Ann "BTFO Shitlibs" Coulter

There are those who have read Adios America by Ann Coulter, and those who have not regarding Immigration.

She answers (BTFO) every leftist argument you're seeing right now.

She lays out the situation better than anyone. I've heard everyone from Richard Spencer to Trump himself quoting this book.

This is her Magnum opus.

Other urls found in this thread:

Ann has more guts than all of our politicians put together


It's too bad she's old and barren and slowly going psychotic. Countdown to catwoman.

yeah, its good

Bump for good thread

>buying books written by women
>buying books writtien by (((civic-nationalists)))
take the siegepill

I like her, but she contributed to the problem by remaining single and childless.

AC is the only one I know to publicize the actual numbers of illegals being more in the 35-50 million figure than the obvious mainstream lie of 11 million, that hasn't changed for decades



YFW you realize the Alt-Right is really just the True Right wing that has been lost

Republicans are now a version of the Left Wing.

have a great day.

based ann

Her only problem is she gives ownership to blacks merely because they existed here with whites from the beginning. Blacks have no more involvement in the invention of America than Thomas Jefferson's CAT.

You could say the same of Indians, but she doesn't. They have been here since the beginning.

She has a black fetish.

Therefore she disqualifies. But, if you can overlook that, every argument (excluding her black fetish) is Alt Right.

Pic related is what we have to truly deal with here:

There were probably more "converted" Indians than blacks, but somehow blacks are special.

This is her black fetish.

only one race invented the United States: White (western European)

She later goes on to say just that, but she puts in the black shit just to appease the left.

So there's a bit of a contradiction here.

My guess is the black fetish is a give - pre-negotiated give away

>YFW you realize the Alt-Right is really just the True Right wing that has been lost
>Republicans are now a version of the Left Wing.
true in a way, although I usually just think of them as the inner and outer faces of the same party. reps pretend to be against the bullshit but never do anything to stop it, and dems push constantly their anti-White, anti-male, anti-Christian and anti-American policies

The Mein Kampf of our time, Trump read it the day before his announcement and it encouraged him to talk about Mexican rapists, and now here we are.

It's an artifact of her boomer conditioning, for some reason they just refuse to criticize blacks. Anyways the next generation of whites won't be so kind to them.

the chapter on Mexican rapists was very emotional to read.

not sure if it's mein kamp tier, certainly a lot of relevant and useful info in it though, does it mention jews at all?


Yes, not in a way I would call good.

>Adios America!
>Oh the tragedy!

Fucks niggers

I'll just add again, even though she says Jews are integrated ....

She still concludes "Whites are still the best" basically....

Again this is her contradictory stance that will allow that blacks are "founding stock"

She said they didnt date.

But, with her catering to the black question in the way she does, it wouldn't surprise me

yeah, given her more recent tweets, I think she has evolved on the JQ since this book

Keep in mind the rumor was started by a jew.

>that image
>cherrypicking to the fullest
Does she still believe this...? She retweeted Kevin McDonald and saw that imfamous Jewish CNN pic after all.

Pure coincidence.
>(((BLACKED.COM founder))) tips his fedora

>Does she still believe this...?
did she even believe it then, jews have a lot of power to blacklist authors



I think her conclusion to that section (again you can download the PDF in the OP) defiles her own point. She maintains it should be founding stock - which unfortunately she said should include black west African (bi racial) - but also she says that only whites can truly create an America type nation.

Her contradiction is so clear and easy to catch, it must be a giveaway, only so it WONT seem like a type of Mein Kempf.

>be white European
>would really like to move to the Dakotas or Montana
>be illegal spic and just hop over the border
>Jews and Dems rally the entire machine to defend your right to stay
Such is life in the (((current year)))

I'm talking about the feminist tweet she made

that's not a feminist tweet.

She is illustrating the illogical thought process of VincenteFox

Too bad this bitch was not on the plane seated next to Barbara Olsen during 9/11

>She maintains it should be founding stock - which unfortunately she said should include black west African (bi racial) - but also she says that only whites can truly create an America type nation
yes, does she do this as a subtle frog whistle for those capable of thinking?

Yes - That's my guess. It's so obvious to those with a any kind of intellectual training.

god she is a genius. no wonder everyone hates her. she is a grandmaster and everyone is a checkers child.

Just to add....thats the type of world we live in, where free thought has to be slipped in ....and hidden in a way...from the masses.

Look at what happened when you have a party that doesnt make those illogical concessions....almost totally deplatformed and financially cut off...the Alt Right.

Ann wont suffer that cost.

>almost totally deplatformed and financially cut off...the Alt Right.
AR members have been on various streams lately, including warski. some were top 5 trending streams, and the eaarly defunding led to the use of crypto by them, which has exploded lately

I think your point is mostly true , but things are improving. Perhaps AC can do more by staying mainstream though

I tend to agree with accepting blacks as legitimate part of the USA. Yes, they contributed little but dumb workforce and maybe the one in a decade useful nigger, but you brought them there, like a pet that got invasive and now it is your responsibility to deal with it. And part of the initiatives were in fact successful, blacks can form a working part of a proper civilization, something that they have no where else in the world managed to - whites showed that it is possible to domesticate them. So out of historic, sentimental, demonstrative and partially even useful aspects, black americans belong to the US

Stop with these marketing threads. Seriously go fuck yourselves, I'm tired of that shit

That doesn't make any sense. She looks like she's taking a jab at sexually frustrated men