Why do anti-whites always say that an ethnostate will fail or is not possible...

Why do anti-whites always say that an ethnostate will fail or is not possible? When most countries have always been and still are ethnostates?

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Read Marx & Engels + the history of the Soviet Union
History is a tool for them to shape and drive the narrative, not to be studied objectively - the truth is an enemy to be conquered. Think of Stalin taking people out of old photographs.

>When most countries have always been and still are ethnostates?

Most countries are not developed enough or appealing enough for niggers to want to migrate to. There's literally a handful of blacks in India/China/Japan/Korea and they are discriminated heavily there because no one likes niggers, and those countries don't offer welfare to entice more niggers to enter. No one wants to live in Africa, only tour it or settle in it, ie the Belgians and Dutch because they could make the land work as long as the niggers stayed in their quarters and didn't fuck up anything. No one wants to enter Mexico because spics are incredibly more brutal than ISIS. Niggers and spics want to enter majority white nations because of white altruism. White nations are the only nations that grant welfare to non-legal citizens. Remove the incentives for niggers to want to move in, and that's step one of getting rid of them, non-violently. No welfare for anyone = no niggers wanting to move into white lands.

I cant wrap my mind around how anyone could fall for kike brainwashing to the point where they can deny the truth, confidently. People honestly deny race today, it is a complete nightmare, everyone is just sleep walking off a cliff.

They assume the same tactics of "non-violent resistance" will work.
>Laying down on a road with arms chained together
>Banging on a drum circle
>Hey there goy, you're not allowed to have what you want
>Wait, you're not allowed to shoot me in the skull and dump me in a ditch
>No no, please, stop, I'll move
>I said I'll move!

An ethnostate will not happen in the U.S.

we would have to start with our (((politicians))) first


You mean Return to an Ethnostate. Well it seems to be a possibility with the amount of resistance against it.

cuz its 21 century n shit.
people didnt have planes n stuff back in the days so thats the only reason they were isolated, ok.

People need Red pills on race Like the History of hati Black crime rates in almost every country and Modern Homogeneous society's and their success example Japan
And the Red pill on Jews

And the Red pill on Women voting


it needs to be more than that. It needs to be a complete paradigm shift.

Obviously. It's difficult work but those willing to fight deserve a chance, those who stabbed their own kind or sucked the jewish teet deserve nothing short of a noose around their necks. Getting rid of jews silently will be a very long con, however. Perhaps a destruction of jewish values would be preferable at first, iirc Israel is to allow gay/lesbian marriages within the country sometime soon and there's already transgendered officers in the IDF.

>Read Marx & Engels + the history of the Soviet Union
>History is a tool for them to shape and drive the narrative, not to be studied objectively - the truth is an enemy to be conquered. Think of Stalin taking people out of old photographs.

We must complete the system of german idealism!

>Why do anti-whites always say that an ethnostate will fail or is not possible?
Because it's the only thing that will save the White race, it will work and that scares the fuck out of the anti-Whites.

>When most countries have always been and still are ethnostates?
They can't admit that society is a racial construct.
They don't want Whites being among their own people and leaving the subhumans behind.

>An ethnostate will not happen in the U.S.
The U.S. is the only place an Ethnostate can happen.


Jewish values are destruction, they are a black hole constantly collapsing on itself. I have a more black pilled view. Talpiot program, Jews own the ports on northern Africa, and most of Europe. They are ready for the samson option, but they are doing everything they can to keep us all sleeping, because its still not to late to turn it around. youtube.com/watch?v=ZsxxQ-7GOJg

>They don't want Whites being among their own people and leaving the subhumans behind.
I feel like we could have conquered the universe a hundred times over by now, there is no reason to help them, we never get anything in return.

It can happen if the U.S Balkanizes. The south west will probably go to spics and the south east will be niggers and we'll get everything else.

>I feel like we could have conquered the universe a hundred times over by now, there is no reason to help them, we never get anything in return.
Exactly. Take the NSDAP alone...if the Jews didn't unite the ignorant people to destroy them, we'd probably be colonizing the solar system by now.

I want to hear a reasonable explanation that shows a path to a white ethnostate. I have yet to hear anything remotely convincing. The majority of whites wouldn't go along with this so I can't see it happening. I'm all ears.

>I want to hear a reasonable explanation that shows a path to a white ethnostate.
The Northwest Front has a plan to create the White Ethnostate.

Jews need to die because they are the cause of all the worlds problems,war,poverty.greed.corruption etc

They have a plan to ruin it.

give me a quick rundown or archive it. can't click on that.

>white ethno-state forms
>all whites are now together again, hurrah
>society is good for a few years
>rise in middle-class group within society, breeding a generation of lazy and content people without the motivation to change their government for the better
>genetically inferior whites who are rejected by girls and play video games all day begin to hate society
>they start being influenced by far-left and far-right groups that aim to topple society, it appeals to them because they blame society for their inferiority and wish to have a fresh start again (like the new white ethnostate, but it already happened?
>inferior people always long for equal treatment, thus start pushing for immigration and laws that subvert the economy
>white ethno-state becomes soft and easy to outside manipulation
>stops being a white ethno-state

I mean this is just history 101, all societies collapse because of the population that consists of the minority or the weak.

The problem is this - identifying who is white is both incredibly easy and also frustratingly hard. Just looking at somebody, it's obvious. But when you try and provide legal definitions for who and who isn't white, it's very hard to nail down.

Because an ethnostate is primarily based on a unity on the basis of dominance and submission; it is not rooted in a uniform morality, often it is not rooted in a uniform level of intelligence/rational thought, and usually they are not set up to praise hedonism or offer a more desire-fulfilling environment than the one we currently occupy. That's three aspects that are fundamental to humans that are lacking in an ethnostate. That's why it will fail.
Why accept what someone tells you is true? Why believe in what is rather than what ought to be? There are many reasons why people will ignore the reality in order to focus on an ideal, and you have no way of saying what is "better," though you might be able to say one gives you more likelihood of survival, to which the idealist would reply, "I do not wish to live in a world of monsters," reminiscent of the child who slit his veins with a razor after his parents kicked a dog out of the car while driving that Savitri Devi mentions.

>give me a quick rundown or archive it.

>can't click on that.
Why not?

>most countries are ethnostates
That's bullshit unless you categorize ethnicity by "white, yellow, brown"

I'm working.

>I'm working.
So you can browse Sup Forums but not the NWF site?


Why do anti whites ever say anything they say? Why do they say whites don't have culture, whites don't exist, all whites are racists, all racists are scum and whiteness should be deconstructed? Why do they say white nationalists can only be proud of their skin color since they have nothing else? Why do they say there are no racial differences in IQ, but Jews are smarter than whites? Why do they say whites ever only steal and oppress?

Let me tell you why. They say these things, because they hate whites. They've been brought up and indoctrinated to hate whites from the moment they were born. They hate whites, and they want whites to cease existing.

Ok, I see what they want after they have it, my question to anyone here in this thread is how do we go from where we are right now to that. And please no fantasies, a real path forward.

>all non-whites are the same person
You're stupid for a finn.

>my question to anyone here in this thread is how do we go from where we are right now to that.
Pic related.

>So you can browse Sup Forums but not the NWF site?
I don't know what's on that site or who runs it. And I certainly don't want to end up on an FBI list. Those orgs are all infested with rats and informants.

Non-Whites don't belong in White countries.
Non-Whites have no right to be in White countries.
It doesn't matter how "good" a non-White "might" be, they're not White and therefore their presence is inherently harmful to the White race.

>I don't know what's on that site or who runs it. And I certainly don't want to end up on an FBI list. Those orgs are all infested with rats and informants.
Well if you're too cowardly to even visit a website, let alone contact the NWF then you certainly won't lift a finger to save the White race.

There isn't one. We are long past the point of no return. The number of whites will continue to drop. Through low birth rates and race mixing. Since the majority of whites are old, and since old people led us into this mess, there will be no democratic solution. Since young whites are a minority, and since they are all effeminate, there will not be a violent solution. Our numbers will naturally diminish until there are so few of us left that we will be completely at the mercy of others. And mercy is something they do not have.

>Why do anti-whites always say that an ethnostate will fail or is not possible?

Making one out of a country that currently isn't one is a rather dirty business and not going to make you new friends

You'd basically have to acquire nukes and colonize antarctica or the moon

not unless someone kills off people like you....

>non-whites don't belong in white countries
Ok, sure.

>non-whites have no right to be in white countries
That's essentially the same as the previous statement, so ok, sure.

>it doesn't matter how "good" a non-white "might" be
So you admit the possibility of meritorious non-whites exists.

>they're not white

>therefore their presence is inherently harmful to the white race
??? Do you understand how mathematical proofs work?

I'm just not stupid. If there are a hundred members in that org, fifty of them are informants.

they know it's game over for them the moment they get pried off the glorious teet of white civilization that they hopelessly need, yet also loathe and despise at the same time

real swell people, so nice knowing you have these openly hostile orc-people 20 miles away ready to begin the siege of helms deep the moment the gibs run dry

>mercy is something they do not have

nice haavara

>I'm just not stupid. If there are a hundred members in that org, fifty of them are informants.
So what exactly is illegal about moving to another state and forming relationships and communities with other Whites?

Is the FBI going to throw you into prison for that?

Can someone get a cleaned up version of this with better pixel rate please?

I do not have access to good editing software currently.

>glorious teat of white civilization
You brought this on yourselves behaving like video related.

user, stop playing ignorant, you know full well how that shit works.

>So you admit the possibility of meritorious non-whites exists.
A wolf doesn't care that a human is a better hunter than it. Humans absolutely are. Yet when we moved into their forests and hunted their prey, we did not improve their lives. The cities we built did not improve the forests of the wolves. Humans were more meritorious than wolves, but we didn't benefit the wolves. We displaced them.

An immigrant might be smarter than me. He might build a wonderful place out of Finland. For himself. Not for me.

>The U.S. is the only place an Ethnostate can happen.
Then it can't happen.


well that's a given, why do you think we hate white liberals 10X more than non-whites?

needs more burning people alive on a pile of car tires

>user, stop playing ignorant, you know full well how that shit works.
This is apparently the first time you've heard about the NWF and you already think you know everything about it? And you know for certain that it's infiltrated with hundreds of FBI agents?

>Then it can't happen.
So then, what's your plan to save the White race from the extinction it faces?

Nigs gonna nig

Ok, that brings us back to the original question. The majority of whites would never go along with this, so how does it happen? No fantasies or turner diaries bullshit.

just inverse the colors senpai. i like the way it looks.

>And you know for certain that it's infiltrated with hundreds of FBI agents?
Yes, I'll bet my right hand it's infested.

>so how does it happen? No fantasies or turner diaries bullshit.

>Yes, I'll bet my right hand it's infested.
Prove it then.

If it were actually possible to exterminate a race, wouldn't the jews be gone by now?

Sanctions like in South Africa.
The international community will never ever ever allow a self proclaimed white ethnostate to exist.
They'll literally go to war to end it. And most whites today would back up such action.

This is what happens in every one of these threads. No answers to simple questions, just fantasies and bullshit.

>we didn't benefit the wolves
What the fuck is a dog? Oh ya, the most loyal tool a human male can ever "own"; yet no human male who appreciates his dog will ever claim ownership of his best friend. Watch more Johnny Quest.

>a wonderful Finland only benefits him, not me

>hurr it's a shitskin trying to justify his existence
I don't know about Finn immigration policy but the US of A has firmly offered (binding contract) that a highly skilled shitskin demostrating skills that the USA needed to win the cold war could emigrate to the USA in order to help win the space race and advance technology and university research.

The moment white people chimp out and try to re-negotiate that offer, what makes white "people" any different from shitskins? You're just as bad at keeping your word and have less of an excuse if you really are higher IQ than us pajeets.

Those are niggers; not all shitskins are created equal.

We will not. Don't be a defeatist faggot. Whites are still the overwhelming majority in Europe and the right wing backlash is just getting started. The progress we've already made is very encouraging.

Ultimately we will win because multi ethnic societies are simply not sustainable. They will have to go back or there will be separation.

I predict ethnic cleansing and deportation of non whites in Europe and the U.S splitting up in 10-15 years.

>If it were actually possible to exterminate a race, wouldn't the jews be gone by now?
But the Holocaust didn't happen.

>This is what happens in every one of these threads. No answers to simple questions, just fantasies and bullshit.
And of course when someone offers an actual way out of this shit, you scream "HONEYPOT" and "INFILTRATED BY THE FEDS" so you can justify not lifting a finger to save your race. Then go back to shitposting.

Israel is a white ethnostate.

>What the fuck is a dog?
A 53 %, not a wolf.

Try being less triggered, and you might not appear like such a fool.

The sun sets to rise again. Life goes on.

>those countries don't offer welfare to entice more niggers to enter
They limit the niggers allowed in.
>No one wants to enter Mexico because spics are incredibly more brutal than ISIS
Bigger shitholes do, that's why they have a wall on their southern border.

It's easy to have an ethnostate, far easier and more efficient than any other system.
That is, if your goal is for it to be prosperous society, if your goal is to loot the society then that becomes a lot harder when the people aren't divided into groups.

You're a dumb faggot and you're just mad that Paco and Jamal stole your job because they were willing to work for less. The best Americans are 'jeets.

"The domestic dog is an extremely close relative of the grey wolf, differing from it by at most 0.2% of [mitochondrial DNA]."

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>Israel is a white ethnostate.
The Jews are not White.

They are anti-white. They don't think further than "kill all wypipo"

Finding a region of the U.S that is mainly white. Infiltrating the local government and cutting all incentive for shit-skins to live there (welfare, put harsher penalty's for drug use. Etc). Putting emphasis on white culture and P.E in school curriculum (which is decided at a state level). Use public money to invest in energy and agriculture for self sufficiency and once this region has a discernible culture and ideals from the rest of the U.S vie for independence.

>53% not a wolf
?? Can you even into genetics? You are REALLY dumb for a Finn.

>not responding to the rest of the post's valid objections
So you concede that your argument is spurious propaganda made to radicalize whites into a politically unviable position that undoes everything Trump has done to revitalize the American-first mentality? Are you a kike or something?

>And of course when someone offers an actual way out of this shit
There was no plan in the link you gave, just, "once we have a white homeland it's going to be great"
The question stands, how do we get from here to there?

That's an important 0.2 %. Goes to show that you don't need much to ruin your genetics. A single drop is enough, eh?

Any still you all insist.

You all refuse, to hand that power of which can bring what you desire, to a man who has the ability to handle it.

Still, you play dress up, and live in the past, and refuse to see the problems our people face today.

Get out of my way, or get in line. Or you can remain fractured groups having dress up and drinking parties.

Jews sure as hell aren't shitskins buddy; the requirement to be a shitskin is skin the color of shit.
>jews have white skin
QED jews are white. Or are you saying that those with pale skin aren't necessarily white? Who's white among the palefaces then?

The NWF isn't the patriot movement.

Hal Turner is not affiliated with the NWF.

The NWF is not The Order.

So you haven't proven that the FBI has infiltrated the NWF.

Too be fair, while it is true that most countries are de facto ethnostate, it is also true that those countries are also failures. But correlation does not equal causation.

(((Anti-whites))) sure think ethnostates for the Jews are important though. Funny how that works.

If the Black Panther movie has taught me anything it is that an ethnostate with a homogeneous monoculture is the only true and effective way to proceed.

the solution to stopping this pointless mass-bloodshed from happening is to remove non-whites from white countries... the issue that you're trying to avoid is you dumb ape-people know that you are completely fucked without us, so refuse to leave and as a result we will have to engage in all out race-war

all's what you had to do was leave, but you won't

What do you have to fear, if you are a reasonable, non psychoitic intelligent individual. Even if the Feds are there, why would they target you, if you do not first present a problem?

>pivots from blatantly made up statistic into an "I told you so"



Why are you trying to get into a pissing match with me? I posted links on how it works, and I know that you already know how it works. If they have a website, they have informants, pure and simple.

Don't call me a nigger.

>There was no plan in the link you gave
Yes, there was. You didn't proceed beyond the first page.

>Jews sure as hell aren't shitskins buddy;
The Jews are a non-White, mixed race.

Are Jews White? (Revised)

Ashkenazi Jews Are Not White

Europe's Ashkenazi Jews are 50-54% Middle Eastern

I'm Not White I'm Jewish

Jews are a Race, Genes Reveal

Jews in America Struggled for Decades to Become White. Now We Must Give Up Whiteness to Fight Racism.

>>jews have white skin
Race is more than skin color.

DNA Proof of Racial Differences

Human Bio-Diversity Reading List


Race, Evolution and Behavior

>Who's white among the palefaces then?
A White person is a human being of solely native European ancestry; or a human being who, if they have non-European antecedents, is nonetheless of a physical and genetic makeup that is within the range typical of people of solely European ancestry; or, the child of two Whites.

>without us
I'm probably talking to a nigger. Post a pic of your forearm, nigger. Don't forget to authenticate.

So Ivanka and Jared's children are white?

Eat shit stinkdu! I call a nigger by whatever color it is when I see it, hear it or know of it.


>Why are you trying to get into a pissing match with me?
Because you're a coward.

>I posted links on how it works,
And yet you still can't offer any concrete proof the NWF is infiltrated.

> If they have a website, they have informants, pure and simple.
And yet if they didn't have a website then they wouldn't be a serious group.

So of course you come up with any theory you can to justify your inaction.

>So Ivanka and Jared's children are white?
Nope. They're Jews.