Evolution Debunked

>Second Law of Thermodynamics

Gg eazy

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le denk meemay

>Missing Links

What do you mean, archaeopteryx? Who has been found out to be a bird.


>Ex nihilo

Only a thick person thinks the universe was created from nothing but life on earth not. Just like the theory how stars were made. Insane.

>Boss fight:
>Principle of causality

I don’t subscribe to the principle of causality. We don’t know everything has a reason, we just never saw something happen without a cause.

Degenerates like Stephen Hawking and the likes presuppose humanity is all knowing; not acceptable

Sandnigger "Intellectuals".

>record scratch
Wait why not? The same reasoning is applied to Ex nihilo; we have never experienced life come from non-life, just as we have never seen anything in existence not have a preceding cause.

Not only so, but we're also incapable of even imagining how either could naturally take place.

earth is not a closed system brainlet.
put the sun into the equation and thermodynamic laws are not broken

Sorry I meant that they presuppose we can know everything about the universe, obviously these people are following their rigid mindset

You mean the sun is a creator of consciousness and complex coincidences? The universe is a closed system, life is most complex thing in the universe, something with less order cannot just “coincidentally” make something more complex, niggers in Africa can’t just make a spaceship with enough time and “coincidences”

Exactly, so the simplest explanation for life, the universe, stars, = it’s beyond us..
Not “billions of yeeers and a lotta coincidences can make that”

It is just runaway chemistry...

>empirical law applied wild off its intended purpose

k bud

Heating a block of iron in an oven doesn’t make it a sword nor anything resembling it

>Second Law of Thermodynamics
how tf does it debunk evolution you retarded sandnigglet

You don’t understand metaphysics bud


Here we go, took you literally 10 replies to come out of the closet

Simple explanation I can come up with: Dust and heat and water swirling around cannot create something that has complex functions on its own if we deny everything super and extra natural

This isn´t an explanation at all and is still untrue considering the enthopy of the universe

That means you deny the second law of thermodynamics. Do you have an alternative sir?

Laws of physics don’t stop working at the end of the atmosphere or wherever you’d like them to end buddy

Laws of physics apply to their respective field
Even so earth as a whole has cooled and became more stable over the years irrigardless of life, so obviously the 2nd law of thermodynamics still stands
Now go back on finishing your thermodynamics course because clearly you have some serious issues struggling with the concept


/end thread

>T. creationist vs evolutionist punch up...

Let the beatings commence sportsfans

Random odd insect gets caught in pine sap.
Turns to stone over 100 centuries.
Grad student finds it.
"I have my doctorate in my hand, and may even be able to pay off my student loans if I play this right. Where da fundies at?"

I see that my argument has lost ground.
So to the next point: How can you think the universe comes from nothing but not stars, life, galaxies, dark matter theory and primordial soup theory are so unlikely that its a joke to even consider it.

systematic functions in solar systems
create conditions likely to be conducive to create,
its not a function of religion,
The evidence is what we can surmise from what is easily observable

We're kind of tired of beating down on creationists. It's just boring at this point.

Nobody thinks universe comes from nothing, thats just a strawman that is posted regularly here

We just dont know what was (or wasnt) before the Big Bang because thats how far we have been able to backtrack at this point

>A conclusion that two (or more) genes or proteins are homologous is a conjecture, not an experimental fact. We would be able to know for a fact that genes are homologous only if we could directly explore their common ancestor and all intermediate forms. Since there is no fossil record of these extinct forms, a decision on homology between genes has to be made on the basis of the similarity between them, the only observable variable that can be expressed numerically and correlated with probability.

"Wow, look at those miniscule similarities! Oh boy, now we can dismiss all the differences!"

>By subjecting the skull of the first australopith discovered to the latest technologies in the Wits University Microfocus X-ray Computed Tomography (CT) facility, researchers are now casting doubt on theories that Australopithecus africanus shows the same cranial adaptations found in modern human infants and toddlers – in effect disproving current support for the idea that this early hominin shows infant brain development in the prefrontal region similar to that of modern humans.

Let me tell you something: we will not ever backtrack the creation of the universe, nor the creation of he stars, nor the creation of life - humans are like a little kid playing in the sand and he feels like a king cause the big boys who built all the sandcastles already left a long time ago

you should look into this seeing how you like to fathom things out... its 3 years old i think ..not followed up on it recently......


this is a bird too, emirate?

Yes that’s something I didn’t know, thanks.

you're welcome

If it doesn’t have feathers, it’s not a bird. ???

Law of thermodynamics only works in a closed system. Which the earth is not.

I love this...please explain the second law OP.

>we will not ever backtrack the creation of the universe
Remains to be seen
>nor the creation of he stars, nor the creation of life
We already have to some extent.

>humans are like a little kid playing in the sand and he feels like a king cause the big boys who built all the sandcastles already left a long time ago

Somewhat agree. Humans are infinitely small and insignificant compared to the unfathomable size and scale of the universe.

The frogs gave rise to the Reptilia, a great animal family which is virtually extinct, but which, before passing out of existence, gave origin to the whole bird family and the numerous orders of mammals.
Probably the greatest single leap of all prehuman evolution was executed when the reptile became a bird. The bird types of today—eagles, ducks, pigeons, and ostriches—all descended from the enormous reptiles of long, long ago.

>The chaos, bonding atoms and smashing of celestial bodies at the start of the solar system is the same as just dust swirling around

Archaeopteryx has a collarbone and dinosaurs do not. There is no proof for the claim that it's a missing link, my euphoric friend.

>>Second Law of Thermodynamics

energy input from the sun, you fucking fool.

>Can't understand basic anatomy

>doesn't know that birds have wishbones (analogous to the mammalian clavicle or collarbone) whereas dinosaurs did not possess collarbones.

Ever seen a goose, OP?


what an ugly animal. burn it alive


>le guy on le cloud lmao
you don't even need a proxy, akhmed

>Of I keep lying someone will believe me eventually

Evolution only happens BECAUSE it is increasing the entropy in the universe. Life becomes MORE and more efficient at sucking out and dissipating energy from the environment. The only reason the Earth hasn't run out of energy to dissipate yet is because we have a big natural lightbulb next to us that keeps heating us up.

>doesn't know anything about actual anatomy
>only posts pictures instead of refuting the point
>calls others liars


The story of man's ascent from seaweed to the lordship of earthly creation is indeed a romance of biologic struggle and mind survival. Man's primordial ancestors were literally the slime and ooze of the ocean bed in the sluggish and warm-water bays and lagoons of the vast shore lines of the ancient inland seas

>Genesis 1
There you go.

Blue eyes tho, aryan.

I'm lretty sure that's proven to be fake and even if it wasn't that still doesn't prove anything

>Archaeopteryx has a collarbone and dinosaurs do NOT.
>doesn't know that birds have wishbones (analogous to the mammalian clavicle or collarbone) whereas dinosaurs did NOT possess collarbones.
what do you mean by this?