
English scans are out.









also raws for 353 came out, basically everyone is so happy on being killed and the protagonists fight the dr who angels


Yeah, I'll dump those pages after finishing this up.



David is cute! Cute!



>sense scan returned to their previous release schedule
Shit man.


Done. Will dump what we currently have on the raws.






why is Arba a loli again?


Arba looks so young in the 2nd panel, I blame her oddly round face. Makes her look like loli Arba again.


Because the currently highest ranking God in all of creation has good taste.



Weren't they in the sacred palace fighting David?

that IS loli Arba. Probably like said she returned to that because David is not giving her rukh like Sin did for her to maintain a sexy body.

this shit is so hilarious and dark
Sin is getting affected too?

All done.

They kicked Dave out of the SP. I dont completely get the spoilers but it seems he also has his real self somewhere else, ala Arba. Im lost.

Last raws I remember Aladdin used Solomon's wisdom on David, is that how they kicked him out?

Yeah, or they destroyed him but it was a doll body, something like that. They wanted to go outside because the real body is outside. I suppose the real body is some energy in Sinbad? I mean David is probably "thoughts" like Al Thamen so im going for that.

We Naraku now.