this mechanism, stripping it from its actual purpose and instead using it as a free pleasure machine.

There are parts of the brain that activate when good stuff happens, it's how your body tells you "you're on the right track, mate" like when you finish a project, or receive a complement, or eat something or shoot your load into a woman.

The point is that you get rewarded for doing something that benefits you, but when you exploit this mechanism to make you feel good without actually satisfying the intended benefit, things get bad.

The modern (and they are largely modern) introductions of sexual liberation, abundance of food, and instant access to entertainment have huge downsides, they allow people to satisfy urges (that should compel them to struggle and grow and create) instantly and with minimal effort expended. Why would I settle down with someone when I could just fuck a new stud every night, why should I eat in moderation when food tastes so good? Why get together and play sports/have adventures when I can sate my desire for newness with the push of a button?

Of course this seemingly limitless faucet of pleasure won't actually provide satisfaction, the brain knows that it's faking itself out, and when the mist of dopamine wears away the person realizes that they have accomplished nothing in any scale. The hit gets softer every time as well, and people are driven down a rabbit hole of gradual excess, MORE flashy entertainment, MORE sugar in my food, MORE kinky morally questionable fetishes.

The choice to indulge in these conveniences (a large section of which are sexual in nature) or to respect moderation is absolutely a moral choice, arguably one of the most important ones one can make in the context of their own life, and that of wider society.

nihilism also makes people deeply depressed, why do you think that Republicans are always happier than Democrats according to pew research centre?

>wife doesn't wanna fuck u anymore "too tired"
Typical cuck situation. lol leaf lol

My woman will fuck me anytime, anywhere except if period.

Coz non-reproductive sex causes population explosions, amirite?

lefties are way too preoccupied with sex to even think coherently.

Yeh, no one's more fixated with sex than a leftie

White people had a much higher birth rate when sex outside of marriage was taboo. Why do conservative whites have higher births than liberal whites?

because oxytocin bonding is a thing and it stops working if you ride the cock carousel. gee i wonder why they dont teach that basic biology in the indoctrination centers (schools)

You mean like this?

are you new to the world? Humans do this to everything, thats why civilization exists. We take natures 'mechanisms' and turn it into something easy to consume without any reflection on what the mechanism originaly did.
Do you drink milk?

The only thing we need to remember is that nature has no values, its pragmatic, you can say 'original mechanism' but you can't say 'supposed to do' because nature dose not make things in ways 'its supposed to be' its just survival of the fittest.
ouer moral judgments are meaningless. But i do agree with the catigorization of mechanism as to their effects

its just a mistake to confuse effects and 'purpose'

Because liberal whites become conservative whites after they have kids

>all the hooker adds that say "no black guys"
it;s not racism for them, it's survival

What a sagacious post


Put the fag flag back on

negrophobia = survival

Because in this age , women are able to choose whom they fuck, hence they control the inherent value of pussy. If they send their pussy bucks left and right their value is greatly lost along with their mental health so the right wingers whom usually treasure order, brotherhood, power and family are tend to see the act of extensive casual sex with shittons of partners to be degenerate. Also its not us that assign the moral value, it is the women who sais “sex doesnt have a moral value”. This created a roastie culture of inexperienced lovers and wives whom can’t support their family for shit. You can see why right wingers are mad about the sexual revolution,m.

Slide thread

How long have you considered offing yourself? Obviously not long enough.

Due to the fact that lesbians reproducing without the active participation of a Male will lead to men being an underclass. Fear feminist women men. Never donate sperm unless you do the injecting. Lesbianism and feminism are a threat to the very soul of what it means to be human.

They are a difference species. Stamp them out before it is too late. They are not even human anymore.

>larping this hard ITT

y'all are pathetic, the most sexually degenerate are right wing since leftists don't really get laid,

well the only way to get sympathy for a cause like that is not to activly wish to make other people groups underclasses.

Good luck white males with convincing other people of this considering the whole white male group has a huge image problem.

>why are normal people surviving?

My college was pretty liberal and full of sex. So...?

sage this degenerate drivel

I can drink milk because my race evolved to over a long time.

Humans were hunter gatherers in small communities with little novelties/luxuries for tens of thousands of years, modern civilization has sprung up in a comparatively tiny spot of time, it's to be expected that humans have a sort of whiplash being plunged into a society that was tailored to their urges and conveniences, rather than having their instincts tailored to their society.

Looking at how things are "supposed to be" naturally is not naive when your body and reptile brain are the very interface you use to experience your own existence. It's not like sexual liberation is conducive to success in a "survival of the fittest" system, since it causes fertility rates to decline.

you misunderstood the point, its essentialy a combination of fallacies, naturalistic fallacy, the is/ought problem ect.

the evolution of drinking milk isn't the point as the act of drinking milk is essentialy what your original point was agains't. The mechanism of milk so to feed baby cows.
If your going to change your whole argument as to be about survival, sex is as much about bonding (survival of the group) as its about reproduction. Look up how the other apes do it.

Im all for the categorization of mechanism acroding to their effects, but calling it 'purpose' is to commit a fallacy.

Just wanted to say that sexual liberation probably leads to more selective reproduction and therefore it strengthens the concept of the "survival of the fittest". What right-wingers seem to want is a form of sexual socialism, where they are guaranteed a sweet, faithful wife and 3 beautiful children. But as we all know socialism is inefficient. In the liberated sexual market, the undesirable males will not pass on their genes and the next generation will be better off for that.

>there's nothing wrong with promiscuity, whitey

>scroll up
>see this
What do?

Because some sexual activities harm you in the long run.

>Is low impulse control correlated with low iq?

Are you Katy Perry? "is math related to science?"

This, or they're useful idiots who don't think or feel a thing at all.

Because fucking kids hurts them, you dumb faggot.

Anal sex is inherently disgusting. You don’t doot where you poop user.

Why are (((libertarians))) a bunch of cuckolds who think race and gender doesn’t exist ?

Promuscuity is bad insofar as it atomizes the social fabric and impacts on child rearing practices

Hot liberal women have sex with hot low IQ bad boys outside of the university.

Liberal men only get to have sex with fat women, or very annoying sex with insane women.