Why does all the (((science))) say a vegan diet is optimal for human health?

why does all the (((science))) say a vegan diet is optimal for human health?

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You know Hitler claimed to be a vegetarian so he would have to eat pork and other meats that weren't slaughtered kosher.

So he would NOT have to. But obvious from context

It doesn't.

Its not. Look up super centenarians and see how they all eat animal products

Just rely on the 3 major food groups:
1. alcohol
2. nicotine
3. caffeine

>the chad diet

it doesn't

read the book 'end of dieting' by tim spector, you can pirate it on libgen. he's an actual geneticist, and explains how a totally vegan diet means you need to inject yourself with b12 shots. eating a ton of variety of plant fiber is a good thing, but not exclusively

>Ancestors ate mostly veggies for 10s of thousands of years?

I don't have the energy for this. Best I can do is point in the direction of Dr. John McDougall.

>3 white children
>educated physician
>refuses to eat things that would end up having him in a bed throwing money up into the (((system))) to pay for his medical bills
>openly advises against the consumption of these foods
Does that sound like a Jew or a white man being a good goy? Because it shouldn't. There, the science isn't (((science))).


You are what you eat. Plant-eating creatures are more docile than meat eaters. Isn't 'cowing' people whats bothering Sup Forums nowadays?
Eat the meat once in a while. You're a goddamned apex predator. Act like it.

Nature's most perfect food.

>You're a goddamned apex predator.
Ah yes, my canines, how could I forget about my ferocious jaw.

>apex predator
Most shop at Safeway

Mcdougall is great.. big fan .. I literally owe him my life.

As for the b12, its made by bacteria. If you grow your own food and pull a carrot out of the ground, wipe off the dirt with the top and eat it .. chances are you are eating b12.

"Hunting" for bargains, I assume?
Businesses use this language on purpose; that's what focus groups are for.

1. Beef
2. Cheese
3. Bread/beer
Only things humans have ever needed since ancient times .. anyone to tells you it’s healthy to eat green things is lying

Not gonna try and change your mind but check this out.


Also, look at the potato nigger history before the famine.

A healthy diet consists of adderall, monster energy, grizzly mint and Dota 2

6 gorillion layers of irony.


Lol vegan jidf shill detected.

Only non whites get build up in their arteries from eating meat and trans fats.


Most civilizations really only had a couple local crops to cultivate, the main source of their nutrition was slaughtering Bulls in giant orgy festivals

Because a strictly vegetarian diet (and vegan is worse) starve people and make their minds weaker and more open to brainwash. All 70s studies about the dangers of sects and cults warned about any group that tries to convince your children to follow a vegetarian diet.

Scientists agree that life is 100% fatal.

Post proof pls

>Tobacco must be banned! It's bad for your health!
>All drugs must be legalized!
Guess which of those makes one more vulnerable to brainwashing.

It's true that Jews are behind Tofutti, but only because they need to eat fake cheese on Yom Kipper or whatever.

Here's what the goy Adventists have to say:
It's perfectly healthy and there are plenty of vegan pro athletes,

Only about 1 percent of the pop is vegan so less than Jews.


>apex predators

Humans are scavenger prey who got really good at killing shit and completely upended the system. Humanity has been a plague of mass extinction since many thousands of years before written human history, responsible for the deaths of basically every mega-fauna on earth.

Apes, including humans, are almost exclusively the only group of mammals that can see the colour red, for scavenging fruit

Humans have an aggressively good olfactory system that rivals that of dogs (for quality, not sensitivity) and we are VERY good at picking up the scent of rot and bacteria that would make a meat scavenging animal sick. We can tell smells apart that many animals cant