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this can be spun to our advantage.

>OMG BBC STILL thinks women aren't good enough for a raise

>reducing the salary of male journalists instead of raising the salary of female journalists

This is exactly why leftism is cancer. Leftys don't want to raise people they feel are oppressed up to a better level instead they want everyone dragged down and oppressed equally

I knew this would happen.
>Ok, we'll pay men less.
Same thing happened to insurances.

The male workers at the BBC should organize some sort of exodus or strike for this blatant sexism.

serves them right

The (((Anglosphere)))

even disregarding the anti male aspect of it, this is symptomatic
>hey look there's a gap here
>let's just make everyone earn less
only in britbongland you'd see that, everywhere else they'd have raised the lower salaries

The neocons that rule our country are no different OP. All Trotskiites.

>Leftys don't want to raise people they feel are oppressed up to

the BBC is a corporation bruh, chartered by the state to generate profit for its shareholders, this is capitalism in action

>lower men's wages
>hire more women

>Jew York Times wants to get rid of any somewhat qualifed reporters left
I certainly don't oppose this.

This is exactly the outcome they have been truly shilling for since day one. At least in America equal pay for equal work is federally required and any employer actually breaking this law will be done for. They purposely ignore all the counter arguments and revelations of their misleading stats because all they fucking care about is receiving GIBS from the white man. Every fucking time. Debate is essentially pointless because these people aren't actually trying to fight for anything noble or create a fair society. They're just using the good character and moral consistency of whites to get free stuff. FUCK OFF. Try this shit in America I fucking dare you, you will be smacked down in the court of law instantly. England please do something, they're fucking you over and not even trying. I'm not even trying to be all "XDDD fug u bong muhammed" I honestly wish you guys could change for the better and thrive.

>BBC is a corporation
Except it's not. It's wholly owned by the government and funded through """""TV license""""", which is in essence a tax.

They should all quit and start their own newspaper.

>the BBC is reducing the salaries of some of its male journalists

I know for a fact such a thing would be illegal in Finland and probably according to EU charter too..

They are literally retarded aren't they? Its not malice after all

They're just too fucking stupid to survive

>the BBC is a corporation bruh, chartered by the state to generate profit for its shareholders, this is capitalism in action

You can't unilaterally lower peoples pay based on their gender

women are paid more for less work

>reduces salaries of the men.
Why even try to be better than the rest when your pay would be the same as them?

The BBC is the biggest cuck network in the world.
The fact that this shit surprises you idiots is what amazes me.

I thought these cucks volunteered to get their wages lowered? That’s why it’s not discrimination.

>literally using the pay gap as an excuse to pay less to their employees

you can't make this shit up


>numales bitch about women getting paid less

>Ok, let's cut the pay of the numales


Typical Jewry in action. Nothing new under the sun.

Fuckin disgusting geldings.


It's more like to distract from the fact they are massively over paid by people who see tax payers money as no more than baked beans to be thrown around.

>a lot less than £600,000

That poor man. How will he be able to afford his expensive wine and foie gras.

nick robinson is a jew

yea that's exactly why we're against it

There’s your 6 sex offenders right there.
Well at least the very few who work at the BBC who target adult age women.

Kahlo and her husband were flthy degenerate communists. May wears one on her wrist?

Thats exactly what socialism/Marxism is.

Imagine working hard for multiple years in the same position just to have your pay cut

Harrison Bergeron is so fucking uncanny it's not even funny. Even the name of the Handicapper Generals, Diana Moon Glampers, is the kind of name you'd expect one of these far-lefties to use.

BBC=Benign British Cucks

burn baby burn


No. Payback would be cutting the salary of anyone who does a trainwreck interview.

oh man if i worked there id sue the SHIT out of then

Channel 4 isn't the BBC if you are referring to the hilarious JP vs C4 interview.

kahlo is a whore for the commies and liberals. her art is shit and she couldn't finished the paitings because is was a lazy fuck.

Those men will go to other companies and get paid what they're worth

fpbp wtf meme this shit right MEOW

Holy shit. Communism. Real-time.

So when the women get pregnant, and disappear for 3 months, the men are still going to get paid the same?

But he was also interviewed by the Beeb He cried and all.
Nice digits btw

>hr is all bitches
>hire pidgin speakers from deepest niggerstain
>cut male salary
Absolute state of the UK

Retarded nigger, you wouldn't know capitalism if it gave you a job and a dad.

holy shit that list. fuck this gay earth


>be Sweden
>give a male footballer a car for his service at retirement
>female footballer gets shit at retirement
>ask Zlatan what he thinks about this
>"The women can get a bike with my signature on it"
True story

make it happen

Can't the bongs just organize a para military force and overthrow these shoddy baton waving and pepper spraying loser "cops"?

>May wears one on her wrist?
Like she knows, or cares that she was a commie. All that matters is
>muh pussy power
shit's disgusting and her art work is fucking horrible regardless

Zlatan is a swell dude.

>Can't the bongs just organize a para military force
user they don't even have knives anymore, even us up north can buy guns (even if they are over priced)

That's a lawsuit.


OI, the cleaning LADIES aren't paid as much as the MALE reporters/editors/directors?


>reduces male salaries
>women don't get paid more

Corporations are all pushing leftism because leftists are so easy to market too. Leftists are celebrating everyone getting paid less.

i hope the men sue and get more than they would otherwise,

It will come out of the tax payers pockets if they do

Leaving journalism sounds like a brilliant idea doesn't it?

Bold move for a country that has been in steady decline for centuries.

It won't be long now.


So you're saying that Peterson is responsible for neutralizing the gender gap?

If someone on ABC fucked up, would you expect NBC to lower it's employee's wages? That is what you're asking, Jordan Peterson did not appear on the BBC.

He did and interview on radio 5 live, its actually decent except the asian guy complaining about racism laws

source on that list?

Competence hierarchies are cancer to Marxists.

It just so happens the men are more competent because they had to work harder than women

If their salary is being reduced then they should start searching for another job. Those journalists will go where they're paid what theyre worth. If they aren't worth that as employees anyway then BBC was just over paying and bad at business.

This is all an excuse to dress up that the BBC is cutting salaries because of financial reasons. They frame it in a social justice way when in reality it's about being in a bind financially

>chartered by the state

Thats not capitalist. It isn't allowed to fail.

If those male journalists all jump ship to another company that does pay them what theyre worth then that is capitalism in action

>Steve Israel

>Leftys don't want to raise people they feel are oppressed up
sure they do. specially when the "oppressed" includes themselves.
like that one university that gave raises to all female staff,