Mcfeels: so halberstram, what do you make of this?

>mcfeels: so halberstram, what do you make of this?
>halberstram: i dunno man. it's like you know, whatever? i don't even care.
>mcfeels: yup. whatever. and now for another thoroughly triggering europa report

idk man one time they said something would go a certain way and it went that way.

Also, they combat the blackpill which is always doing Odin's work.

t. fag

I like it when Halberstram takes so long to respond mcfeels asks if he's still there.

>mcfeels: what do you think of this?
>halberstram: ...yup I don't know man

>tfw when Halberstram does not say "snake ayes" anymore

Jazzhands is a weird looking dude
t b h

>tfw you still remember when you started on this road and this was all "woah, beyond the pale, this is nazi thing", and now your daily routine is "welp, the kikes are all full of shit, let's see what the sane people are saying"


I can't listen to the Europa report any more. It serves no purpose for me other than demoralization...

The best whitepills come only after the worst blackpills.

Just think of how sweet our victory will be

>mcfeels: it’s just not going to happen, you cucks need to realise this. Ta over for you and there’s no going back.
>halberstram: yeah that’s really something alright

embrace the hate

I met him once at a bar in D.C. Recognized his voice right away. He's actually a well put together hipster looking guy. Pretty fashy haircut and dresses sharp, almost like a fit richard spencer. I assume which ever firm he works for during the week has no idea what he does on the weekends, because he looked like a typical beltway hipster.

what exactly does mcfeels do anyway, and in what capacity? i've heard he's some political analyst but i can't imagine in my head concretely what he actually does, nor can i imagine him being able to fly under the radar for as long as he has.

>listen, GUY

>rock yourself my dude

>Sure thing, BUD

fuck off kike

he works for a research group based out of Seattle with close ties to the republican state senate there. The DC thing is false cover.

>tfw i know that feel

>tfw you drop analysis and predictions that anyone sane could make on normies and they have no idea that you dream of RWDS and gassing kikes.

Hmmmm...that sounds like a YOU problem, eheheheh.

Is this the comfiest show out there?