If you had to choose, which would you prefer?

If you had to choose, which would you prefer?

A. Your daughter dates a creepy old white man.
B. Your daughter marries a respectable black man.

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Black, when he kills her and ends up in prison I forget that mistake of having a daughter.

tuff one
respectable black man

Maaaan that's why I love Austromutts shit-posts

>respectable black man.
you'd have to find one first...

based amerimutt

I aspire to grow up to be a dirty old man one day.

So age of consent permitting, I'm going old man.
At least if he kicks off, she collects the insurance and I don't have to take care of the cunt anymore.

their are billions of them

Fucking this

>If you had to choose, which would you prefer?A. Your daughter dates a creepy old white man.B. Your daughter marries a respectable black man.

You're muslim you should know, just honor kill her.

>respectable or men

White, who cares if she gets raped if she gives me white grandkids


It would depend on the individual - Trump is a creepy old white man .

The white creep ofc.I don't want mongrel grandchildren.

Neither because my daughter would have been brought up in a respectable home and taught values through example

Respectable black man so I can grieve her properly.


we all know old women genetics isnt good for breeding. to a lesse extent the same is true for men. if you want strong grandchildren you're not going to get it from a 70 year old man. the sperm doesnt need to be from a young man, but older then 50 and i'd start looking into it.

but blacks aren't human

Kys slide thread manufacturer
A wise sage I am

that being said if the choice is old white man or black man i'd go with black because i am black. but if i was white i dunno, gotta bring up them white birth rates honkeys come on.

>Teehee so funny
>Oh look they made it about race again

Everything gotta be about race wid dem Der negroes

>Half and half
And they look more black than brown. Someone kill that bitch

>you had to choose
no I don't

Fuck is this shit? Delete this.

Weird reddit style question, anyways, the old white man.

I'm not a degenerate, so my daughter wouldn't be fucking around with niggers or pedophiles.

A. Old man. He'll be dead sooner and she can inherit his wealth - which used to be the normal way things worked until recently.
With a nigger, the risk of her being murdered, the children having an IQ haircut, and th children having behavioural/ identity issues are much higher.
The sensible choice is to prefer one of our own.
Lets face, that old white guys could be you one day; would you not bang a 15 year old and have children in old age? 15 is legal in many white countries.

I'd choose B but only if he's a Thomas Sowell or Dr. Ben Carson tier respectable black man and a christian.

It isn't tough for you cuck; you chose nigger as there might be a chance your wife could get blacked while you watch. Fucking faggot cuck beta Germans, you disgust me.

>black man

old white guy
hope he leaves her some money

this place i swear to god

>Age of father doesnt influence quality of offspring, race of father however does greatly
>Old man who is still attractive for young women is a man of decent quality
>Old man will soon kick the bucket and daughter inherits all his stuff
Isnt choice obvious?

are you seriously asking?
get it together germany ffs

>respectable black man
Might as well ask if I want her to marry a unicorn.

And yet here we are. You being from a respectable home, posting on Sup Forums, hating people you don't even know.

In America many states have no minimum age for marriage

That's very witty

>Safe Space

God damn, you savage nigga

if the old white creep doesn't bite it in 3 years i can just kick him down the stairs
a black kid is forever

year old man
Traditional values
Capable of support
Wisdom knows what he wants and how to achieve it if he hasn't already.
>Numale Soy Boy
I'll do whatever you want
As soon as I pay off muh gorrilian dollar student loan.
Not wise at all doesn't own shit, probably trying to hook up with dirty old mans ex roastie.

Creepy white guy for sure. I don't want no mutt grandchildren.

>implying I would ever allow this to happen
A or B I'd just kill them both.

someone post the collage

>A. Your daughter dates a creepy old white man.
>B. Your daughter marries a nigger.

Fixed it for you.

I go with A.

This is why Europe is lost full of cucks

Most epic Larp troll in history. Look at the cunts faces. My sides just got shot down over the Pacific by NORAD.

old geezer
shoot him with a heart attack gun and have her inherit stuff

I'd never let any daughter of mine be a slut. I arrange their matches soon after they're born, so they know the man who will be their husband her whole life.

>In America many states have no minimum age for marriage
You still need parental consent below some age (15 or 16).

lol that pic is from a campaign against child marriage in Islamic countries

white man


Wtf is going on here? How the fuck does this even happen??????

>meanwhile in the united states of mutts


I concur.
It's creepy, but at least you won't have half-breeds in the family.

Indeed. The further irony being that this campaign was needed for America

C. I'll put a bullet in her head myself.

Top kek this meme isnt ever going away is it?
Amerimutts should just accept their brazil status.

If it is really a respectable black man, obviously B.
And of course I would prefer even more if she found a respectable white man.

It depends if the old white guy actually has some credentials. If he's successful and actually wants to take your roastie daughter off your hands and pay for her, then maybe. If he's an ugly poor creep who brainwashes kids then fuck no, I'd kill him and make my daughter eat his face at gunpoint as punishment. The truth is though, any (((white man))) who does this is probably not white

Letting your daughter get her life ruined by a nigger is not an option though, and you'll just end up paying go for the nigglet out of your own pocket.

Its not a meme thats the sad truth of it

okay, i have to correct myself
the campaign wasn't against child marriage in Islamic countries
it was against shitskin immigrants continuing their shitskin customs while in America

White man 100%. Old white men are the kindest people I've ever known. Old black men aren't so bad either. "Creepy" is a stupid metric; tons of idiots have been brainwashed to find white men creepy.

>it was against shitskin immigrants continuing their shitskin customs

Not knowing where the child marriages in America are derived from and by whom for whom.

Nice try Puskas user.

A respectable black man, what does it matter the colour of his skin

This is telling. Her biggest accomplishment in life is fucking a black dude and she's just soooo proud of it that it consumes everything she does.

America is better than Brazil, but basically yes. There are white/european people here though, just like in Brazil

How is pakistan surprised about child marriage?

It's funny their whole world revolves around it. Probably because they know they can't go back

It was annoying at first but the "Criatura de la noche" add-on's are funny


That depends: is the black man respectable because of his affirmative action points?

I'd rather see a 75 yr old white man with 14 year old white girl than a 19 yr old black dude with an 18 yes old white girl.

Any white man saying different should be thrown off a cliff.

how a respectable old white man?
I'm white, my kid, I'll decide what the fuckin choices are, motherfucker.

A legit hard choice. I guess I'd go with white man since his shit genes are easier to breed out. Still shit.

I'm a 45 year old proud father of 2 girls, one of them 16 the other 13. Both have already brought home a BASED black guy, and I'm proud that it's not some white liberal soy boy. Black men are based, my wife has many black friends that all supported our president Donald Trump. As a white Christian man I am honored to pay for the betterment of the black community, especially since they are so based. I even got a Kekistan T-shirt for my future son in law's birthday! KEK! Shadilay!

Old white man, both ways you are gonna end up taking care of the baby and Id rather have the baby that looks more socially acceptable.

C. Don't have a daughter.

rat faced kids


Anybody but the FAT SLOBS posting shit to take attention away from Obama Crimes Against Humanity.

Reddit got rid of them.

I chose to give her the back of my hand, fuck that bitch is going to dare and try to DISOBEY ME??

creepy old white man
> awooo this is sad

nah, we just don't have many (problematic) blacks here, so people prefer them
our probelm is ahmed and his brown brothers

Why did you stew her hat? Fucking krauts...


Obviously A since she's a gold digger and the baby will be white but most likely have autism.

I'll guess... she's British.

find myself agreeing with a kike,
god damn it schlomo

He's from New Zealand.

C: Put her in the nunnery

>le creepy wit mens you want womin to fuk nigur?

These threads are even subtle about it anymore.


A. regression toward the mean is a thing.

If you had to choose between either of those the first thing you should do is kill yourself for being such a shitty father that either of those scenarios occurred.

c. dead daughter