Niggers, loud and proud, admit their guilty pleasures of stealing from stores

Niggers, loud and proud, admit their guilty pleasures of stealing from stores

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That thread is gold



It takes a real nigger to publicly admit to committing a crime


Now this is entertainment



i wish i spoke black

So they are just angry they can't steal as much as white people or something? They want equality of stealing? Can't make this shit up.

Lol no you don't

hup bup mugga fgga biggid bix nood KILL WHITEY

>So they are just angry they can't steal as much as white people or something?
Yeah, but they play pretend, like white people are some sort of ninja able to steal without ever being caught, not even letting a trace on the record so the shop locks the products. They literally pretend white people are magical beings.

monkey steal melon when farmer not looking

>They literally pretend white people are magical beings.
Oh I forgot, they pretend this to justify that they steal like the animals they are.

No. They're being pragmatic about it, which is why it's funny.

When one black guy finally tries to bring up race she calls him "Deray".


>black people steal
No shit

>black people ADMIT to stealing
Damn. Thats...unexpectedly honest

>it's racist they lock up our favorite shit to steal
Aaaaaaand they're back to acting like niggers

So we really are like their jews

I'm actually surprised ANYONE points out the absurdity.


Recommended reading

It's not even based on who gets caught. It's based on which products are stolen the most, no matter who steals them.

>can't steal as much as white
I'm not sure I buy the premise. Do white people receive less scrutiny when they shop? Of course, for obvious fucking reasons.

Does less scrutiny give us more OPPORTUNITY? Yes it does, but besides the occasional middle class person who steals for the thrill, all white people who steal are niggers, and they are definitely a small minority.

>ITT baboons admit to being baboons and get upset when people point it out

Niggers were a mistake

they type like fucking morons. I truly feel more stupid after reading these google translate tier abominations that black people call sentences.

like my mind is trying to correct the broken grammar as i'm reading it and it just never ends every sentence looks like it's written by a lunatic moron.


First step to solve the problem is admitting it.
Niggers acknowledging the problem in comments are the good guys.

wtf is that shea shit?

You know who's the whitest of all? Jews

#getwoke #jakubwasamistake

To be quite fair those shelves look like shit even by walmart standards. This is almost certainly in a lower income area with a run down store. I work in East St. Louis and this looks as bad as the stores that serve that demo.

Is it just me or are there not any niggers calling anyone coons in that thread?

>black people steal more or GET CAUGHT AND REPORTED more, there's a HUGE difference. It's definitely profiling. Stop it.
>Black people have the stigma of committing all the crime (crimes that white people commit just as much) but we have the image as criminals and they don't.

Couldn't even get past the first line. Terrible, scratchy, squeaky vocals.

dead meme

Is that Brittany Covington? Wasn't she banned from social media?

>be a white person
>lack the balls to break the rules
>pretend that you're superior for not breaking the rules rather than admit that you're just a weak, obedient slave

Wtf, most of these replies are
> they're locking shelves cuz we're stealing shit lmao
It's couldn't be real

>lack the balls to break the rules
Hello, Jamal. It's not about "balls", it's about being civilized and not behave like a talking animal.

Rules are the backbone of what makes civilization possible, and civilization is what makes great works and discovery possible. Perhaps our ability to follow them was the difference between Europeans being able to do great things and African "civilisation" remaining unchanged for 50,000 years.

I get a kick from how you pathetic and disgusting subhuman homo erectus constantly apply broad generalizations when it applies to your paltry perspective but the same generalizations are suddenly racist when it applies to you. The only reason your ugly and mindless race still exists is because your minds are so weak that you have proven again and again throughout history that you make the finest slaves. You pathetic little slave monkey

You know you're talking about a corporation right

Oh and before you tell me "but whitey stealing too". Of course there are white thieves, but the difference is that they're not the baseline.

A corporation, which is part of a society, which is part of a civilization which was built by a race. You got to see the bigger picture, Pajeet, things didn't build with magics.

It's all about respect for the rule of law.....race or national origin has nothing to do with it.....

>not be retarded sub IQ nigger
>want stable civilization to flourish
>do what is mutually beneficial
>no longer need to steal and in no danger of being stolen from because society is healthy
>just keep winning and laugh at the losers who idolize the dredges of society
I don't expect a nigger to understand this, but being a fucking parasite isn't cool. Jew, black, or white, we don't want you and are at our mercy.

Civilization trumps barbarism every time.

It is not about balls. It is about the fact that civilised people figured out that if we follow a certain set of rules, society runs better. If we agree not to steal from each other than we can spend less time and resources on security and more on productivity. There is a reason why whites can run large, prosperous cities and niggers can't.

A nigger doesn't belive he "breaks the law". These are people who are the product of evolution and natural selection, in an environment (Sub saharian africa) which was the most generous (before white-induced nigger population). So generous they never had to organize and build shit, they just had to take what nature provides.
Now we fast forward a few hundreds years. The nig is in a building with litterally everything he needs, and it's all there ready for being taken.
Now that's where thousands of years of evolution kicks in : the nig instinctly feels in his luxurious sub saharian environment where nature provides. So he just takes, because that's how he evolved. It's not even theft in their mind, it's just natural, instinct. And the same thing goes for welfare.

Now see how it is about race and culture ? Evolution exists for a reason, and it perfectly explains why nigs are unfit for living in civilization and they should live in small packs in a providing nature, just like their ancestors did before we came bother them.

When there is a unique product to remove the nappy niggernish of your hair, that is only needed by one race, it's pretty easy to see which race is stealing it....

White people don't need to buy fucking relaxer for their hair.

da white peopo use black hair produc, dey just hide it betta and be not caught

>The monkey cries out as they steal from you.

That is a pretty good explanation, cher voisin.
Pic related to the story, not to you.

>be an obedient, productive white slave for Jews
>everything goes well until...
>Jews find a more obedient, more productive slave
>be replaced
>go to Sup Forums to bitch because you lack the balls to do anything else about it

Reading those Twitter conversations between the nigs and the nogs has been enlightening

>more productive
Jamal, please, that's plain lie.

That's also the reason they genuinely believe everybody acts like them. I don't think there is any malice behind. Sure sometimes he thinks "ah ah, got you whitey" when he manages to lift somethings off a shop, but that's not the point, he is just pseudorationalizing his instinct.
Notice how he believes white people are magical beings who not only steal, but steal MORE than brave black people without being part of any statistics, or being jailed or just caught. He can't even imagine white people don't "steal" (which is just "taking" in their mind), because it's not something they can understand. They genuinely, candidly can't. So the only explanation isn't thousands of years of evolution made us more likely to cooperate with each others for survival, it's just we're magic, and we have this ability to steal without being caught.
This is amazing, sometimes I wish I had time to study zoology.


Someone please translate all these tweets into the most proper English possible.


Kam: Our African-American community dedicated to the theft and consumption of shae moisture butter is absolutely alarmed.
Stuff: They are confused and uncertain of whether or not they would like to start purchasing shae moisture butter or beginning a boycott for a product they had never purchased to begin with.
Kam: They must do something in order to attend to the epidemic of ashy elbows plaguing our African brothers because these current measures have restricted their ability to steal shae moisture butter.
BIGNOAH: If it is of any condolence to you who must now go without moisture butter we are physically restricted from consuming Tide pod laundry detergent now, too.

lmao, thanks user.

13+ year Walmart associate reporting. Good on them. Prevent shrink and maximize my $300 quarterly bonuses. I've probably lost out on thousands of dollars no thanks in part to these niggers over the years.

Walmart Employee here. Not suprised. Lost 4 TVs last week.

Also Mexicans steal more than nigs in a suprising twist. Those spics are better at hiding it.

Alrighty, AP here. Fucking sucks ass. Although the SCO Hostz are decently nice.

They demonstrably can't make the connection between the two. It's absolutely remarkable, not only are they stupid enough to defend stealing chink shit from a chinkmart, but they are stupid enough to boast about it as if it were a virtue. All for everyone to see! If society doesn't stop placating to these vermin, China absolutely will become the dominant world power by the mid century. At least they're not guilt ridden enough to tolerate these behaviors.

I would enjoy watching surveillance vids of those shitholes for a day.

I was going to say, AP was going to be all over your ass. We had a sting back in 2009 that looked like an upper-middle class Christmas morning when it was shown how much went through the door.

I work overnight in grocery. You won't catch me waltzing in during the day as the store turns into lil' Mogadishu despite being in a mostly white state.

I know how you feel. Everyone always says it's racist to say black people steal from stores yet on Twitter they openly admit to doing this and Statistics even prove this to be the case. I hate Boomers so much for being cucks and making excuses for these blacks.

It's basically Liberals virtue signaling and making excuses to get the nigger vote.

It was insane. That night was just shitty. I was the only AP on the clock that night so the spic just used the other door. SM did not give a shit nor did the ASM.

Such is retail.

You CAP?

Is there such a thing as CAP3? I saw someone memeing that and I had to raise an eyebrow. Nope. Just doing the same thing I've been doing since I got hired in 2004. Overnight grocery.


Reminder nearly every stealing attempt is by blacks here is just a few videos.

They would rather steal than to put in any work for the money. I can not blame Walmart for it.

We had to start shutting the doors at 12am here due to shrink. Not to sure on the overnight people but at this point I just want to tranfer to the one across town. I hope there is CAP3. They could finish that truck by 4.

>Rules are the backbone of what makes civilization possible, and civilization is what makes great works and discovery possible.

BULLLLLLSHIT, don't act like your rules are what make white people think they superior. White people always looking down on other races.

>Steal from a Mexican place

Mexican stores are cheaper than most. And black people steal from there? I think the old joke about Blacks being niggers still holds true.

Our store has had the 12am shutdown right after the economy tanked in 2008. It was fun for the Nam vet who was on AP on overnights. RIP Mitch.

I can't complain. It's a guaranteed 40 hours a week 99.3% of the time.

Holy shit, look at this negro maricón.

Nah, im joking Moshe, you fucking nariguo.

Lol race cleansing when?

Jesus fuck that is a loose cunt. She's clearly got the broad side in her

I used to manage a little campus convenience store and our shrink rate directly correlated with black enrollment. Lel the majors with highest amounts of blacks had the most stolen books of course we had to start locking up rubbers

I really hope that Amazon Go concept will take off.
Makes shoplifting practically impossible by having hundreds of cameras track each individual product in the store.
And even if they do manage, they have them on camera from all angles.

The negro outrage will be hilarious.

If you're an example of another race, there's a good reason we look down on you.

Your right but they also think In terms of laziness. They would rather take something than to wait and work for it. To them that takes too long and they are impulsive beings. This is not something that blacks can change for themselves as it's written in their DNA.

It jellosuly and racism. I am black, my point still stands.

>niggers buttmad they cant easily steal products from fucking walmart

imagine my shock


Mexicans do steal but I do not think they steal more than niggers. You will never convince anyone here of that.

They don't "think", it's instinct. They're "lazy" because they aren't made to be industrious. It's written in their DNA as you say, and it took thousands of years of evolution.

The cameras aren't that useful as most stores already have cameras watching people when they steal. They're prevented from doing anything because it could open them to lawsuits to physically stop a thief.

The Amazon stores might be able to work out pretty well by making it so you have to have an account to even enter the stores.

Yes. Blacks are jealous of whites. And for good reason.

This is an often overlooked cost of diversity. $50 Billion a year is shoplifted each year and I'd wager a large percentage of that is minorities.

Nah, other way around, thats why ya'll always mad about us fucking white woman, you mad af

>this projection

I would argue that it isn't rules but it's inherent morals.

And the argument you'll hear here mostly is that majority black countries will NOT have the standards you enjoy in white countries because black people are incapable of reaching these standards.

So in the current example you can argue that in majority black countries it would be EXPECTED that all products will be stolen.

>be black
>be highest percentage of criminals
>have exactly zero functioning societies
>think white are jealous of your success.

typical nigger logic.

I am fairly convinced whites evolved the ability to wait because of winters.
When you have 4 seasons you need to plan ahead to survive.

There is no evolutionary benefit for creatures evolving in sub-Saharan Africa to plan more than a few hours ahead.

just equip every product with self detonating pepper ink so if you run out with it you get blasted and marked