Why are whites hated when they practically did everything for the modern world

Why are whites hated when they practically did everything for the modern world

Free money?

Stole everything*
Enjoy going extinct, btw

Jealousy and rivalry and antiwhite propaganda

slavery, imperialism, colonialism... all the coloured peoples of the world want to be us, jews want to exterminate us because thats how they roll

They go by a different narrative and set of rules. Where one might say “whites conquered the natives land. Civilizations have gone to war over land for 1,000’s of years” a liberal might say “whites stole the land and raped dere wemen”. Where one might say “white people have progressed the world” another might say “whites oppressed color people and women and didn’t give them a chance for education”

Yeah, all those great white inventions like


Because they steal credit

Funny, I thought those things existed before White European people.

You really need to ask?

they will do anything to keep us from our potential


What I understand about why White educated religious persons are demonized is about a push to turn America into a sweat shop with low paid workers and bad working conditions so Ceo's of billion dollar cooperation's can make more money. You whites get all uppity when working conditions are dangerous people don't bath and the pay is low. But what the fuck they do it to every country they can why do you think they would not do it here? Diablo wants you to got to hell.

Envy is one helluva drug. Have you ever dealt with the small jealous people? The ones who derive their perceived value by how they compare to others? The ones who are so weak that they can't even formulate their own opinions?

99% of that hate is instigated by Jews.

When you're literally the best, the world will rage with envy and try to tear you down.

Not all white people are bad. Some of my best friends are white.

Because the media is anti-white and makes these people believe that all these ideas would've been possible formulate in Africa or South America and that whites simply beat them to the punch.

White people won't go extinct.

Unfortunately the traits that make up white people happen to be the most diverse meaning they are the traits that we are most easily able to lose

Blond hair, Red Hair, Blue Eyes, Green Eyes etc.

When these traits disappear white people disappear.

all of that stuff goes for any race.

They're mad that we won a bit too hard and accidentally all morality if the other person was too dark.
Now, in our defense, we won so hard that we had nothing other than "they're all naturally retarded" to explain why they were so unilaterally shit.

All of that stuff goes for any race and/or color.

Yeah, but white people aren't going extinct any time soon is what I'm saying.

Always cracks me up when people say "diversity" when white people are literally the most diverse race on the planet.

We will just get dissolved.

After all, a calculator that you threw in a swimming pool of acid is just dissolved.

They ars jealous, butthurt whiners with low IQ scores. Everything they criticize whites for that happened hundreds of years ago, they were engaging in.
>”b-b-but whitey dun keelt millions of-“
Coloreds were never able to wage war as well as whitey because they could barely tie two sticks together. Basically they’re mad because whitey has repeatedly BTFO them in every aspect and instead of admitting that they’re stupid, they pretend that whitey be keepin’ da black mayun down! Sheeeeeit! It’s like when a spoiled brat loses at checkers. “Waaahhh you cheated!” *swipes pieces off board*. Pathetic.

the jew controls the press, and media, and the press/media can twist and turn and mold and shape the public opinion on anything, and basically they chose to shit on white people, and made POC look like victims, and they're pushing for apologizm in whites, so whites in western europe and america are doomed to become apologetic pieces of shit, unless they fight back.

found the mongoloid chink

This. crackers are no different from normies when they cant swallow the TRUE red pill and shape the truth to what they want

>muslims have done all of that and even more


The unsuccessful will always hate the successful

Genocide is also good, nigger.


thats true, because whites are smart and are exporers, travellers and basically are the best

> slavery

your own african obongo ancestors sold your ass off to jewish captains that lead to the america

> oppression

the first ever oppression i've seen was basically muslims against slavic type of oppression, so no, whites didnt invent oppression, nigger

> war

nigger you serious? war happens all the time and whites couldnt be the ones who invented that

> incest

nice try, prophet mohammad was the first ever person to have practiced incest and pedophilia.

>nice try, prophet mohammad was the first ever person to have practiced incest and pedophilia.
There's incest really early on in the bible. Also not white.

> there's incest really early on in bible

proof of ur a lying fat fedora fuck.

That girl gets her dad drunk then sleeps with him. Twice I think lol. So she can get pregnant with an incest baby.

>whites go extinct
>asians take over the world and bring back slavery

Go back to Africa while you can, Jamarcus.

and they instate an actual patriarchy and actual dictatorship and then anyone disagreeing with that gets shot on sight, and world is saved.

Because we did a lot of "bad" things too. Especially in the resent past