Should I see a psychologist ?

I feel lethargic all the time and tend to self sabotage any progress I make. I can't focus on shit and constantly juggling a diverse set of concepts and stimuli in my mind.

I am also high 24/7 and can't seem to bare life without it. I was diagnosed with dyslexia as a child and while i don't want to use it as an excuse for my behavior, the problem was never addressed.

I am smart enough to be extremity successful and life would be OK if I just manage to sit and work all day instead of thinking about useless shit all day.

I was thinking that maybe I can get a psychologist help me out and maybe prescribe some alternate drug.

So, it it worth the effort or is just another pseud racket ?

I found a counselor helpful just to have someone to talk to about the terrible things that happened in my house as a kid. I was a NEET for a year after college, and felt I couldn’t do anything because I was too neurotic and strange. He was the first person who listened to the problems growing up, and he helped push me to go back to school.

I went back to,school but I should have gotten a different degree so I make more money. I think his only purpose was listening and pushing me forward. He wasn’t very smart. I got angry at him once because I was talking about suicide and he had his feet on his desk, looking very relaxes and casual, and not sounding like he was taking it seriously. He gave me an article on borderline personality disorder because I had gotten mad at him and that was the only time I did it. I explained the reason I got mad was because I felt great despair and suicidal, and he seemed to not be listening respectfully.

Later in school, I saw a psychologist, psychiatrist, and another counselor. None of them ever thought I had borderline personality disorder. Neither of them were helpful though.

In my experience, meds don’t work. Jordan Peterson takes anti depressants and says You have to take them when you feel good because one day you’ll be down and they sort of need to be in place in your system by that point. He’s not taking about everyone taking them of course.

He also said find a psychologist who is smarter than you because otherwise you can’t tske them seriously.

If I were to see one now, I’d get a jungian and have to do online since there are none in my area.

>I can't focus on shit and constantly juggling a diverse set of concepts and stimuli in my mind.
same, but I dont have dyslexia, or feel lethargic all the time. Im only stoned half of the day. I used to have depression, saw a therapist for a few months. she was hot, then it dawned on me the only reason I kept going was just to see and talk to a hot chick, and that got me really pissed off. My depression has permanently turned into anger. Focus on your mind, you will get even more lost in those thoughts but you start finding answers, and thing will become more clear, and you will find your energy coming back.

You're constantly juggling rando bullshit in your mind the same way that normies have earworm music going on theirs all the time. Its the brain's equivalent of finger tapping out of impatience or because somebody is wasting your time and you're bored and frustrated. The reason you do this is to avoid thinking about painful shit.

I’ve had trouble sleeping for 10 years. I was diagnosed with hashimotos thyroidist, and the meds helped with my fatigue during the day but I still had sleep troubles due to anxiety.

I recently tried melatonin again. I had tried it 10 years ago, along with tons of hardcore medications, and it hadn’t worked then. But it worked now.

Do you lift weights? I started 6 months ago and it worked well. I’m thinking of getting an app that limits your time online, or at least keeps track to help me stop wasting time.

I think embracing the spiritual has helped. It’s hard to describe. I don’t follow one religion. I don’t really understand god in a materialist way, is youngo to heaven on a cloud where you die.

I simply my life. In evening, I either draw or make art which is my passion, or I read challenging books. I am reading Dante’s inferno, which for me is very challenging. I am planning to read other classic works. I love just focusing on it, and studying it for months. In my drawings, I’m focusing on simplying the amount of materials I use. I also simplify what I eat, and how I exercise. In winter, I just lift and run on treadmill. In summer I had jump rope.

So maybe focus and minimize your life? Find ways to eliminate internet distractions? What helps me is feeling guilty about not growing myself as a person when I’m mindlessly surfing the Internet.

Also, write your thoughts down! I sat down and wrote my entire life story and it did me wonders in understanding myself. This is essentially Jordan Peterson’s self authoring program, which gets it idea from another person who studied how writing about yourself effects psychology. I can’t remember his name.

I’m reading jung and keeping a dream journal. It’s too early me to say much about this.

I ought to have posted this in r9k or adv but thank you for a meaningful reply

I don't think that It would be easy to find a Psychologist who is smarter than me; I know this sounds narcissistic but it's just my experience of the medical community in this country in general.

moreover, I am keenly aware of psychological theories and have done enough reading and reflection to maybe even know more than your average psychologists in some cases.

I have read all of Nietzsche whom I consider to be father of modern psychology in many ways. I have read the basic writings of Jung and Freud and taken a university courses on CBD and positive psychology.

All I need a psychologist for really is to prescribe me medicine and maybe help me get off weed. I think zinc supplements and maybe a little lithium should work.

I did that almost a year back. I actually got his program for free and it did help me a lot. I had no idea what I wanted to do back then but overt the year I actually started earning and got a job. Even went on a date and developed some chestry with women but I self saboted that too and dropped back into my shell. I like solitude too much and don't feel the need for companionship; I would much rather be successful at work than work on personal relationships.

Its not about finding one smarter than you, its about vocalizing difficult or unincorporated thinking. The brain has its own way of ordering information and it is obviously modeled on language. Just like 'the mat sat on the cat' makes no logical sense and is auto-corrected by your mind to be 'the cat sat on the mat' so too is your mind trying to correct some series of things. By talking it out you correct the glitch.

I've witnessed a doctor do this to a fellow patient.The doctor just smiling and nodding while said patient was going off about being raped by a family member.I think it might be some sort of technique they were testing out? Don't know.

Yes. See one. There is nothing faggy about wanting to unfuck your brain. A Pschologist will teach you how to reprogram yourself to think and act the way you want to think and act.
I would probably be divorced now of my wife hadnt started seeing one. She learned to not cry at problems and that it is not okay to blame me for everything that goes wrong.

The counselor told me he took a laid back approach in general, which was kind of true. But I was talking about not wanting to kill mysrlf, but feeling trapped because I didn’t even think I could have a job or go to school. I didn’t think I could do anything. I felt like I was facing death. So when he seemed to not even be paying attention, I got angry and didn’t yell, but sort of chewed him how for what he was doing.

I think he should have presented himself better, but I also don’t think it was intentional. It was just ridiculous that he gave me an article on borderlines based on this one instance. I got really concerned about it and thought I had it, but I don’t.

Think your problem is that your brain's dopaminergic system is fucked up. Your brain's reward center is not triggered enough by doing normal work. Your brain then subconciously seeks for some thrill or information strong enough to trigger a response and every kind of distraction is fine for that.

I suffer from the exact same problem and it is sometimes hard for me to get through a working day. My trick is to divide the stuff I am doing into distinct small 'tasks' with an expected outcome ... it is like a game. Achieving the expected outcome somehow gives me enough of a kick to continue. And when I feel that I am getting too distracted I simply take a small break of 5 min if possible, smoke a cigarette outside and read something interesting about genetics on my smartphone ... this is usually sufficient to get my brain motivated again to continue with my tasks.

Most importantly: if you feel that you are losing focus DO NOT force yourself to immediately continue with the boring crap you are doing right now. Take a break. Give your brain a soft kick with something interesting. Re-focus and continue.

I understand saying it sounds narcissistic. I have a high IQ probably like you, and it’s hard for me to find someone smart enough. I don’t think they need to have a higher IQ, but I doubt many of them are familiar with most of nietZsche beyond some readings and lectures in school that they probably didn’t read well.

Yeah, it would be hard to find someone who really cares about this stuff deeply versus someone just clocking in for a paycheck each day.

Be careful with lithium. It may have given me hashimotos. After using it, that it when I was diagnosed with hashimotos. It can cause it, but I may have also had it from something else.

I regret trying it.

The exact mechanism of how lithium works has just recently been uncovered and it is frankly quite unspecific in its actions. It messes with GSK3beta and therefore has a huge effect on the organization of the cytoskeleton in every fucking tissue in your body. The effect on neurons may be the strongest as they heavily depend on cytoskeletal rearrangement during neuroreceptor turnover (that is why it 'helps' against depression) but the off-target effects are simply not worth it.

I’m not trying to sound narcissist, but my IQ is 163, yet I have math dyslexia. Can’t remember the exact term. As a kid and even young adult, I could barely tell time on a non digital clock. I was behind other kids in this. I also couldn’t tie my shoes because I couldn’t understand left and right. I learned by getting a book on it and doing it a million times, but if my shoes became untied at school, my heart would sink because I might not be able to tie it.

I couldn’t really count coins well. I couldn’t look at 4 quarters and see a dollar. I have to count each and add them. I’m in my mid 30s and I’ve gotten better.

I could add without touch points. I still use them and count on my fingers.

No one ever helped me with any of this as a kid.

I don’t know if I’m dyslexic with words, but I read really slow. I read one word at a time. It’s frustrating.

I feel like if I didn’t have these problems, I would be more successful. I don’t have a great job and don’t make a lot of money.

This.It's just a job ,and they don't know everything.Maybe they were throwing paint at a blank canvas,because they didn't know what to paint?

Could be. I kind of sensed he was pissed off at me for getting mad at him. He actually got mad st me once but I can’t remember why. It was really weird. But I figure you only get attracted to this profession if you’re a little weird in the head.

With the other people I saw after the first counselor, I really didn’t reveal as much about my past traumas as I had with the first counselor because I went into denial about it. I just wanted to think I had a normal upbrining and think my problems were due to brain chemistry and I could just take a pill. That’s all I wanted was a magic pill to fix it.,but that doesn’t exist.

I probably would have figured things out faster if I had let it all out.

Freud was a disgusting pervert

Right.They're "flawed" individuals just like everybody else.But they should take they're jobs more seriously, or else go the way of priest & prophets.Where are the positive results ?Just seems like another racket.Anyway,I'm drunk(8:40am)gotta go to work.Hope that made sense.peace.

>has 163 IQ
>can't recall the term dyscalculia

wew lad

Well it was more the laziness of not wanting to look it up on my iPad.

>i need the psycho jew
No you need Christ.
And probably nice diet and more excercise.

>I’d get a jungian
It's called analytical psychology, but it's certainly not for everybody. There are higher goals then just makeing a patient function like "cognitive" (behavioral) therapy. For many transaction analysis, which is a somewhat scaled back more "liberal"/"dumbed down" approach based on many premises derrived from analytical psychology is just better.

For many i would suggest practicing mediation, sport and introspection techniques is often better than any Therapy.