Still not be an atheist? Why user?

This is your reminder, that you, when still believing in any god, are retarded.
There is no excuse too still suck your """gods""" dick in 0000+2018.
You are not a single bit better than muslim savages.

It's pretty dishonest to equate Theism with imaginary friends.

The fuck? What do you think theos means if not imaginary friend?

It's unfortunate that you can't distinguish the belief in a metaphysically ultimate being underpinning all of existence and a child's made up character for playtime from one another.

Massive over-generalization.

My imaginary friend was God King Skovald. He was could see into both the future and past at the same time in each moment and change any, action or inaction at a whim without exerting any effort. He held the entire multiverse in his right hand while conjuring the souls of all living beings with his other right hand. All laws that govern reality were decided each day by the mighty God King at dawn. He himself existed beyond these laws, space and time and even the concept of concepts. He was a true omnipotent god.

It's that word 'belief'. It's fine when it's based on empirical evidence. It's also okay, with caveats, when there is a preponderance of evidence.

It's even acceptable (though there are better alternatives) when there is a lack of direct evidence, but a great deal of indirect evidence which points towards a particular theory.

For example, I believe you are a faggot. QED.

I also believe, based on the available evidence, that post-industrial human society is having a greater effect on the global climate than any single organism that has ever existed on this planet.

Finally, based on the accepted reality of an expanding universe, I believe that The Big Bang is, currently, the best theory for its origin.

What I don't subscribe to is belief for its own sake, which is where theism and desim lead you.

Because aetheism is nhilism and depression, based on the fear of a judgment based afterlife. Actually pondering the universal questions of life, and bettering yourself and the world is based in judgement based afterlife rewards, ie purpose, meaning, and God the creator


>bettering yourself and the world
>and the world

The Abrahamic faiths called. They disagree. The only virtue is spiritual. The temporal world can go fuck itself.

Atheism, on the other hand, accepts the reality of a short and fragile life. What we do with it is our only ability to make an impact in a vast and uncaring universe.

If I'm in trouble, I'd rather have a single atheist to help than a hundred Christians.

So you're saying you uncritically accept modernist meme-orthodoxy? Good on you, you fucking tool.
>muh empiricism
>muh big bang
>muh climate change
You are several levels or realization away from understanding how your attempt to use big words has exposed you as a drooling retard.
Flail ineffectively at your keyboard if you must;
Just understand that you look profoundly silly to the adults on the thread, and that you undermine your own position by typing such typically banal garbage to defend it.

my "imaginary" friend makes people suffer like tales of space jew would indicate a good imaginary friend should do . were pals right? fuck their shit up

I never visit this board, is this man throwing a shitty bait or are you guys this retarded normally?

>Good will and doing well by others means locking yourself in a room and saying fuck everybody else.

An extremely gross misunderstanding of theism, and a horrifically biased view of atheism.

>Atheism cares about life! It's fragile and we can't waste it!
>The biggest mass murder in history was done by anti theistic communists

Again you misrepresent Theism not only in it's content, but also as far as why it's believed.

Fideism, the idea that one should believe in God without any evidence thereof is simply not a belief held universally by Theists, or even the majority.

>If I'm in trouble, I'd rather have a single atheist to help than a hundred Christians.
Like the atheists who invented hospitals, orphanages, and science itself, right?
You are a know-nothing TV baby.
I bet you believe Bill Nye is a scientist too.

It's shitty bait. Normally we're just a little retarded.

Throw in a (((fellow white people))) next time you post this, Shmueley.

People are stupid.

Interesting. So empiricism is 'meme-orthodoxy', while Catholicism, Shi'ism, or whichever particular denomination of whichever particular religion you subscribe to is what? Orthodoxy which by virtue of its roots in pre-literate societies is somehow superior and immune from criticism?

Do give over.

Whether an imaginary friend resembles God or not, is irrelevant tot he fact that Theism and "imaginary friends" are distinct concepts.

If I said I had an imaginary friend who had a funny mustache and gassed six million jews, it would not really have any bearing on the historicity of Adolf Hitler, and whether he gassed six million jews or not.

I hope the "Ultimate Multiverse" Hypothesis is true then everyone is correct! (Though someone would be more correct for our Multiverse System)

The existence of other universes and other scientific findings has little bearing on the necessity of God. Since God is beyond the natural world and therefor the scope of the science, the question of God is primarily a philosophical one.

omfg i passed by a church the other day on my way to the strip club. I peeked in and saw 100 people on their knees pretending to suck their god's dick.

lmao I laughed all the way there.

Christcucks everyone.

Op is a fag.

Define indirect evidence. Most religions can claim to have boatloads of non-scientific evidence. Mainly testimony (which is acceptable in a court).

Your collectivism itself is dogma.
Whether a person pushes bullshit morals because of a metaphysical belief or some sort of utilitarianism it doesn't matter if the results are still the same. As an individual that does not want to submit to others, why should I yield to fanatic atheists preaching their bullshit morality at me?

As an Abrahamic I would contend that "on Earth as it is in heaven" means we are supposed to make the world better. I might add that Christen charity is a fact and it is massive. Say what you want about our logic or beliefs but don't you DARE lie that we don't care.

If your position is correct, why are you presenting such a miserable, negative rhetoric? Simply present the BENEFITS of your belief. You won't convert anyone with venom. Are you completely insane?

That's because most self identifying atheists are brain-damaged and think not believing in god makes them immune from believing in bullshit.

I dont belive in aliens
now i'll dedicate my entire life into talking about aliens, i cant have a single conversation whitout talking about aliens
by the way i dont belive in aliens
Everyone hates me because i cant stop talking about how much i dont belive in aliens

Did i said dont belive in aliens?
cause i dont


Atheists BTFO!

Don't care about all this god stuff at all. Atheists exist only because they are butthurt about godfags. Religious people won't change their minds if you present them with some sort of evidence. So why even care about this stuff?