You americans got some explaining to do

you americans got some explaining to do

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Ask the CIA about it

no means no
screaming in pain means yes

this is so fucking scary

Don't worry his parents consented to him being mutilated.


American jew muslim circumcision table?

Not even once

I tried to get my infant daughers face tattooed and they threatened to take her away

>those shit and piss stains
what the absolute fuck is wrong with WASP people in the US? why is this still a thing?

it's iodine

What's that red stuff?

That stain is that yellow antiseptic spread they use when making an incision. It's not piss and shit and blood lie any of you regards are probably thinking.

dumb phoneposter

It's nice goy tradition. Anyone who opposes is a science denying Jesus hater.

>weak attempt at defending circumcision

Sorry your mom allowed it but let's not even pretend the procedure should be done

Inb4 smega meme

the original reasons for it were dubious at best
the modern reasons are non-existent

FGM is outlawed and highly punishable
MGM is encouraged
coz of the fucking patriarchy or something

Ah. You want to make sure you go to a Muslim tattooist. They'll take care of you.

>A mother has been left "sickened" by a decision not to prosecute the doctor who circumcised her son without her consent.

I'm not saying it should be done. I'm saying that picture is misleading to the ignorant.

My dick turned out pretty good. I have no regrets about it. It's not a monster but it's almost 7 inches and the doctor did a bang up job I must say. I've had girls actually compliment my cock as being aesthetically pleasing. Not exactly those terms but it just looks good. It's like a show cock.

I do think circumcision should be done away with though. It is certainly a very strange event.

But let's not show pictures of things with no context and call it a day. There are much better arguments than that.

I wouldn't even go that far
do it if you want, but when you're old enough

>It's not piss and shit and blood lie

Is that you, Brian Morris? Fun fact: The pain is so bad that they starve the infants before and after so they won't choke on their vomit. But it totally doesn't cause PTSD or anything.

reminder that american hospitals are interested in circumcising babies because they sell the foreskins to the cosmetic industry. this is NOT a conspiracy theory, a lot of cosmetic products are made with foreskin extracts and this is no secret

oh fuck
>An hour before circumcision, babies are denied any breastfeeding (or formula) so they do not vomit and choke when they scream. So sometimes they are already crying and upset before they are taken to be cut because they are so hungry. Babies are returned to their parents when they have passed out and they will not wake up to eat for many hours after circumcision. When they do wake, they are immensely hungry and in terrible pain.
this is so fucking disgusting

My sister refused to circumcise my baby nephew, thank God. It's unnecessary and brutal, and leaves the psyche scarred.

you got some 'splainin to doooooo

Amirite feminists xD !!!!11!!!

what the fuck



As I understand correctly, they only use that for Goyim?
Never for Jews?

Because don't Jews get a nice ceremony where a Rabbi sucks on the baby's penis?

reminder that around 70% of male babies in america go through this, every day an average of 6 babies at pretty much every single hospital in the US
thank god parents are more aware these days, the percentage reached 95% at a point during the 20th century

>he won't remember it, what's the problem?
>it doesn't matter if I was drunk and passed out, it was RAPE

Shart in circumcision restraint


Only Haredim (fundamentalists) do the blood sucking bit.

yes, jews get a ceremony of sorts for their circumcision 8 days after they're born, no doctors involved, only rabbis. christian babies get circumcised by nurses a day or two after they're born, although this isn't done anywhere else in the world apart from some places in Canada and Australia

Fagfag here, went to America in October 17, did plenty of hooks up and plenty of meatgazing at urinals. 100% circumcision rate, it was so bizarre. Literally every yt American is cut, even the young ones.

Y'all are really beholden to the Jews

>refused to circumcise

This is the most fucked up thing of all.

Circumcision should be the explicit wish of the parents.
It shouldn't have to apologize for NOT mutilating your baby.

>tfw now even cant argue the unethicalness of circumcision now because alt-right fags will retard it up with ideas of it being a jewish CIA plot to enslave goyim
thankfully, more and more normies are realizing how wrong it is on their own

US government is too busy with the mansplaining epidemic to put an end to barbarity

>literally the only argument in favour of jew-mutilation: roasties like how it looks

Just to let you know your mutilated show cock has 20,000 less nerve endings

doctors and nurses usually go out of their way to convince the parents, if you want them to stay away from your son's genitals you'll have to stay on top of their action and make it clear at all times. if they don't listen and go through with it parents need to sue the hospital or the doctor who did whatever the fuck he wanted

>haha, the Jews have you so brainwashed!
t homosexual

?? I was born gay, lad.

how can they act so blasé about it
blows my fucking mind, an alien race would take better care of an infant child

20,000 FEWER nerve ending, lads. Not less.

Show me your Canadian foreskin.

The worst thing is that Americans circumcize their children while they are babies. At least i got cut when i was 10 and under anesthesia.

I don't think the circumcision debate is a matter of sides or ideologies, anyone with half a brain can come to the conclusion systematic circumcision for no reason other than "aesthetics" (which isn't even true) is fucked up

Imagine asking a blind man his opinion on a paint job. That's what it's like talking to Americans about this.

Nobody implied anything about the stains, that was just your fantasy.


I mean even if you insist on having it done, at the very least do it in a humane way.
Even the Jews and Muslims do it somewhat caring, with the family present.
It's like American Christians don't give a shit what happens to their baby's - that is not normal human behavior.

american men have dicks
they know what a scalpel is
that's all you need to know to reach the conclusion that it's fucking depraved

Christians did it

I used to assist with circumcisions, it was the first job offer i got straight out of nursing school and I took it. Did it for less than a year, it's something I'm morally against but the procedure itself is hyped up and exaggerated to be a much bigger deal than it is. I'm happy to answer questions about the procedure or my experience if anyone has any questions.

They basically treat their babies as bad as or worse than dogs.

Are you yourself circumcised?

Yes, a Dutch couple who had the misfortune of giving birth in America told about that on TV once.

Bottom line: if you're pregnant stay in Europe where your baby will be safe.

I am a woman and I haven't been subjected to female circumcision, no.

they're screaming at the top of their lungs like they're about to die
who wants to be in the room with all that racket

>1 hour
how often does the baby eat? 1 hour appears to be a reasonable timespan

Why don't you use anesthetics?

So a roastie gets to decide that the procedure isn't as bad we think?

how do you look at yourself in the mirror


I am sure my mom wanted to know everything that happened to me as a baby.

This is instinct: mothers are protective as fuck.
That's why I find it so bizarre how American mothers apparently lack any nurturing instinct.

>Even the Jews and Muslims do it somewhat caring, with the family present.
It's like American Christians don't give a shit what happens to their baby's - that is not normal human behavior.

It is the same in Canada. There is a deep sickness of the mind and spirit here but it is hidden from outsiders.

>that is not normal human behavior.
That is how I put it as well. People here are uncaring and callous to the point of sociopathy.


Hygiene – Wash. No need to remove the ear lobes because children don't wash behind their ears (which incidentally are more useless than the foreskin)

STD and HIV reduction and aesthetics – By the time these are of any concern, the child will be old enough to decide for themselves. If it's such a benefit, convince them.

UTI – Can overwhelmingly be resolved via non-surgical methods.

Religion – Get out of here.

also this


Sir, the shitpost gauge is off the charts

what did you go to nursing school for
to help people? or to butcher babies?

>David Peter Reimer... was a Canadian man born physically male but reassigned as a girl and raised female following medical advice and intervention after his penis was accidentally destroyed during a botched circumcision in infancy.

>pinning down males who are newborn and mutilating their penis, one of their most sensitive organs, is completely natural and don't worry about the antiseptic spray because Dr. Shekelgoy has 25 more white babies to mutilate before the day ends and he needs that mutilation table clean.

the infamous story john money
burn in hell


Circumcision in North America was predominantly a Protestant thing. Read about John Kellogg and his stance on it.

The same Western women that everyone around the world stereotypes as vain and ignorant are the same women who become mothers. Let that sink in. Now let it sink in that soyboys and criminal maniacs are the children of these often single mothers.

mutts will defend this

there's nothing exaggerated about it, there's fully graphic videos of the procedure on YouTube and it's just as nasty as anybody would think. it's not a bloody carnage but it's definitely an unnecesary mutilative procedure
thanks for offering answers on the topic anyway, I have a question myself. how fast are the circumcision rates going down in Canada?

Babies eat very often, and refusal to eat can mean something is wrong.

It's a rite of passage

I'm dying to hear what the gender equality movement is doing to end this betrayal of infant boys
should be pretty high on the list

They're told that it's the best thing to do and that it's just a matter of routine.

I suppose you are trying to make a similar argument that feminists do about male politicians deciding what they can do with their bodies? No penis no opinion?

My reasoning behind saying so is that a large amount of babies came in sleeping and continued to sleep through the procedure. If you are going to an experienced doctor everything will be numbed and the procedure itself should cause little to no pain. Although I am sure the healing process after is uncomfortable. We worked only on newborns which had the lowest risk of complications.

The procedure takes about 5 minutes. And that device in the OP's photo is used so the baby doesn't kick while the doctor is removing the foreskin.

I personally am very much against any form of genital mutilation or any cosmetic procedure on anyone who can't consent that isn't medically necessary.
I left the job because of that.

In terms of procedures though it's minor when done properly at the right age, Although this is subjective depending on your experience with surgery. I'm pretty desensitized to those things now unfortunately. Just because the procedure itself is minor doesn't mean the impact that the procedure has is.

> and refusal to eat can mean something is wrong
really, I would have never imagined that cutting someones dick would be pleasurable.

How does that change anything?

Americans are gross all-around.

We do.

Are you an uncut anglo mutt?

>no empathy for children
I mean I am not sure why people here think it's such a surprise.

this guy is awesome

I'm actually anti-circumcision which is why I left the job.

talking about pic related

see pic related were you aware of these studies, or do you think that permanent stunting of brain development is not a big deal?

Nothing. They complain if you even mention it, despite MGM being just more severe if not more so than certain forms of FGM.

The NHS records vaginal piercings as FGM in their figures. That is they care more about consensual piercings then they do about boys being mutilated.

still waiting for the SJW/LGBT crowd to voice their opinion on this. oh wait, they don't give a shit because there's no baby girls involved. so much for liberal awareness

Her body, her choice.
His body, her choice.

This is by far the most disturbing amerimutt meme I have seen


they care more about adolescent girls in the middle east getting clitorectomies than what's happening right in in their own country
boils my piss I tell you

Why is there cheese on it?