The Difference Between Capitalism and Communism

Communism sees all labor as beneficial to society and therefore respects all workers. Capitalism sees only certain labor as valuable and does not respect all types of labor.

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*runs out of food*

Communism: No food
Capitalism: Too much food

more of a difference in personal philosophy than economic policy
can guarantee Janitors make better wages in a capitalist society than they would in communist though

Underweight girls are more attractive than fat chicks, and a starving man can actually find his own penis.

yeah that's one way of putting it

another one is that capitalism allows people to trade freely and therefore people get paid what the negotiated value of their labor is, thus incentivizing people with money to be more productive

Whereas communism (trve commvnism) incentivizes you to sit on your ass as a freeloader because you still get paid the same as the most productive members of society

>Capitalism sees only certain labor as valuable
Only certain types of labour are valuable. I don't value pornographers or rap "musicians" or modern artists.

Checkmate soyboy.

lmao being rich is bad because if you're rich you can choose to get fat

good thread good meme keep it up


Jesus. The lengths you commie faggots will go to. You are actually trying to spin starvation as a positive.

Funny because capitalism seems to value porn, rap """musicians""", and modern """artists""" a ton. Not even a commie, but capitalism is about cashing off the degenerate masses.

Capitalism is the exploitation of the man by the man.
Communism is the strict opposite.

The farm explains why he's so fat.

”Look at that slave labourer we unironically call comrade. If he disagrees with the party elite’s line we’ll just send him to a sosialist re-education camp and starve him to death!”

What do you do for work, Gomrade? What do you suppose your role will be in great worker's paradise?

And thats how capitalism works. I give my money to the Labour I find useful and so do others

so in the end the communist society will have no scientists or engineers and everyone is just going to clean the sidewalk because nobody wants to work for a better or more respected profession

I know some twinkle toed, pink-bellied commie cock sucker will say zhis side is better but let's break down this meme (?) alone to disprove the entire philosophy that for some fucking reason, communism is superior.

For one, look at the way the Capitalist Mom is dressed compared to the Commie Mom. Cap Mom is in professional attire, probably busted her ass and got herself a good job that pays well so she can get her son anything he'll need and give him more opportunities than she had. She says what she says to him in order to push her son to be someone worth a damn and to make something out of himself when he's older. Ideally, she does this so her son will be more successful than she is one day.

Now look at Commie Mom. Very casual clothing, lax, non-responsive to much else other than "seizing the means of production" or some shit that leads to a dictator murdering millions of his own people since there's no money. Commie Mom probably does nothing or a simple job or non-job like playing vidya online. Commie Mom approves of the simpleton who couldn't or wouldn't apply himself and wound up sweeping shit off the streets. She tells her daughter that being a shit sweeper is fine, in fact lauded! This sends a very harmful message to Commie Mom's daughter, that not being the best she can be is fine since you "contribute to society" either way. Commie Mom's kid is going to grow up to be lazy, docile and a detriment to society whenever she opens her mouth and asks for free shit.

Which kid would you rather have? Cap Boy seems like the better answer, no? Cap Boy's is raised by a system in which makes him be the best he can so he can contribute more, earn more, and have a more fulfilling life.

Commie Mom can get fucked in a gulag for all I care. Cap Mom is waifu for lifeu!

lol you do know that the farm behind him is reserved exclusively for the upper-class in North Korea while the majority is starving. i swear this is worse than feudalism at least then their lord would try to reward the most productive farmers with a little extra food. while in communism that would not be allowed.

Centrally planned economy is the most retarded thing ever conceived by men, kys commie

how idiotic do you have to be in order to take some random picture of (if that even is) north korea at face value.

believing the narrative that nk's people aren't starving is ridiculous


see this is why the commie use of "exploitation" is so misleading. It's not exploitation, it's a mutually beneficial financial relationship--who the fuck said you get to keep the entire retail price of the product?
Communism is REAL exploitation: unproductive people and party members just stealing shit from the working man.

not very good...

Where's the funny part of this meme? Where's the entertainment? Do these guys not know how to make memes?

>north koreans eat meth to deal with the emptiness of their stomach

Meme flags were a mistake.

yes instead of being voluntarily exploited by a fellow man with equal status under the law. you get exploited by an upper class that will kill you if you refuse. :(

Can't draw can't meme, too bad, so sad.

>its a commie pushes his ideology with nonsensical analogies and logical fallacies episode

please take your death cult and FUCK OFF

What do you do for work, gomrade?

Who is oppressing you?

What does gommunism have to offer me?

the proletarian will always be trash

Communism is a kike invention

It's the most antihuman political meme in the entirety of human history. It has the highest death count.

are you saying that people don't replace food with drugs in capitalist societies too?

I can see you are Cuban who's parents were too stupid to realize the dangers of communism and decided to stay while you are envious of the few who realized the hell that was coming and did the smart thing to leave the country.

Modern Left:
>Burger-flippers deserve a living wage!
Also Modern Left:
>Fuck coal miners I hope they all die of Oxy overdose!
Yeah there's a contradiction. Today's left only values certain types of labor still. People who exploit the environment and other animals by cooking dead animal flesh for obese Americans to eat are good, but people who exploit the environment by mining coal for everyone to use for cheap energy are bad.

Contributing to society is like a gender. It isn't yes or no, male or female... it is a spectrum of all different ways people contribute.

are you saying that it is right to be forced to take meth to avoid the hunger pains. while in capitalism you have the luxury to take meth for recreational purpose(even though it is idiotic).

Nice mamac.

I can't work out why the bus stop pole had to move

it's communism they get paid the same even if they misplaced the signs.

>And thats how capitalism works. I give my money to the Labour I find useful and so do others
That's quite the opposite of actual progress though. We see the more Capitalism goes on, the more it erodes a society's moral values. Because everything is tossed overboard when you need money to eat, and once you're in deep enough it isn't like you are going to walk away from that money.
What we've built here is this big economic engine to give hundreds of millions of people immediate and regular dopamine hits from whatever has been produced, and that makes you value the product - all the bells and whistles built into the Skinner box.
Don't expect much progress in these conditions. Expect more and more shit like Valeant Pharma: where the biggest companies just buy up smaller companies who have already built something useful then repurpose their drug and raise the price and call it "growth".
In the end your society will be a joke of one big circlejerk. One big ponzi-jerk.

Because I'm more impressed by a doctor than an edgy college brat flipping burgers.

Sure someone needs to do the job, but they're more replaceable jobs compared to others.

Also "respect"? You mean "You are a slave to the government and you do what the government says or we beat you"

>Only fat kid in the whole country

It is not a matter of labor. The trash heap jobs are more valuable than the majority of mid-upper jobs. It is about those that hold those jobs. Despite being very important in holding together society, they have extremely poor effort to pay ratios while doing jobs no one wants to do.

The people who take these jobs are typically incapable of obtaining a decent job and have to settle for the trash heap jobs. They failed at being successful. The social hierarchy in capitalism is based upon success. When laughing at a street cleaner you are not laughing at the job, you are laughing at the person behind the job. The one who failed where many succeeded. You are telling yourself and everyone around you to not settle for being a failure.

You're wasting your time. People here don't want a better world. They just want to watch the world to burn.

Go to China or North Korea then.

If you take an actual liberal American and a Chinese mother, the roles would be reversed.
Chinks are extremely status-conscious - the chink mother would actually hit him with her car and drive away, because she wouldn't get her hands dirty for a sub-human.

>People who exploit the environment and other animals by cooking dead animal flesh for obese Americans to eat are good

>the left isn't vegan...???

I don’t make fun of the private trash collector guys that pick up in my neighborhood. I don’t use the service, I take the trash to the county dump every weekend. I pity those workers.
>pic related: t. (You)

Now you see who is really behind le %56 face. Divide and conquer.


Just saying, given the choice of your average diabetic American or your average starved North Korean girl I would choose the North Korean.

>communism: ignores supply and demand, feels all labour is equal in value

Capitalists have dreams for their kids. Communists end up as street-cleaners because there's too much bureaucracy and government-mismanagement for anyone to be wealthy.

And capitalists value sanitation workers. But for a mother and child, it is a useful foil to encourage aspirations through industrious study. No mom should want her son to make 50k at retirement. Communism needs armed revolution because their ideas and assumptions smell like hot garbage.


capitalism is based on two principles don't steal others property and don't lie about voluntary contracts when you agree on a price for a product. what you are describing below is not capitalism but a big companies using state power to increase government bureaucracy so that the small companies can't afford the legal fees. which forces them to go bankrupt and sell their company to big companies. i am mystified how you think more regulations and bigger government is good for the little guy when enforcing common law is enough and only requires a very small government.

(common law=don't murder, don't steal, don't lie on contracts)

actually is should be a mixture of them both...if you do not get a good education you have a much harder time getting a good paying job....but in doing his job he does contribute to society and does keep it beautiful

recently did a study with some peps from the US about sustainable production of goods, mainly in terms of agriculture and fishing.
the study is still locked (aka, can't officially publish), but the basic conclusion was that the US, compared to other "civilized" nations, was one of the most wasteful.
only recently was there a shift to not overburden the ground or over-fish areas, much later than in Europe
mainly because here govs regulate, while in the US the market was "regulating itself" (it does sure, but in a very harmful way to the environment).

The capitalistic way is, if I have the money, I want the goods, no matter what
and while this was somewhat manageable with agriculture, fish were massively declining.
Pure capitalism is not sustainable, but luckily you guys slowly realize that yourself... at least some do

>Communism sees all labor as beneficial to society and therefore respects all workers

What is or isn't valuable to society will always be something people disagree about, because people will always have different visions of how society should be.

Communism believes some human collective (e.g a government) will always be able to correctly judge what is or isn't valuable to society.

Models that incorporate Economic Freedom (e.g Capitalism, mixed econs) do so because they recognize the above task is both impossible and inherently tyrannical. So they allow a market (demand) to set the value of labour.

Welcome to Communism, where we can all suffer equally!

You should move to Cuba than Comrade

The difference between starving and not starving.

Simple question OP:

Who's going to judge what is or isn't valuable to society?

>Communism sees all labor as beneficial to society
not all labor is beneficial to society, this is something that capitalism and derivatives had to address and couldn't completely eliminate
Under communism, labor is strictly controlled for this exact purpose


It baffles me how the same americans can say that CNN is fake news when it criticizes Trump, then turn around and repeat mindlessly what they say about NK. Truly there is nothing worse than the thoughtless drones that is the american, he refuses to acknowledge anything if is not shown on his favorite propaganda box, he is so brainwashed that there is no longer any objectivity in his mind, simply pro-american and anti-american .


wow it is amazing how you can lie about something you know nothing about. a good farmer and fisherman do not over fish or overgrow the farmers makes sure to fertilized their land and grow more than one type of crop so they can make sure they have a continual source in the future. while a good fisherman make sure to give the fishes a chance to repopulate so that their will be more in the future. the ones that are smart and take the long-view are successful are able to expand and buy the land from stupid farmers which eventually leads to all the farm land being owned buy the responsible farmers. you are so misinformed it is painful to look at you.

you might think they know, but if you really believe people do that when there's profit to be made, I'm sorry to wake you from your dream.

agriculture became manageable by introducing stuff like hydroponic multilevel farms, making it very easy to produce huge amounts of vegetables and fodder on a tiny space all year round.
with fish, especially from the ocean, you can't breed them really, so you have to make sure to switch fishing grounds to let them recover.
the problem is though, there's still a huge demand, and especially in US culture, you can't accept a no can do.

in the EU we have many subsidies for sustainable farming/fishing, basically governed from the top down.
in the US, this is heavily frown upon, however nowadays there are multiple similar programs created from the bottom up.
it's basically a bully tactic, not by the government (which you don't like), but by other fishers. (aka the fishing community makes sure that those who over-fish can't sell their product)

the alternative is to buy fish from china, but that is where you draw the line.

Commies I have a dilemma with you. We can agree on things like your picture.

We don't want a bunch of immigrants coming in for cheap labor, we'll end up just like the whites of South Africa. How you people don't agree with this is beyond me. I'll stand up for workers but i'm not going to stand up for billions of niggers to flood in and turn us all into Zimbabwe. Once whites are gone, the stories basically end.

I guess maybe you people just want 'Black Communism', I'm not sure why. It's not communism it's just blacks slowly reverting back into a tribal state, it happens down to a fucking formula at this point.

Literally i'd be with you guys I just don't understand the nigger thing AT ALL. You guys are so obsessed with them and I don't see why

they're so fucking boring and simple, flooding them in and establishing communism has been done so fucking much, it's pointless. You guys thought the USSR did a bad job, how it wasn't 'real communism'? well fuck you should see when niggers try it

You have a good point Buckley

the only white supremacist I know is an unemployed heroin addict.

the only commies I know are uni students doing masters degrees.

But tovarish not all labor is equal or beneficial in the same degree

in farming if the farmer is not responsible then they are not able to buy more land from the irresponsible farmer because they thought they could continue indefinitely. so government intervention is not needed.

unfortunately in fishing their is no way to own the oceans since it is international waters so it is impossible to enforce any kind of order. while coastal waters can be owned by people and patrolled by the people who own it making sure it is not over-fished and are able to make a steady profit. the type of government regulated one in Briton works by only allowing fisherman to fish in fishing season so to gets swarmed by fisherman which can be problematic since their is no way to stop over-fishing if it happens. now with the E.U. regulations which allow foreigners to fish in British waters since they seem to have more fish but it is because of their responsible british fishing. E.U. over-fishing is destroying the fishing economy because of bad policy which can't be reversed anyway because it is a over-bureaucratic mess in the E.U.

if we have all the niggers doing the labor in our communist society, all us whites will have to do is sit on our ass and collect our free shit

Right because commies never see other humans as beneath them. I guess that's why they didn't massacre over 100 million people over the last century.

Pff, in USSR manual workers had more value than academics

exactly, that's why I'm a commie, because it's probably the best chance to get rid of niggers in our country

Is this supposed to be impressive?

not really, just better than being a smackie.

what are you talking about?
"british" fishing grounds (kek) are heavily regulated.
you can't just fish there any amount you want.
fish are tracked very heavily in that area.

the fish have nothing to do with this.
they are literally crying wolf because "foreign fishers" took their jobs.
pretty much everyone in the british fishing industry voted brexit and now it turns out that they won't get elusive rights to those fishing grounds anyway
fucking joke

>if the farmer is not responsible
he will get fired cause he doesn't own the land. and even if he does, with the low profit margins and high competition he can't allow himself to fall behind. this crates a race of who can sell the most. if the farmer goes out of business, the next one will continue to grow stuff.
>the ones that are smart and take the long-view
capitalism doesn't care. loss is not tolerated even if you own every farmable land. profit over everything.

must be a North Korean family

>capitalism doesn't care. loss is not tolerated even if you own every farmable land. profit over everything.

it is only a loss if the land can't be farmed anymore so i am not sure what you are trying to say here? :/

*deficit is not tolerated

You are a fucking moron.

I should care about unproductive people why? a good manager will make sure to keep the productive worker while doing everything they can to get rid of the unproductive worker I fail to see how this is a problem? :/

but the girls on the left will die if they say anything negative about their government

we're talking about limited resources that regenerate slow, can't make profit when the resource has to grow again.

Sure it does

This is completely unrelated to communism. The latter attitude is prominent in countries with high social cohesion, Japan for instance. It is ultimately a matter of personal/group philosophy though. It could be reappropriated to be a good argument for ethnic cleansing though.

again as i said before it is not a loss as long as the land can be continuously farmed indefinitely which is done by responsible farmers. :/

Okay but that street sweeper is probably making more than the average college graduate these days.

Yer meme sucks