'This is a whole new level of gross': Customer snaps photos of delivery men pushing slabs of raw...

>'This is a whole new level of gross': Customer snaps photos of delivery men pushing slabs of raw, uncovered meat into a supermarket in carts
>Two men pushing Costco carts full of butchered meat were photographed
>Carts were pushed through the front door of store, alongside customers
>San Jose, CA woman posted pictures on social media, writing 'this is a whole new level of gross'
>The store is 'taking the necessary steps to resolve this issue', discarding the meat and opening an investigation
>Health Department confirmed it is investigating the grocery cart delivery


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Muslims selling goat meat after they’re through fucking it.

I't happens, rarelly, but happens, the back entrance is blocked and you have to deliver goods from the front, it only happens due to bad management, and even then, the people involved have the common sence of covering it up or putting it in bags to avoid bad PR and flies.

> San Jose, Ca.

The Mexicans up there are gonna eat it, anyway.

>meat hangs in a warehouse uncovered for days
>meat hangs in a smaller warehouse uncovered for days
no one cares
>meat gets wheeled in uncovered in a shopping cart

I hope they don't discard it, it'll take that home. There's nothing wrong with it.

People really have no idea how dirty their food is, and theres nothing wrong with that.

The FDA allows bugs, worms, rat hair/feces and all sorts of stuff slide right through, as long as it's not in large quantities.

very true, unfortuantley many people don't think this way

still, unpackaged meat?
I don't mind it being uncovered if its in a fucking freezer

Since the meat will inevitably be cooked who cares? I do think it’s gross that the carts themselves are now contaminated with bacteria from the raw food and hope they were thoroughly de-contaminated.

BASED Orientals, amirite?

>someone spits in the meat
>nothing happens
>someone drops a small bolt into the meat
>small sections of the plant are isolated and the meat isn't allowed out until the bolt is found
>livestock has a massive abcess
>workers just cut around the abcess

>I don't mind it being uncovered if its in a fucking freezer
it's going from the refrigerated truck to the refrigerated meat section, fucking five minutes sans chill TOPS.

what's wrong here exactly? why are they complaining?

Too many non-whites, fighting among themselves. They all need to go back.

Black hair, black eyes, dark skin.
Deport, deport, deport!

>i know nothing of bacteria growth
thanks for letting us know

You sure it wasnt just your average american making a sandwich?

There's bacteria everywhere. You're suppose to clean it yourself. Buy it take it home and wash it with salt and cook it to kill bacteria.

That's why you cook the meat, you mongoloid. Keep it frozen until you dethaw and cook it.

Do you also complain that you get sick from eating your chicken steaks rare?

you might kill the bacteria, but the toxins some bacteria creates does not disappear with salt and/or heat

therefor a store should not sell food which are contaminated with too much bacteria

fucking normal. when I used to work in Venezuela in the 90s they'd drop meat off at the steak houses caked in dirt from being butchered and thrown in the bed of a pick up. best beef on earth though.

It looks like pork... that’s probably the problem

If a big chunk of meat like that is unrefrigerated for only 5 minutes, it's not going to reach the temperature for bacteria growth.

if some customer sneezes on it, it will

thats why you dont bring it in the front entrance when theres customers around

It's not halal, we get it Muhammad

America becoming 3rd world right in front of their eyes.

Import the 3rd world, become the 3rd world. Is virtue signalling over these savages really worth it?

California confirmed North Mexico.

>5 minutes

I don't think you know how Walmart works. I've seen refrigerated pallets dropped outside when there is no path to the freezer.

A drop of saliva on it for a few minutes isn't going to do anything either.

I was referring to the other posts above.


depends, if a person has a sore throat it will be enough. or if they have norovirus in their bodies, you only need a few living specimens to get infected

Fucking Amerifats. If your meat isn't in frozen patty form from a huge factory it's "a whole new level of gross".

That's not a Costco.


This is the kind of shit I use to see in Portugal in the 80s.

>negro handling your food
even worse

Fair enough if it gets something like norovirus on it, but supermarket meat regularly gets a hell of a lot worse than someone just coughing on it.

Ay, cayate puto. I've been down to Mexico before and the nasty shit your butchers do with meat is the very reason I'm glad we at least have modern refrigeration.

I guess when you're used to eating meat that's been sitting out in the sun all day chopped up with a rusty machete you start to think it's normal.

>still, unpackaged meat?
... it's going to the butchery, why would it ever be packaged?

>supermarket meat regularly gets a hell of a lot worse than someone just coughing on it.

it doesn't, because most of the time the meat is packaged or at least wrapped in plastic film, to protect it from harmful microorganisms


EVERYTHING is covered in bacteria. The surface of raw meat is going to be covered in bacteria no matter what you do.

Ever seen the meat prep room at a grocery store? It sits uncovered while it's being cut. It just sits uncovered on racks while waiting to be packaged. People are breathing right near it. The workers aren't even required to wear gloves by the health department. It's RAW MEAT. Take it home and cook it. It's fine.

>I only eat a pigs buttcheeks if they are treated like treasure

>thinking wrapped and packaged pallets of frozen foods are susceptible to bacteria instantly upon leaving cold

This. It probably spent all of a minute and a half between the refrigerated delivery truck and the store coolers. Just don't let the meat warm up for too long and it will stay safe.

>5 half pigs
that's a lot of perfectly good chops, bacon, and rinds. and you can hit people with the trotters

>I do think it’s gross that the carts themselves are now contaminated with bacteria from the raw food
The carts probably have plenty of bacteria on them to begin with. Still doesn't matter.



>cook meat with ~5 minute exposure to cart bacteria
>harmful bacteria dies

looks like me leaving costco

I don't know that shitty conditions you have in the US but if customers are allowed to breath and/or touch the meat before it is packaged you're literally third-world country tier.

and plastic gloves is not cleaner than clean hands, and might actually be worse because you cant feel if your hand are sticky/dirty with gloves on

and if bacteria on the meat creates toxins it will not get removed/killed by heat

That's not a Costco. People who shop at these dirty independent markets know what they're getting.

Imagine having to kill it and skin it on naked grass. Then eat it off of nasty branches that have been stuck in a wild fire.
Clutching my pearls

the employees breath as they're packaging it

Costco imports shitskins to your local community.
I've never seen a single fucking nigger or mudshit in my town until they showed up and now it looks like Portland.

you're assuming the shoping cart is cleaned before use.

>sterile gloves are never cleaner than hands
whew, ahmed.

that is not a problem unless the employee is sick, and if you're sick you should not be handling food anyways

Honestly how do you know its not to play devil's advocate. They're using carts to push meat into a supermarket. Smaller operations may have just taken/purchased these carts specifically for this reason. You can buy carts for literally nothing and they stack efficiently.

Can you not get out of this thread please? People are trying to overreact and could well do without your reasoned responses.

BTW triple 'o'

No he isn't. There's nothing wrong with bacteria on food surfaces. Just refrigerate that shit so they don't multiply too fast, then cook your meat

there's more bacteria on Mohammad's dick in the average swede's mouth

you know, the kind your mom kisses you with

I mean what do you expect? Liberals can’t have it both ways, if you want the hits world to move in expect your country to become the third world.

>gloves stay sterile for the entirety i wear them
if they change gloves every five minutes i guess its fine, but they don't. most of the time the only thing gloves leads to is the people handling food wash their hand less because they think that having gloves on automatically makes the bacteria dissapear

People don't like to think about where their food comes from.

>hands stay sterile for the entirety of forever after I wash them once
this logic

Ya, they usually put it in cardboard boxes.

>meat is formed as a sterile cut under a shiny plastic wrapper
You're American-tier

He's saying you can keep washing your hands when they become contaminated. It's basically an unlimited cycle. You could also burn through gloves rapidly, but he's saying a lot of workers won't do that. He's speaking in plain English. You shouldn't be having such a hard time understanding him.

the gloves themselves don't kill bacteria, therefor you need to change gloves every time you would normally wash your hands. if people actually did this it wouldn't be a problem but most people handling food do not, they think that the gloves are somehow immune from bacteria and they therefor never change gloves OR wash their hand

Unattended, out back, in summer, while the unloaders took lunch. I have no doubt it would have ended up on the shelf to avoid trouble.

We also fired one of the food stockers for pulling pallets out of the freezer and leaving it for hours while working on other stuff, I found out later he had been caught twice before.

Read the article, the company stole the carts from the Costco across the street to wheel the meat into the Rancho 99 market. Rancho 99 markets are like stepping into China, it's 99.9% Asian and .1% white person looking for sriracha

Is everyone in here fucking retarded. The gross thing about this is the shopping cart. Those are fucking disgusting

fucking people...nothing wrong with this at all..what a bunch of snowflakes

You need to follow the trail up to see why he said that. Clue he didn't mean that, he was using his opponents failed logic against him by holding up a mirror.

I love these hypothetical situations you come up with. If you're gonna lie, don't lie about working at wal-mart lmao.
>Things dont work properly when you use them improperly
Pretty sure if a person doesn't understand the point of gloves and how to use them they wouldn't understand the point of washing their hands in the first place. Non argument.

>The US is now Mexico

This. Fucking pussy world we're living in. I'll gladly ease them off that "tainted" meat.

>store does something obviously disgusting and unprofessional
>Sup Forums to the rescue of that poor business!!!1
You contrarian fucks.

You're joking but holy fuck I would.
>tfw tiny shitty barbeque and can't cook a whole half a pig

>absolutely barbaric. It needs to be like my video games where i kill a livestock and its loot inventory gives me like 70 neat little packages

Fucking stop

There wasn't any failed logic. The Swedish guy is clear from the get go. The argument is misinterpreted [possibly deliberately?] to try to turn it back around him.

He was saying gloves are changed less often than people wash their hands and that was the basis for his argument. I don't know if he is right about that, I don't really even care, but that is what he was saying.

This. It's a million times cleaner then that shit hole country they came from. If you hire mexicnas in the USA this is what you get a Shithole country.

the thing is that clean hands and new gloves have the same amount of bacteria on it, the gloves themselves do not hinder bacteria growth

this means that washing your hands every half hour is exactly as clean as changing gloves every half hour.

Yeah... don't shop at ICA tomorrow...

Who gives a fuck lmao as long as it isn't processed or minced meat it'll be fine if it's just for a short amount of time.


Can you stop being an insufferable faggot

underage b&

>eats meat
>is disgusted when he figures out where it comes from

>Inb4 Vegan's try to become the coolest monkeys in Costco

> B-but muh toxins!!!

that's not bacteria, that's goat semen

This implies that people take care of themselves properly, which in this example of someone not knowing how gloves should be used is giving too much credit. Things under fingernails, open cuts, hair on hands all lead to more bacteria. Do you really think some idiot who would wear his gloves for 3 hours straight is better off being trusted to keep their hygeine in check? Doctors wash their hands, then put on gloves, why do you think they don't just stop at washing their hands if it's such a perfect method? You need to do both. Somalian average iq of 65 in action.

This. I'd rather Pedro uses gloves than his actual hands.

Doesn't matter as long as you cook it thoroughly. Although, preferably it's been in a freezer since it's been cut from the animal. If it's out at room temperature for too long, that's when even cooking it doesn't get the toxins and bacterial waste out of it. I'd imagine that it was properly refrigerated most of the time. The only gross thing is that it got sat into a dirty ass shopping cart.

Doesn't really matter though when you cook it, so long as it's been in a frigid environment after it's been harvested.

>lying on a Chinese water polo board

Corporate creates these situations by controlling budget, and local stores eat the cost of mistakes made. Theft, claims, accidents, everything. Not that it matters too much to the workers, bonuses are smaller the lower on the totem you are.

>reddit spacing

t. Jeff Bezos

>Black Mezo
There's a reason I moved to the heartland. Spics are some of the dirtiest fuckers out there. You think niggers are bad but mexicans are a whole new level of dirty. Mix the two and its a walking pile of dirt.

I can guarantee that every single supermarket in the world, yes even in Sweden with
the "muh superior health standards"-faggotry, does things far worse to meat than pushing it around in cart for some minutes.

It's typical for the times to be absolutely buttblasted about having to see raw meat once in a while.