Poland tried to make usage of "Polish Death camps" illegal. Jews attacked Poland for that

Poland tried to make usage of "Polish Death camps" illegal. Jews attacked Poland for that.



Prime minister response


Articles in Polish
What do you think about that?

Co o tym myślicie?

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Articles in Polish



Diskord polskich nacjonalistów do dyskutowania na ten temat: hvEB4qD

What do you think about that?

Co o tym myślicie?

What's the point of making it illegal to say "Polish death camp"? They were death camps in Poland.

Sup Forums nie pozwala na podanie naszego discor.du, ale jak wpiszecie d.iscord w googlu (bez kropki)

to to jest kod naszego disc.ordu: hvEB4qD

But they were not created by Polish people as the phrase suggest

There's already a thread, delete this one and check out the catalog next time.

This whole situation will be quite a redpill to a lot of Poles

They want to keep their victim narrative alive. They try to create a negative image of Poland, as Nazi-collaborateurs.
It's no coincidence that everyone only ever talks about the persecution of Jews when WWII is mentioned.

the point is that it implies ownership and guilt.

Jews want ca. $65 billion from Poland as reparations OR a right to settlement.
They want to evacuate Israel and they are looking for somebody weak willed to take them.

The problem is they own most, if not all, big media companies, so good luck with the massive shitstorm. But to yourselves a favor and never give in. They won't engage an open confrontation, they rely on deceit, lies and manipulation as their means to getting what they want.
You can't trust these people, they already subdued Germany and its people, they don't care about Poland or your people, they only want to exploit you.

Start calling them Jewish death camps.

thats you - you are a weak bolish boyfotze with lots of space. Your kike overlords will turn up sooner or later and you will be their niggers. because of bolish exterminationcamps with rotating knifes in some chambers and masturbation machines & stuff - well .. you are fukked now

the SS never killed a single kike. The SS was the recreationcamp management , kapos from boland and ukraine had to work with the jewish employes

>Jews want ca. $65 billion from Poland as reparations OR a right to settlement.

Well, you already have the camps to house them. Why not allow them to resettle there?


>in poland it's illegal to deny holocaust denialism

Yes, they have no direct instrument of pressure other than making our lives unpleasant. They believe we will say 'pass' before them.
Also, it's annoying how they have parasited the American host and are using claims of influence to extort money.
We are now in a pro-American politics mode, but should they manage to use American diplomacy to put pressure on us, we will get back to the pro-German stance (it depends on which party rules currently).

The government won't budge, if the populace is informed and angry.

we will rename them to Jewish camps

At least they can't guilt trip you into giving in, since it would only make them look bad when they try to make you guys feel bad for not helping them enough apparently. Also you got kind of screwed during and after the war, everybody knows that.
They can't play the victim card here, stay strong.

Hans, I don't exactly want to insult you or something, but those are German-owned media in Poland who are shilling for "Polish fault in Holocaust", not to mention German media in Germany who are shilling for quotation: "Polish death camps".

Probably owned by the same people who constantly remind us of our eternal guilt for what supposedly happened and our duty to aid the Jews for all eternity

>At least they can't guilt trip you into giving in,
It seems like their palybook is outdated by now. With internet and Israeli crimes against Palestinians it's much harder for them to control the narrative and paly the victim. It's funny how even our "liberals" are speaking out against Israeli reaction. One of the funniest themes in comments now is "we shouldn't have saved those ungrateful kikes".

Possible. Yet, I never met a (((Polish))) leftist being anti-German. All of (((Polish))) SJW seem to just love Germany. I am curious why...

Also, check out Verlagsgruppe Passau. This German company owns 90% of local newspapers in Poland. As for "German" (not really as you tell) group they seem to shift those newspapers to be a very pro-German medias.


It is all a part of a coordinated effort to force Poland to pay shekels by making us look bad on the international arena. They want to bleed us dry. A quick rundown of what was happening in the last two weeks:

>On Jan 20th, a Polish, (((American owned))) TV station called TVN releases hidden camera footage from some Nazi larpers celebrating Hitler's birthday in a forest. This sparks a national outrage over Nazi groups in Poland, people of all sides come to condemn it and legal action is taken, this is pic related, footage here: tvn24.pl/superwizjer-w-tvn24,149,m/superwizjer-tvn-z-kamera-w-srodowisku-polskich-neonazistow,807953.html The footage was from APRIL

>This week, Polish social media gets flooded with articles about Israeli tours, consisting of 18 yr old coming to see Auschwitz completely wreck hotels, including shitting in ceiling lamps. Photos of Jewish tourists leaving rental cars and buses in a state of absolute mess also appear. This, obviously antagonizes Polish internet users against jews. Dig those comments out without context, and you have the perfect fodder for screaming about antisemitism.

>Polish law against using the phrase "Polish death camps" comes up, and Israelis start protesting against it, in ways that, of course, provoke Poles in the process.

>Meanwhile, the Israeli lobby has been pushing for legislation in the US, that would make the US government push countries like Poland towards compensating Jewish organizations for property lost by Holocaust survivors. Not direct descendants, but organizations - wjro.org.il/senate-foreign-relations-committee-passes-senators-baldwin-rubios-bipartisan-legislation-support-holocaust-survivors-families/, a decent and actually surprisingly balanced article on this is here - tabletmag.com/jewish-news-and-politics/253433/poland-holocaust-restitution-laws

So, my obvious fear, is that now, they will dig up what I have mentioned above to prove our "antisemitism". Watch for it.

They are the reason why the second World War started in the first place and with the internet all this information was finally pieced together

The Germany they are in favor is a multicultural shithole (like the one that it is today), they don't want a German Germany, they want to destroy the last remains of German identity

I love it. This triggers the jew even more than when you ask germany for reparations.
Stay strong Polish bro, you are doing god's work.

Oh well... Guess I'm an antisemite now :/

Hans, you seem not to understand. (((Media))) want you to be ashamed of your nationality. You think German media are evil? Go to Poland and read (((media))) then. You'll gain +1000 boost to your ego as a German, because our media are mocking Poland every single day and telling how Germans and Germany are great. And desu, somehow I do not believe, that is only (((their))) fault- they are way too much pro-german to be just (((their))) and nobody else's job... guess whose.

So basically they want you to give in to (((their))) demands and open up your borders to sandniggers from Shitholeistan, thus destroying your country? Yeah, your national pride a problem then. But I guess after everything the Poles survived it takes more than that to convince you that you should drop nationalism. Especially since you literally just have to look around Western Europe to see what happens when you do that.
Or does this propaganda actually work?

Pack auschvitz up and send it to israel.
Fuck them

so Poland and Israel are not bros anymore :(

>Jews attacked Poland for that.
Good. Let people see what kikes are.

so poland took over europe in WW2 ? is this what the jews had been hiding?

>9/11 was american terrorism
>hiroshima was destroyed in japanese nuclear explosion
>nice was french truck of peace

nah, we will forgive them if they pay us for this outrageous accusations

It's funny seeing poles try to weasel out of the fact they, too, were complicit in Nazi crimes.

>ooooh but we didn't have a choice

Yeah right.

we weren't, fuck off snekmen

I wonder if poles can somehow twist this around and claim that no jews died in the camps.

I do not believe it, seems that the biggest jewish bank in Europe will be build in Poland. Coincidence?

Friendly reminder that Poland was the only country occupied by nazis, that had death sentence for helping jews.


Good job Polaks, fuck German pussies that live in self build lies and fuck those manipulating kikes.

Because there were no death camps in poland or otherwise.

>be a country
>get invaded by another
>they replace your government with theirs
>use their soldiers and force yours to put people into death camps
>the descendants of those people complain when you blame the invaders for forcing your descendants to throw theirs into death camps
Why are the Jews defending the Nazis?

meme poles to question holocaust now!

Operation Olympia called for Israeli agents to plant a massive set of bombs under a V.I.P. dais under construction in a Beirut stadium where, on Jan. 1, 1982, the P.L.O. was going to celebrate the anniversary of its first operation against Israel. With the push of one button, they would achieve the destruction of the entire Palestinian leadership.
Everything was ready, including powerful explosive charges already secreted beneath the dais, as well as three vehicles loaded with explosives that were supposed to be parked on the streets around the stadium; these were to detonate about a minute after the dais exploded, when the panic was at its height and the survivors of the initial blast were trying to flee the scene. The resulting death and destruction were expected to be “of unprecedented proportions, even in terms of Lebanon,” in the words of a very senior officer of the Northern Command. But a group of worried AMAN officers, as well as the deputy defense minister, went to Begin and demanded that he order Dagan to call it off. “You can’t just kill a whole stadium,” one officer recalled telling Begin. “The whole world will be after us.” Begin shut down the operation.

>It is all a part of a coordinated effort to force Poland to pay shekels by making us look bad on the international arena
Trump likes us, international jewry does not like him, therefore they are after us

dude we know jewish death toll is mostly bullshit but there were actual jewish victims in camps, and there were Polish victims as well, it was war, deaths are normal

Ale na wykop to ty wracaj.

przed chwilą zjadłem schabowego
wejdźcie na mój poziom lamusy


Never forget the 21 000 000 000 trillions that got shoahcausted at Jedwabne.

>it resulted in the death of at least 340 Polish Jews of all ages
>in a barn
impossible, you cannot fit 340 jews in the barn, not to mention they are not very sturdy, they could just kick the boards in the back and escape

Jewish dialectics never cease to amuse me...

you walk the very very thin line jew
I suggest you back off, truth does not fear investigation and we hold all the evidence
shut up or we will start searching for all those gorillions

Why is everyone still pretending the Holocaust happened?

Fucking LARPers

Remember Jedwabne, you Slav. Rabbi Yeshua commands you.

stop shitposting

>Jews attacking the goodest of goys
proves Jews dont give a fuck what you do for them, goys are goys

>What do you think about that?


words from Jan Paweł II to you

I like it, antisemitism in Poland is highest in history now

and so is antigermanism and anticommunism

>self build lies
Fuck off, everything you said is true, but just fuck off, it wasn't our brilliant idea to destroy our identity with decades of guilt inducing propaganda
And we weren't the ones fighting for (((them)))


>it wasn't our brilliant idea to destroy our identity

ecumenic kek

>Track down and arrest Neonazi scum after they secretly celebrate Hitler's birthday
>Trigger Israel by introducing the law that penalizes accusing Poland of Holocaust
>All that in a span of one week

Looks like we managed to BTFO kikes and stormfags simultaneously yet again


those neonazis were allowed here by PO and first report was made by TVN
obvious false flag is obvious
they try to pin it on ONR and make patriotism and nationalism bad

>>it wasn't our brilliant idea to destroy our identity

Ironically you're using the same arguments our left is inclined to use. As if trying to destroy Bolshevism inherently implies to commit collective, national suicide.

Why are people celebrating this? This is an attack on free sleech, it's no different to laws against Holocaust denial.


>trying to destroy Bolshevism
I reccomend you check up your brain, cause there is something stuck in there and I really hope it is not ahmed sperm

Who gives a shit what some twitter bitch thinks. The Israeli government and the Holocaust Industry don't call them Polish Death Camps. Wtf is wrong with nu/pol/ sperging out over irrelevant twitter niggers as if it's some policy change? Kys niggers.

>obvious false flag is obvious

It is obvious that leftist media will try to make people believe that all nationalists are secret Nazis now, but these retards were legit ones and should hang on the lanterns. Including these two cunts who were with them.

A lot of Jews of Polish descent are REALLY salty about Poland and Polish antisemitism and don't even identify as Polish anymore.

Sad, but understandable.

t. Polish Jew.

we could just kick them to germany, let ahmed and tyrone reeducate them on their evil intolerant ways
real problem is fake Poles inside country
and I mean everybody who unironically supports PO, .N and SLD/Razem by that
those people should be executed for treason

a lot of Poles are mad that while we were struggling with communism, you jews scattered like rats and jewed your way out, and now you want not only respect, but shekels

Honestly, I respect Poles for not have given in to German occupation. German occupation did not hold a bunch of French or Hollanders or Norwegians back from collaboration and joining the German army voluntarily, Poles did not to that. They resisted. But that's also why terror tactics were used.

Fact is that Hitler tried to get Poland into the Anticomintern alliance. Ideologically we would have gotten along well together, but your government refused to see that the two decades of Polish dominance in the region were over. It was either aligning with Bolshevism or with National Socialism. Since the Polish government did not cooperate, war was the solution to go with.
As a minor nation you probably would've been granted land to the east of Poland. But that's your problem: as a minor nation. Your pride caused you to resist in an almost futile fight, your pride cause you to accept that you are closer to being a minor nation, esp. economically.
I do not hate Poles, as said. I am being realistic here.

Had you just gotten in line with the Axis. Damn.

>you just had to get fucked, killed and removed from the map by guys who did it to you just few years back
how in the hell you think it was reasonable in any way?

Losing the war is not the reason for this guilt complex
Maybe it has something to do with the fact that we were told lies on a daily basis for decades, but be happy, it was pretty effective, in a couple of decades we're gone

it is not feeling I would describe as being happy
more like clogging toilet with bigass piece of shit that was stuck in your bowels for 1000 years
this is what I feel when I think about end of germany as we know it

boo hoo you niggers started a race war and lost, the only reason that Germany exists is because there was no (((them))), that's why Germany was allowed to be rebuilt to combat communism. But there is one thing that everyone one hates more than communism and that shit is German fucking autism, they stomped you for the same reason they stomped you in WW2 because no other big power wanted you autistic niggers to gain more land

Also now you niggers don't have the balls to admit the shit that you did

For ideological and economic reasons. Try to see Germanys situation from a German perspective: WWI had shown how depending Germany was on resource and food imports from the outside and was strangled by western allied, political intervention before Hitler, while there had been communist revolts in the early 1920s and communists remained strong until 33 (communists were 2nd strongest force).

Try to change perspective to a German of the time and you will see that there were good reasons to go for an aggressive foreign policy.

But how was resisting at all costs reasonable for Poland when there was a clear option to ally?

Well my family lived through communism in Poland including the anti-Jewish purges and we don't get any shekels OR respect from Poland.

That's okay, though, I still have love for my homeland, it's like unrequited love because Poland does not love me back.

>lived through communism in Poland including the anti-Jewish purges
>jews purging other jews for their money
>somehow Polish fault
listen you maple nigger: there were so many jewish commies we still haven't removed them all
jewish feels are really on the lowest point of list that requires attention in Poland
you say ally, I say slave
whatever, you just try to paint removing Poland from the map as good thing, and it is not only atrocious thing to do, it is also preposterous as it cannot be done pernamently and offensive towards Poles

We did some fucked up shit, no one denies that.

Sounds just like Antifa, that doesn't rustle my jimmies

>there were so many jewish commies we still haven't removed them all

Institute for National Remembrance seems to think the case is closed. Anyway, Jews were purged from the party and government back in the 60s.

>jewish feels are really on the lowest point of list that requires attention in Poland

I absolutely agree with you there, stick to your priorities, if you can.

>Jews were purged from the party and government back in the 60s
Only the Zionists.

Check out Jerzy Urban. He was a main propagandist of Jaruselski's regime.

>Institute for National Remembrance
you mean Polish IPN?
they are under fire right now because of jewish feels and german propaganda and it angers me greatly
well, my rational anger at germans for their crimes and antifa irrational screeching seem to overlap on some points
but antifa are faggots as well and your antifa tried to stir shit in Poland on Independence Day few years back, so they should be beaten as well

Urban may have been an exception.

My grandparents were kicked out of the party and lost their jobs even though they were absolutely assimilated Poles who considered themselves to be 100% Polish.

I don't think anyone on Earth is surprised to learn that Communists are cynical opportunists who only care about their "principles" as long as it keeps them in power.

>Articles in Polish
>What do you think about that?

I think you're not making enough of an effort


go fuck yourself you are trying to deny that the polish people are responsible for some parts of the holocaust thousands of jews were killed by polish nazi collaborators you are trying to change history i hope that jews in the US are going to put a lot of pressure on their goverment and stop the help you get from the US so you can be raped again be the russians you slavic pice of shit

Start calling them banker death camps.

He's an example of someone who was purged, yes.

>Stupid Ashkenazi Jew doesn't realize he's a Slav

You are being manipulated into attacking your own kinsmen, you fool, don't you have enough enemies?

((((Gazeta Wyborcza)))) still exists, other Michnik still alive in norway or somewhere despite being commie murderer