Why does Hiroe think Americans act like this?

Why does Hiroe think Americans act like this?

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>eastern american english

this reminds me of all the hubbub in ontario with that canadian vs chinese language video

English motherfucker, do you speak it

Did he mean she sounds like she's a New Yorker or from Jersey?

Because they do?

If i was sexually attracted to Revy in any way i might actually have picked up Black Lagon now that it's back.

They do my boi, never heard that stupid frase "speak american"?

It's a good thing I am sexually attracted to Revy then, so I can enjoy it.

She is from NY

We do

He should drawing Black Lagoon and make more hentai stuff again..

Because they do.
>go to foreign country
>ignore the customs and insult the natives
American goes to Germany

For a story set in Thailand, why aren't any Thai nationals big players in Roanapur's underworld?

>eastern american english
literally what

Fuck I just imagined her with a Rhode Island accent

Please don't bully us.

i live on the east coast myself. its just that i never heard an anyone here say "i speak eastern american english" they either say english or american. i've never heard any american in general say "oh i only speak western american english" or "i only speak southern american english".

dont forgot there is now """AAVE aka ebonics

supposedly a legit dialect

I only speak Texas English, fuck off with your liberal butchering of our language

We do though. Fuck, I do it all the time now at my shitty Walmart job.

It used to not bother me but now I get triggered every time some Latina/Mexican comes up to my register and manages to display that although she lives in this country she doesn't speak a lick of goddamn English,only Spanish. AND I JUST

>I get triggered every time some Latina/Mexican comes up to my register and manages to display that although she lives in this country she doesn't speak a lick of goddamn English,only Spanish

Is this a Black Lagoon linguistics thread? Fun fact that a lot of people seem to miss: Revy saying that Feng is speaking Cantonese is funny because she's actually speaking Mandarin.

>revy being a dumbass
color me surprised

Written Chinese doesn't distinguish between different pronounciations.

Conservation of ninjutsu. There's too many of them, therefore they all suck.

Feng is from a Mandarin speaking part of China, and some user in another thread confirmed my suspicion by pointing out that Cantonese doesn't use one of the Hanzi in the text bubble.

>Used to think Chinese was the worst spoken language in the world
>Find out there's actually Mandarin and Cantonese
>Cantonese is somehow worse.

I take it you've never heard Thai

Wasnt she from detroit?

we are literally all like this. i don't think anyone in the US even watches subbed anime. we only watched dubbed

Nope, I think she even has ties to real life crime in Chinatown NY

Don't bring up dubs in a Black Lagoon thread, I don't want to have to argue about how shit the dub is.

that's never been used unironically. it's phrase by the way.

If someone started babbling in Spanish to me, that's exactly how I'd act, so the author is pretty spot-on. I'd probably get pissed off and demand they speak English or go away. If I go to Japan, I won't expect anyone to speak English to me; that would be nice, but I'd expect them to speak to me in Japanese. If someone comes to the US, I expect them to speak fucking English.

Isn't this a mistranslation? From the translation in my volume it seems like Revy is reffering to the eastern chinese dialect not american english

But Black Lagoon takes place in Thailand

Isn't that basically a province of China?

You're thinking Taiwan

Cantonese sounds so much better than Mandarin. Why can't it take over all China?

>not being bilingual
sucks to suck

I think she meant New England English.


cantonese and mandarin are such ugly languages. like a fucking drill to the head.

USA doesn't even an official language.

>USA doesn't even an official language

I am bi-lingual. I speak English and Japanese.

Don't give me that bullshit. It might not be official on the lawbooks, but everyone knows the US is for English speakers. Just because we don't discriminate doesn't mean it's OK for some smelly bastards from the lower continent to come up here polluting our nation with their filthspeak.

>Just because we don't discriminate doesn't mean it's OK for some smelly bastards from the lower continent to come up here polluting our nation with their filthspeak.

Think of it as a dialect like japan as Osaka
no region of origin except the ghetto

Most states do though, and most of them don't include Spanish

"new yorker" or "east coast" accent is the descriptor I've heard and used. Unless it's pegged to a city like Boston.

That's just simplified v traditional characters.

spic detected

Most Americans are dumbasses. I don't understand how you could go through both middle school and high school without knowing the basics of whatever language you picked to learn whether it be French/Italian/Spanish which are the main three taught. It just reeks of laziness.

Build my wall and put yourself on the other side of it.

im not mexican. other spanish speaking countries exist ya know

You'll still be on the "murder rate worse than Afghanistan" side of the wall though

Most Americans take second languages in highschool too bad it doesn't work outside the books just like japan kids take english for years and still cant talk worth a damn in english conversation.

there are no options in middle school. the school can afford one language. you're right about laziness but I wouldn't expect an 11 year old to understand the value of learning a language that's forced on them to begin with. it's just human nature.

>not knowing mandarin

How do you guys even use panda without access of so much of the good stuff?

Last time I went to Germany I always ended up saying Ich bin ein berliner everytime the person didn't talked english

ugly language

>Learned Spanish in middle school
>Forgot all of it because I never needed to use it
>Learned French in high school
>Forgot all of it because I never needed to use it

I don't blame foreigners for not visiting here often enough for me to practice my foreign languages, I saw some Koreans at the art museum's cafeteria and they were so confused because Americans don't know how to queue into lines properly.

you never told someone speaking portuguese to stop speaking spanish on purpose just to piss them off? or any other language really, it works really well

Wanna know how I know you aren't American?

It doesn't matter if most Americans are dumbasses, if you come to our country you either need to speak an official language of your state or leave.
I don't think Revy's smart enough to do that.

>if you come to our country you either need to speak an official language of your state or leave.

Delete this

>He needs to know what they are saying to jack it

Maybe the artist didn't want to say New England because it'd confuse Japanese people who don't know that's a place in America. Also from the Japanese perspective why would they describe themselves with a name from another country if they're arrogant Americans? Idk, the artist works in mysterious ways.

You guys are really overthinking this, I'm sure Hiroe just meant to say something that he though Americans would say. The only problem is that no one says "Eastern American English" because there are far too many dialects on the eastern coast of America for that to mean anything.

boston and rhode island are shit-tier when it comes to eastern coast dialect

This is true, but Revy is from New York.

Because they do, I remember back in one of my college classes, one woman got super pissed at 2 other people having a conversation with each other in a different language before class. Saying stuff like
>"Why can't they speak english so I can understand?"
The woman who complained wasn't even nowhere near the other 2 so it wasn't like they were directly in front of her either.

Spain is actually far more safe than USA.


Well it'd be kinda hard to avoid living on the 'murder rate worse than Afghanistan' side these days. I guess he could stand on top?

Americans definitely do that though.

>I speak English and Japanese.

>complaining even though she wasn't apart of the conversation
what the hell

This. Foreigners need to get a grip and learn English already. It's only the language spoken by the most powerful nations in the world.

Fucking shit, when i go to busch gardens it's always full of asians speaking another langauge in long lines. I always feel like they're talking shit about us because they know we don't understand them, but I don't know which language to learn to btfo them.

What do you think of this ?

>but I don't know which language to learn to btfo them.
This is the funniest thing I've read all week and it's only Wednesday.

>English and japanese


they do, try going outside once in awhile

Dude, I'm Hispanic. Why is it so hard to understand you should speak the language of the land you live in? Entitled fuck.

Why would you submit to it when you can slowly take over the land and force everyone to speak your tongue?

Rhis Post can anyone see?

Literally a cancer.

Correct, and I'm going to keep metastasizing until I devour this country's cultural identity.

I thought it's the other way around for Japan. If you look like an English speaker they'll speak Engrish with you. Even if you know Japanese.

We do.

No. 是 and 係 are different characters all together.

Has a release date been announced for the next chapter?

you're right

americans will say we speak english a foreigner will ask us what type of english we speak

we correct them and tell them we speak the X accent

1) because its true americans do act like that
2) because she's trying to get to the point and acting aggressive and to the point is one of the shorter ways to cut out verbose bullshit

Exactly. I went to Japan about a year ago now and it was good for the most part but unbearable when I'd walk into a coffee shop or a library or something and the idiot at the desk or waitress or whoever didn't speak any english. Like, what the fuck, didn't we conquer this nation? I screamed at them and showed them photos on my phone until they got it through their idiot brains what I needed. Really unbelievable.

The setting seems to be a central hub for criminal enterprises from multiple nationalities. I can imagine everyone speaking english since most people in the world have it as a second language.