/SWEG/- Swedish Election General


On the 9th September, Sweden is going to have a general election. This may be the last chance Sweden has to stop itself from falling over the edge before it’s too late.
The Sweden Democrats are the third largest party in the Riksdag. They aren’t perfect, but they’re anti-migrant, anti-handout and pro-justice for rapefugee victims.
If we can get them into office, it’s not going to fix all of Sweden’s problems overnight- but we need the SD to start putting Sweden right and push the overton window. And we have just under 9 months to make this possible.

Don’t see a thread up? Put it up!

On the 31st Janury, Svenanons are going to take to the streets, putting up the six posters you see below.
See the picture of the map below. Dark red are areas we need to focus on the most- leftist strongholds & areas with high levels of immigration. Pink are the areas we need to focus on the least, but if you live in these areas, don’t think we won’t need your contribution.

The silent Majority of Swedes are with us, but they are kept in check by a culture of peer pressure & virtue signalling. If they can see how many people stand with them, and against their establishment, we can break the stigma.

Other urls found in this thread:


We need to reach Swedes- especially redpilled Swedes- with large audiences both in Sweden and Internationally. One guy potentially fits that description. We know he comes here for material in the ylyl threads, and we know where to find him.
/ reddit.com/r/PewdiepieSubmissions/comments/7sznor/edgar_was_right_make_sweden_lagom_again/

Speaking of outreach, we need people spreading the good word in the farthest corner of the redpilled spectrum. We need all hands for this task, people. That means reaching out to reddit.

Public support for the SD is going to be crucial. Jimmie’s going to be going on tours of Sweden before the election; if you can make it, please try.








These are the posters we'll be using for the first phase of the campaign.


Sweden is lost. I saw a few families travelling to my hometown. The woman clearly wore the pants in family. Kids usually have stupid haircuts. They look ignorant, detached from the world.

Found something, translated into swedish.

We'll see about whats lost and not

This isn't okay



Good morning lads

morning slept well?

>han vaknar på förmiddagen

Hell yeah

to be fair I don't get enough sleep during the weeks. Wagecucking, school and the gym takes all of my time, and I'm on Sup Forums too much as well.

aren't we all :)

i just started training to be prepared for GMU are you training for any specific reason?


Min gissning om valets utgång:

1: Negerdyrkare och våldtäktskultister av endera schatteringen bildar regering.

2: SD i opposition.

I'm training to get swole for the inevitable race war. On a serious note, mostly for health and because I'm /tall/ so I look weird if I don't have muscle on my frame. Nice that you're going to do GMU, all it really takes is decent bodyweight strength ( make sure you can do your pull ups, dips and push ups) as well as somewhat decent stamina. Good luck bro, make us proud

Det är ju ändå helg va

Vi får se. Våra egna chanser ser bättre ut än någonsin tidigare, det kan definitivt bli annorlunda den här gången.

i will try with all my might to not disappoint

>The woman clearly wore the pants in the family
>Kids usually have stupid haircuts
Idk what this means but nice shitposting I guess

Det skulle roa mig men de kvinnodominerade partiernas heta våltäktsfetisch drar röster från ett skenbarligen outtömligt förråd av likasinnade (och ofta fula) kvinnor i samhället.

think that SD maybe come second biggest party in sweden this year

if it happens then we will probably see a an alliance between the Röd gröna and borgarna

It's easier than you might think, just make it a habit to train so that you won't get shocked when it's time. We had some pretty weak guys especially during the first 2 projects but you will quickly get used to it. I think the max amount we ever carried for long periods of time was 35kg or so.

When executive power is on the line, those people drop all pretence (sp?) and band together quick enough.

Kvinnlig rösträtt var ett stort misstag, men vi får jobba med det vi har just nu.

go Based Jimmie

Bless you mate

i got plenty of time to get in shape 1.5 years exactly

Ju mer jag ser av kvinnors valmönster desto mer håller jag med.

guys what do you think about founding a new nationalist socialist party in Sweden without all white pride and stuff just the politics

what do except of human beings that prioritises feelings over facts

Explain more what differs.
What is the "white pride" stuff you are talking about

Man behöver ju verkligen inte vara någon kvinnohatare för att förstå att kvinnlig rösträtt är en onaturlig, destruktiv konstruktion. Den kvinnliga hormonprofilen är helt och hållet annorlunda från den manliga, de styrs av känslor och inte av förnuft när det gäller samhällspåverkande beslut. Det var aldrig någonsin meningen att kvinnor skulle styra stammen, vilket är varför man aldrig ser det vilda eller i ett naturligt scenario. Överdriven sympati och känsloargument kan vara förödande för en nation, men hur vi ska bli kvitt kvinnlig rösträtt har jag fan ingen aning om.

At the moment the "market" is saturated. We have SD, civcucks but our best hope at the moment. We have NMR, who do great work on the street but disregard optics and will ( most likely) never win over the normies. We soon have AfS ( alternativ för Sverige) or whatever they're called, William Hahne's party, basically the SD youth who broke out are forming that party. Hahne is /ourguy/ no doubt, an ethnonationalist with a very good charismatic presence and knowledge of the value of optics, but for now SD is our best hope, small steps and whatnot. Forming yet another party is redundant as it will only leak votes from the other nationalist parties right now, just my thoughts.

Ordet "hat" har tappat sin betydelse likväl som allt rabiata batixhäxor nuddar vid. Medans så är vänstern repulsivt aggressiv mot alla som inte tycker som dem men projicerar sina dåliga kvalitéer på oliktänkande för att må bättre med sig själva.

i believe that national socialism is in the foundation a well grounded ideology the problem connected with the ideology is the fixation on race everything else i am okay with

i agree with you completely


The Swedish left is dying now, and there's no denying it. Their lies are being revealed daily, and the repulsive state of their followers ( both physically and mentally) speaks for itself. They have no counterculture, they have completely failed in every aspect of politics, their only lifeline right now is that they still control media.


fisk sten och massa ord

Känner bara en massa hopplöshet nu för tiden. Oavsett hur många röster SD får så kommer det inte spela någon roll så länge de inte har en egen majoritet eftersom alla andra partier kommer göra sitt allra bästa för att frysa ut dem, och Sverige kommer fortsätta i sin självdestruktiva bana i åtminstone 4 år till - med överväldigande sannolikhet längre än så.

Blev rånad av 4 babbar för två månader sen med kniv mot halsen. Är väldigt försiktig när jag är ute och det är mörkt ute nu. Pulsen går upp i taket om jag känner att jag är förföljd, eller om jag ser ett gäng babbister gå nånstans.

Jag jobbade 100 meter bort från terroristattacken i Stockholm och såg tiotusentals människor springa för sina liv. Det var en väldigt konstig upplevelse.

Men ingenting kommer förändras. Folk kommer fortsätta leva i ignorans. Är det dags att överväga en flytt till ett annat land?

Hopplöshet var ordet.

National Socialism is an ethnocentric ideology. You are looking for Civic Nationalism if you want to remove race from it



Its only fixated on race because of the racial component against us. Race is an issue right now. If nonwhites were a smaller minority in your country you would be right and the need to be "fixated" wouldn't be so necessary. Its okay to be white and its okay to be proud of this race that makes you who you are.

Beautiful map

Allt kommer bli bra user, seriöst. Ingen idé att känna hopplöshet. Jag jobbade för övrigt på Drottninggatan samma dag som dådet utfördes, det stärkte bara mina åsikter.

Bump for Sven. Hope this is successful, Sweden always had a fairytale-esque place in my mind as a child. I want to see it return to that.


Thanks lad, funny that you mention it Britain was always the same in my head. Rain, comfy Victorian architecture, melancolic but cozy atmosphere, I kind of imagined some steampunk hybrid of Sherlock Holmes, Harry Potter and Narnia. I know that idyllic picture still exists on the countryside, but I hope to see London purged in my own lifetime.

See you in Valhalla.

You're not wrong at all, it truly does still exist in the countryside. The East-Midlands and the South-West are great examples of this. Cozy farmsteads and the surrounding woodlands. Can you share some of the comfiest places in Sweden?

1. Gotland. 99,5% Swedish, some Finns, amazing historical sights, runestones, viking graves, the city of Visby, etc.
2. Lappland in general. No shitskins because it's too cold, beautiful and untamed wilderness. Wolves, bears, reindeer, you name it. Lynxes.
3. The archipelago near Stockholm. Amazing scenery, during summer it's like paradise to go boating and just land on a random island and swim or fish.

Skåne ( Scania )pre-mass immigration used to pretty damn comfy too, I hear.

If you fancy a car trip, take the E45 route. Remember to get eye drops, Dalsland alone is just scenery porn.

SD are cucks. Fuck this general. The nordic resistance movement is the only choice. Shill for nmr. SD is full of Jews.

Nordisk revolusjon!

I see your point, but at this time SD is our best option.

Thanks for the bump.

Thanks lads, literally taken note of them. The road trip idea sounds great. Was talking to some Dutch anons about driving through there, I should head north through Denmark and over to Sweden (spending as little time in Malmo as possible).

Sure, lad.

Based. Ha en bra dag user. Hell seger

Yeah, avoid Malmö

i really hate arabs

Who doesn't?

few of my friends and me beat up two arabs we won fair. They were bossing around our school but we were not gonna let them. Later that day they came with about 12 of their friends they were all like 2 years older. We got beated so bad we were forced to run away. These are animals not humans they will beat you up 12 against 1 but they are pussies they never wanna fight 1-1


Indeed, this is a lesson most of us has been forced to learn. Animals tend to fight in packs

oh, right

To quote superman vs the elite: "The world needs people in charge, willing to put the animals DOWN!"

It's a simple case of empathy, abstract thinking, or lack thereof.
Empathy: Getting beaten hurts, you naturally don't want to harm people because you fear pain yourself.
Abstract thinking: If I kill this guy, he can't help me when going gets really tough. The nordic climate is strongly dependent on cooperation to survive. That's why settling things with your fists rarely goes beyond two drunk natives.
The middle east climate has no sort of winter. Nothing requires any sort of long term, multi year planning. And thus people and culture are not selected for empathy and cooperation.

Bump for Sweden. Please clean up the mess.

Based, thanks for the bump Genghis. Finally we get a Finn in these threads

Im so happy ill be able to vote this year... i know exactly whom to Vote for.... SD if you were wondering...





Daily reminder that Skyrim belongs to the Nords


Make Sweden Great Again


Gtfo, namefag


Då kanske vi inte ska låta högutbildade rösta heller då dem inte sympatiserar med SD.

>>aldrig i det vilda

kolla female spotted hyenas

>kolla female spotted hyenas


I hope this fails and swden burns. It will serve as a warning to the rest of the world.


Ser ut som feministernas våta dröm.

I hear Euros say the same of us all the time. You want to be the example, or prevent all of us from needing one?

bara lägga till afrikanska vildhundar som knullar honorna så e det en spot on metafor

We will have to wait and see. I personally think the chances are slim but I want to help the cause. If this fails and Sweden burns I have a few plans to move to other countries or move out to the country side as I don't want to be left stranded on a sinking ship