Why does the USA torture it's inmates?

Ever wonder how prisons handle unruly inmates or prison overpopulation? Diesel Therapy and it's completely legal.

>inmates sent on a perpetual field trip crammed into a tight school bus. By perpetual I mean up to 18 hours a day from one stop to the next, never staying at one place for more than 6 hours for sleep, This can last YEARS.
>chained and shackled, feet bloat and turned to mush from atrophy. Toenails fall out. Many inmates are permanently disabled and unable to walk after.
>fed mayo and bologna sandwiches with milk to induce maximum diarrhea
>no rest stops allowed, inmates shit on bus
>no AC or heat
>white inmates purposely sat in the middle of violent black gangs to maximize racial tension
>It is actually cheaper to keep inmates on these buses than in prison. Solves prison overpopulation problems.
>There are literally 100s of these buses running all over the country this very instant.

How do we stop this?

Other urls found in this thread:


Public executions.

Nationalize your prisons I mean holy shit who thought privatizing them was a good idea?


>Cop pulls you over for going 47 in a 45
>asks for your wallet
>you reach for your wallet and cop shoots you 3 times in the chest cause you made a movement consistent with drawing a weapon
>cop calls for backup, sticking a gun in your face while you bleed out
>other cops arrive yelling and pointing guns at you, watching you black out
>ambulance arrives just in time, saves your life
>you're charged and convicted of terrorizing a cop
>instead of prison you are put on DIESEL THERAPY

All "privatizing" means in the context of prisons is that a percentage of the profit goes to the person who is responsible for the profit. That's literally it. State-run prisons are just as bad, except they are even more inefficient and cost-ineffective. If you manage a state-run prison you don't care if you buy the 2 dollar toiler paper or the 1.50 toilet paper, even though it will save the tax-payer $10,000 a year. Now multiply this ineffectiveness to hundreds of other small things and that's why our budget is in such disarray.

Private prisons have just as much regulation as state-run prisons. If anything private prisons have less evilness because it's easier to find and punish the person who did it, and the motive is there because liability affects the bottom line.

My cousin in law is married to a prison guard who lit an inmate on fire and was relocated because he was part of the prison guard union. No punishment, no nothing. He now works at a different prison.

This. Sup Forums is so bluepilled on cops and the justice system.

>If you manage a state-run prison you don't care if you buy the 2 dollar toiler paper or the 1.50 toilet paper
Or the 5$ meal vs the 3$ meal, or the 30$/h prison guard vs the 20$/h prison guard, or the x$ prison cell vs the 0.5x$ diesel therapy.

Unironically this.

Executions should be public. The fact that we do them so discreetly suggests that we are ashamed of doing it, and the death is wasted because it does not serve as a visible warning to others.

We should utilize more shame based public punishments as well. A "gangsta" who rots in jail for three years learns nothing, becomes more entrenched in his criminal lifestyle, and gets to look "tough". You can't look "cool" when you're in a pillory with pants down with children throwing rotten fruit at your face. That's what these low status criminals fear. Loss of face. It also is a more direct punishment that reflects that we as a society are punishing you for harming US, rather than the government punishing you for violating its rules.

Also this.

this is an actual thing that happens regularly in texas prisons i can tell you that
t. ex prisoner

this is an outrage - what a waste of precious gasoline

>Diesel Therapy



>if you don't agree with my point of view you're all blue-pilled

That's literally how everyone defines blue-pilled

All prisoners should be placed in solitary confinement for the duration of their stay in prison. They should not receive any food with taste. It should just be a bland, but nutrient dense, paste and water. They should be located in a small cell, with a small window. Behind the window there should be a TV that plays a somewhat static picture of a simulated outside. The window doesn't actually lead to the outside, so they can't escape. Below the window it should be engraved "You gave this up with your own decisions." All cells should have a TV that plays educational programming during wakeful hours. Prisoners should only have access to light, cardio-based workouts and not weights. They should not see the outside until their stay is up. Any bad behavior should be punished quickly with waterboarding and they should reiterate exactly why they are being waterboarded while doing so.

Nobody should ever want to go back to prison. They should be petrified of going back.

Why man talk about soft on crime. You're a fucking marshmallow.

I'm white.

Diesel Therapy is a fate worse than death

If you can’t do the time, don’t do the crime, faggot

This. Its money first and its wrong!


I can’t even tell if this is a shitpost or not. Is this real? If so, kudos.

Did you spend years on a bus for 18 hours a day? Where were you for the other six hours?

They usually sleep on the floor in a holding room

>be stuck on the bus with similarly shackled convicts forever.
>drag you through a spiraling maze of transitional moves with zero logic.
>What's the method to the madness?
>Is it intentional chaos-pure torture to keep us beat down, controlled, docile.
perfectly describes Sup Forums, desu.

[Citation needed]

They torture and kill White political prisoners such as Edgar Steel and Bill White.

Framed and murdered by ZOG

Bill White, prisoner of ZOG


I like busrides

Only in fucking America.


Fucking based dude.

I always thought public humiliation would be a marvellous tool for sorting these cunts out.

This sounds like complete bullshit
> mr bones wild ride

While I don't disagree at all (especially with the parts about reminding them why they're there), the argument against overly harsh prisons us that it potentially turns every arrest into a hostage situation /fight to the death

Additionally I personally don't trust the justice system and firmly believe that there are number of wrongly incarcerated people

> mfw i read up on it and it seems actually true
So why did we ever consider america a civilised nation?

lmao who gives a shit about criminals?

You probably committed several crimes today and didn't even know it.

You didn't make the value judgement we did.


I would like to know how prevalent this actually is. The only sources I can find for this kind of thing is stuff like Huffpo/Vice/etc.

This is wrong, obviously. You shouldn't be deliberately emaciating people.

Wow, you're right. Society would be so much better if there was no law enforcement. It's literally the perfect solution with no downsides. Everyone lives on the honour system

If you say "you" in the sense of western europe, then you're wrong, because we did... a long time ago.
You don't bring people to do less crime if you worsen the punishment. This is a long living rule
Your country is the most violent western nation statistically, even whithout counting the negers
>b-but your mudslimes running wild etcetc
You're right, they shouldnt be here in thebfirst place

why stop it if its cheaper? get more buses on the road

We're gonna need a lot more of those buses.

Congrats. You now turned small offenders into mental cases. Well done. I'm sure they will be a lot better off upon release now.

People forget prison is supposed to about rehabilitation. Not just a place to sit for a few years.

no its not for that, its for punishment and it acts as a detterent

Because US is jewish controlled

i haven't left the house in months user


In college I ended up in the county over some minor drunk foolishness then ended up in the hospital for a week because they refused to give me my medication. Protect and serve.

Why don’t you have your wallet and registration information ready on the dashboard? Serious question. I’ve been pulled over more than a few times and I always put these things on the dashboard in front of me where they are visible, and where my hands will always be visible to the officer as I reach for them.

Yeah, congratulations to the penitentiaries for embracing public transport!

People make mistakes. Should you die because you forgot to take your wallet out?

I can agree it should be punishment for serious offenders who have done some fucked up shit. But you need to understand most of the prison population is incarcerated for petty stuff, like child support. Do you think someone should be subjected to things that user listed because he fell behind on payments? There is a reason people think this board is satire. There is no way anyone can read this thread and take it seriously.

>[Citation needed]

Yes. The idea of being chained in a bus literally for years is a nightmare out of dystopian sci-fi.

In fact, I don't think any such system which required inmates to defecate and urinate in their seats would pass legal muster. It would unironically be shut down once it was brought to the attention of a federal district court judge, would an enterprise public interest attorney would surely do.

>supposed to about rehabilitation
Supposed by whom?

By the state obviously. If it's not then why do work release, reintegration programs exist? The whole prison charade is one giant meme anyway and it's not nearly as bad inside as the media would have you believe outside a select few cities. The ones here in Kansas are boring as fuck.

Punishment and justice are two separate concepts, tenuously related, but distinctly separate. Punishment MAY in some rare cases lead to justice, but justice never requires punishment. Restitution, rehabilitation, and accountability, but not punishment.
The idea that prison (or any potential consequence, truthfully) serves as a deterrent to other criminals is a very nice, very popular, politically active, fallacy. It is bullshit. If the threat of potential consequences was truly a deterrent, there would be virtually no crime in the united states at all. As it is, they imprison a larger number, AND a larger percentage of their population than ANY OTHER industrialized nation in the world. Including CHINA. And yet the US has one of the worst crime rates in the world as well. If prison worked as a deterrent, the large numbers of "deterrents" sitting in the prisons would ensure that the US had the lowest crime rate. In truth, they have such a horrible crime rate BECAUSE the US imprison so many people - but that is a separate issue.
Do you want to know why punishment - in any form - does not serve as a "deterrent?" It is because no one thinks that they are going to get caught. Everyone thinks that they are smarter, or craftier, or sneakier, or just a bigger bad-ass than law enforcement, and they think that they will get away with it. The question of punishment does not fit into the reasoning process - because it is not an expected outcome. When planning a crime, no one thinks "Gee, is selling this kilo of cocaine worth spending 30 years in prison?" people think "Hey. how can I get away with selling this kilo of cocaine???"

Prisoners are to be kept in solitary confinement for their ENTIRE sentence and away from any view of sunlight or sky

Let them spend 10 years in solitude to think

There is nothing wrong with this.

I just can't understand why the US is so obsessed with retribution. Perhaps it's all those years of tough on crime mantra.

There are five basic reasons for imprisoning a criminal.
The ones most people agree on are removal, deterrence, and retribution. That is: putting criminals somewhere that they can't hurt the general public, offering disincentives to committing crimes in the first place, and giving a sense that the person has been given a punishment that has fit the crime.
There aren't many people who'd disagree with serial killers being deprived of people to kill, or that some sort of punishment is needed to keep people from flouting the law with impunity, or that something must be done to provide a sense of justice and closure after a crime is committed.
There are two other basic reasons behind imprisonment, though, and very different philosophies about their place in criminal justice.
Scandinavian systems tend to focus on rehabilitation. That is, removing a person who commits a crime from the general public, and making it so that when they are allowed to rejoin society, that they're unlikely to commit any further crimes. The point is to make it that the person who comes out isn't the same person who went in: they're not a criminal anymore. And, if preventing recidivism is the goal, it seems to work: in Norway, a released criminal has a 20% chance of re-offending within five years; in the U.S., it's over 75%.
This seems to be because the U.S. system prioritizes retaliation over rehabilitation. That is, not imposing the best solution onto the problem, but rather inflicting as much pain as possible on the person who dared to flout the law.
That kind of stance just plain isn't healthy: not for the person wanting the punishment, nor for the person dealing out the punishment, nor for the person receiving the punishment, and especially not for the society in general.

If the U.S. ever wants to solve its crime problem --- and especially its recidivism problem --- you're going to have to get away from the idea that punishment must continue after the prison sentence is over. Because, even though I wouldn't say that I've done anything worthy of imprisonment, I know that if I was imprisoned, paroled, and released, and the stigma of my crime left me with no job, no friends, no support network, and, in short, no ties to the community at all... If I had no way to support myself, and no one whose good opinion I cared to maintain... If the only thing that stood between me and reoffending was my moral strength and willpower, and those slowly started to get eaten away as I starved and was looked down upon from every angle...
Well, I'm not going to say that I'd turn to a life of crime, because my currently well-fed, well-regarded, gainfully-employed, and generally-quite-comfortable self is in a good position to say that a life of crime isn't something he would ever consider turning to. But I do have to wonder how many of my reasons to not steal would have to be taken away before I did seriously start making that consideration. And, judging by the American recidivism rate (once again, 76.6% of released prisoners in the U.S. are re-arrested within five years), I'd be naïve to think I'm the special person who wouldn't bow to that pressure.

Only like 12% of our prisons are private Leaf.

Do you really think they'd pay for this?

Private prisons incentivize locking people up. In a system where businesses often bribe lawmakers, this is asking for trouble.

Typical strawman

the guy in a prison colony wants us to go soft on criminals, kek.


Your argument is valid, well written and though out.

HOWEVER, you are missing one very important thing: the US has a large NIGGER population. They don't rehabilitate, they can only be housed away from normal (aka white) people.

> be convict
> complete sentence become emancipated
> get a job own land
> help build a fucken G20 nation

Tell me again how recidivism helps society?

>muh niggers

The retard who doesn't know that the British were shipping convicts to the American colonies before Australia was founded.

toll paid

>execute all criminals
>corpses have a proven 0% recidivism rate
>society can redirect the massive waste of resources spent on "criminal justice" into productive areas

Tell me again how being a pussy and treating criminals like people helps society?

See You turn nearly every police interaction into a fight for life.
Not being a pussy isn't about who has the biggest muscles/ dick / gun. It's about making the hard decisions.
Killing everyone because your afraid of them is the decision of a weak timid little man.

If they die on the street we don't even have to bother with arrest, booking, intake, and a trial.

It has little to do with fear and simply a desire to jettison this farcical burden we're told we need. Just kill them, and they'll never be a problem again.

Why do you not understand efficiency?

Please provide a state source claiming that the sole purpose of incarceration is rehabilitation or kill yourself. I think you just misinterpreted the multiple purposes of the system and are attempting to give your misunderstanding greater weight by attributing it to a higher source.


is this real? can i have a source?

you are guilty of not procreating

DT definitely real, but on the hush hush. Only source is from inmates.


Same tier of bullshit commies invented about imperial prisons.
> comrades where not allowed to speak in prison and their vocal cords atrophied and they bled out and died gargling blood because of it
All while killing Russians by millions every year and beating people half-dead for a couple of days, until they sign papers, that their parents, children, husbands and wifes, friends, pet cat, neighbor and neighbors children are part of counter-revolution fascist death squad.

How that retarded shit with busses is even possible in a system, where a prisoner is allowed communicate with the world? Like calling, mailing, meeting with relatives and attorneys, having doctors autopsy their bodies in case of any incidents and whatnot. Give me a tide pod.

If you would not give people a room for improvement and a room for human judical mistake, that would not fit the Christian logic.

If you want to employ sharia logic, you know what is happening with it. A shithole.

crime/prison issues should be mostly dealt with via "immigration" and EMIGRATION.

Deportation to Area of DNA origin should be primary sentencing option for any serious crime. Compliance with this program should be primary mission of US State Dept, not Israel.

No Constitutional freedoms such as Gun Rights should be infringed. If you can't trust them with a machine gun in their home like in Switzerland DON'T LET THEM IN.

> treat everyone the same
That is just retarded. People should be allowed to improve their score and go to the better cell. They should also make their racial score, their language score, their criminal code score and whatnot, that would be taken into consideration locally and globally. So the prison population would view the order violators as their own enemies and value those, who abides the peace keeping code.
Books and writing should be widely employed, especially for those who stays in solitaries for long.

Violent niggers should be sent to cold places like alaska to sort their life out with elements of survival in rehab. Not something too harsh - just keep their cells clean, preserve food in summer to eat in winter and plan fuel spending to get trough the winter. That would help to break their genetic programm about raping and stealing and give them some insight on whiteness.

People managing prisons know that perfectly, but they give your niggers testosterone diets, heavy lifting and gang environment instead.