

>The West was so busy fighting Islam and racism it allowed itself to be conquered by the hippie new age spiritual buddhists
namaste motherfuckers

wtf I hate calm cops now.

Buddhism is redpilled dude

Meditation is good for you bitch.

fucking cunt, he deserves it

>They get paid to do this.

>practicing presence of mind and control of your thoughts and emotions is bad
drop the tough guy ego

>falling to meditation meme

>believing the story

What's wrong with that?

Use namaste in a sentence.

>Forgets fact that Buddhism was created in the area around modern day India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Nepal. And east Asians only popularized it.

Namaste *bows to the divine in you* motherfucker

This is awesome. Love that picture.

Canada is like the Sweden of the Americas. I really hope you will be nuked when shit hits the fan.

>Thinking that a 5,000+ year old practice is a meme because some goofballs got a hold of it in the last 50 years.

It's like you don't even want to make it

Wow. Wondrous seeing a room filled witg only women - Amazing.

I read meditating as masterbating.. clicked pic and lost interest.

There's no reason not to.

Whats wrong with meditation? If you stick with it long enough, you can have benefits. How much you dedicate yourself to it will dictate how much of a benefit.

Granted these cops probably are just doing some mandated shit and most of the wont be committed to it or doing it properly and thinking what theyre going to have for dinner.