Nazis plan to spray NY with radioactive dust from drones

they couldnt build the atom bomb so they settled to spraying populated areas with radioactive dust.

what if they succeeded?

how would goymans fight ww2 if it happened today using modern drones?

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The german plan was to spray radioactive sand from drones above New York casting a radioactive cloud over the city

this is probably already in use in modern times using unmanned drones, with much smaller payloads for specific.

this seems like something like what soviet nazis would use to take out political opponenets by spraying toxic shit above their homes.

wasnt something like this on the news recently? supposedly pakis are using small drones to spray indian generals and soldiers with toxic dust in kashmir

china was reported to develop mini-drones with such capabilities. they also developed drones that swarm like bees to attack anything from individuals, to ships, to entire cities

Great job giving all quesadilla the plan

>implying shitskins are capable of tasks requiring a frontal lobe

People wouldn't even notice a difference.

taco cartels are already utilizing drones for drug and weapons trafficking. its not too far fetched to see beaners spraying toxic dust above homes or cities with remote control drones.

didnt el chapo threaten jurors with death in his trail? wouldnt be surprised if his cartel employed something like this to take out his threats

Very doubtful as hitler hates these kind of attacks. Ww1 left it's mental scars, what was also the reason that germany never used their reserves of chemical weapons. Hitler was very much against them.

>tacos utilize advanced mini-drones for trafficking drugs
>tacos still use machetes for combat

any they wonder why we call them primitive savages

But he approved of the project and it was being developed and led by maverick Austrian engineer named Eugen Saenger. They wanted the A-Bomb but sought out easier alternatives...
They didnt even need radioactive dust and in modern times they would have employed mini-swarm drones with various toxic substances over populated areas

Mexicans are lazy and lack innovation. they will stick with arrows, clubs, knives, and guns.

B-but if they are directed by someone like Soros to carry out these drone attacks, much like with the whole migrant crisis being directed by Soros' NGOs. So beaners would drone enemies of Soros Inc.

such a task can only be performed by a 400lb basement dweller. real chicos prefer machetes

whats stopping the cartels?

>decentralized mini-drone warfare
its a pretty scary and very realistic scenario of the near future

how can we prevent this? is civilization doomed?

>how would goymans fight ww2 if it happened today using modern drones?

nazis would have an entire elite unit creating dank memes and controlling mini-drones from their basements

Germanic are extremely bloodthirsty savage cruel people. Outwardly they're all smiles and politeness but when you get to know them they're vicious like lions or wolves.

Look at all the misery they have caused worldwide. Wars, colonialism, diseases. Being such a small amount of people they have killed so many more people than they have produced. They're also sexual deviants yet don't use sex to create children. They are a nasty race of devils who have no love for anything except their own individual selves. They don't even like other Germanics or their family members. Everything is competition to them. The Germanics biology is one of seeking out imperishable fame to achieve wealth and sexual partners by any means necessary. And Germanics love it! They take tremendous pride in their ability to kill and destroy, they obsess over violence all day everyday. To the Germanic, families tearing themselves apart and living lives filled with harsh competitiveness is the foundation of their deranged brand of normalcy.

And this way of thinking which Germanics claim is normal has been pushed onto the entire world and everyone cannot succeed in capitalist life without adopting the fierce brutality of the Germanic.

When blacks, Asians, South Americans and other native populations say "I hate white people" they should be saying "I hate Germanics"

they're also mechanistic and ideologically shallow. All their philosophy revolves around how the individual needs to comport himself in society, something everyone else can figure out for themselves. They're ALL little Eichmanns.

Fake news. Nazis didn't even believe nuclear science was real, they called it Jew science

Hitler was against them because he knew the allies could return Chem attack 10 fold

so the nazi plan to spray radioactive dust over areas is fake?

they could debunk nuclear science, but radioactive dust attacks was a thing

>how can we prevent this?

With an more powerful version of this.

You should worry about the Truffle in Denver.

Nazis flat out didn't believe nuclear science was real. They invested in Welteislehre. A now debunked ice and fire theory of physics. They didn't have drones they didn't know the dangers of radioactive dust. It's just a meme clickbait article.

Damn, that would cause so many health problems, much more long term damage than an atom bomb. It's genius.

but any paki neckbeard could get their paws on a mini-drone and attach a small toxic payload and deliver it over an infidels residence or wall street

No it's not. It wouldn't have worked. The dirty bomb concept is a media meme. Radiation dissapates out of dust very quickly outside of a meltdown scenario like Chernobyl or Fukushima. I think only like 50 people died from Chernobyl. It's a meme threat.

>Eugen Saenger

>everything that doesn't have a human inside is a drone
Hating this meme

CIA White supremacists hatch devious plot to spray NYC with radioactive waste in order to blame it on the enemies of Lord Soros and bring about the Great Cleansing of America.

well, doesnt have to be radioactive even asbestos as payload would have done the job. the threat of pakis doing this over a small area is real

Yes that's the stage of maths and concept design. There's a 20 year gap between then and mass production. The Nazis weren't advanced at aerospace engineering, the UK USA and USSR had built the first jet engines at the same time as the nazis but they decided to stick with older tried designs knowing they could mass produce them better. Why make 1 jet engine fighter when you can make 500 cruder designs?

Nazis were only advanced with rocket tech, and that's because Versailles forbid them from building fighter planes. The V2 rocket was a weapon that took 20 years from concept to production. As the drones would have been.

Dumb idea. You'll kill 10000 times more far sooner with conventional payloads

the long term health effects doesall the depopulation work

ie: leaked cesium-137 has a half-life of 30 years

but the germans did try to implement Sanger's plan to spray radioactive dust upon NYC, they just werent able to follow through.

the former would be considered a stealth attack (but the nazis were never stealthy to begin with)

didnt the germans use toxic gas? with this plan they would have "gassed" an entire city

Hitler wants Americans to know what war feels like, so he orders the bombing of US cities. More specifically, he wants them nuked. Barring that, dirty bombs could be dropped – irradiated materials spreading sickness instead of destruction. In a weird way, he succeeded.

distance from Germany to NYC is about 3,500 miles. At that time no plane could fly that far. Göring wanted his pilots back in Germany alive – meaning a round trip of 7,000 miles. Solution? Invent a plane that could fly at least 10,000 miles to give pilots some leeway.

The project was assigned to Wilhelm Emil “Willy” Messerschmitt – inventor of the Bf109 and Me262 fighter planes. His engineers created a prototype called the Me264. They started production at the Lechfeld Aerodrome

It was obliterated by Allied carpet-bombing in 1943 – destroying both the prototype and many of those working on it.

NYC would become littered with infertile drones and those who've evolved to live in otherwise unlivable conditions akin to those in Africa.

Wait a minute...

Furious, Hitler put Siegfried Knemeyer, Head of the Reich Ministry of Aviation, in charge. Knemeyer set up a competition inviting the brightest, racially-pure minds to find a way to hit NYC – which he called the Amerika Bomber Projekt. He took it a step further, however, by thinking up a novel bomb.

As early as 1941, German scientists were already testing the toxicity of radioactive material – so they knew it was deadly. Knemeyer’s team considered a bomb carrying irradiated sand and dropping it over NYC. It would not be as destructive as a nuclear weapon, but it might get the Americans to pull out of the war.

I have this theory that autism is a German disease that the rest of humanity has unfortunately inherited due to not keeping them isolated in their frozen hellhole north of Italy.

where do you think hitler got all that money to rebuild germany?

the jews did not like the idea of communism at all. zero they could gain from it with the exception of forced labor.

they needed someone to hold back the tide of communism that was starting to manifest across europe

germany was broke. but its industrial infrastructure still existed. all it needed was capital and they would be able to build it up into a stumbling block for communism

jews did not like the idea that the power elite were being murdered in their beds and their wealth taken under the idea of giving it to the people. when wealthy power people were being killed in their own homes and hated by masses something had to be done.

Germany is the gifted kid who suffers from Asperger's Syndrome and ADHD. Before he was diagnosed and medicated he used to get into fights all the time. Now he is a quiet kid that really really really likes scat porn.

dulles (rockefeller, bush affiliate) created the CIA. israel was communist from its creation but later switched to capitalism due to Dulles (CIA)

Why do germans try so hard to ruin Europe? Is it because they have collective autism and can't stand being an irrelevant backwater shithole?

is their addiction to piss porn, scat eating, and zoophilia just never enough?

They're super collectivist autists. There can be only purity and order.

>they couldnt build the atom bomb so they settled to spraying populated areas with radioactive dust.

If Germany had won in the East they would've eventually come up with working nukes

Ironic that jews ended up doing it with asbestos.

Germans need to be reduced to a servile role in the future if they still manage to survive. I say let the Slavs have their way with them.

Oh wow, such compassion, much love

germany is literally a parasite feeding on anything it spots and turning it into more of itself - a boring, dull mass of ordnung and faggotry

religion, art, clay, everything

Thats starting to sound like hate speech

What's wrong with ordnung? Es muss sein.

I just get sick of having to lie to everyone about how much I love living in Germany, everything is wonderful, blah blah blah.

It isn't all wonderful. People are assholes almost all the time. I hate the food. I hate the weather. I hate the attitude people take toward everyone who isn't their own family. I think it is shameful. I don't understand how Germans can live like this.

Let's just take food for example. I feel like there is nothing to eat here except for fatty, disgusting salami, some other kind of disgusting, jarred animal fat, cheese, but only the blandest of varieties, bread, but only hard as a rock, more animal fat, more bland cheese, more old, stale bread. Every day.

But what makes me even more angry is this attitude of superiority that Germans have over Americans. I have met Germans who have informed me that Americans ONLY eat pizza and cheeseburgers. I have met Germans who told me that they wouldn't travel to the US because it is too dangerous, meanwhile we have Nazi-marches every Monday here. Students go to university for practically nothing, and they don't even bother going to class, but call Americans lazy and stupid, because it is what the TV told them. Meanwhile, I had to work two jobs the entire time I was in University, got perfect grades, didn't miss a class unless I was practically dying, but yeah, I am lazy and stupid. You smoke weed and drink every day and get barely passing grades, but you are better because you are German. Fuck that.

i hate to say this but its somewhat true. most germans i've met are so brainwashed. the superiority complex doesn't bother me as long as they aren't acting like niggers.

i welcome people from any nation to think they are superior, as long as they act like it.

communism was part of the hegelian dialectic, the "antithesis" to capitalism that creates a synthesis, our modern social democratic capitalism which becomes more and more like communism, but with niggers.

>complaining about european food

At least we don't literally sell diabetes drink

yup they're called atomwaffen and i suspect they're literally CIA. the ones who aren't are following their satanist leader.

Germans have always seemed odd to me. I believe that most if not all have some form of autism.

...and then there is the age stigma- which is purely Germanic.

the natural and biological reproductive age for females is dictated by the period, which all humans and animals are biologically programmed to follow.

the germanics, being autists, aren't in tune with biology and nature of the rest of humanity.

being that germanics conquered the world and forced everyone to submit to the autism of the germanics, the biology of humanity has been hijacked by germanic autism and we follow the command of our conquerers

>I have met Germans who have informed me that Americans ONLY eat pizza and cheeseburgers.
It must be frustrating to listen to such ignorance. Everyone knows Americans also eat fries.

Every German I've met, male or female, was molested/raped by someone in their family. I don't know what the fuck happened to Germany after WW2 but I suspect much of the dysfunction is that. The autism is endogenous though, pre-ww2, clearly.

I thought the USA had high rates of inter-family sexual abuse of children but no apparently Germany is up there with Afghanistan and Iraq and Somalia.

They should add some protein and vitamins to that. You wouldn't have to eat anything else all day.

I had a German exchange student at my school and he was exactly like this. He was tall, handsome and athletic but a total prick of a person. It was more than just the slight language barrier. He instantly became popular, but anyone that would not benefit him during his time in burgerland was immediately disregarded. He may offer short, polite but uninteresting conversation to someone for appearance's sake.

He only hung around the most popular boys, and of course had his pick of the girls. He outmatched most of the boys at everything too, the most obvious being that he threatened their monopoly on the girls. But they had to cooperate and get along with him, because teenagers are all about being cool and accepted.

This might sound like jealousy, but I dont deny he was superior in most ways to the average burger school kid - he seemed to have been raised on academic and sporting excellence - being lazy or losing was not acceptable. But he also had a detached arrogance. I do not believe he made a single real friend while he was here, just useful acquaintences who advanced his needs while he was here.

>no apparently Germany is up there with Afghanistan and Iraq and Somalia.
It's Afghanistan, Iraq and Somalia up there in Germany.

well I don't have good data on the rate of molestation, so Germany could rank higher or lower than the Muslim countries. I suspect its lower...

Oh "in Germany" hah now I get it. I like Finland btw. I don't like Germany though, and this is based on experiences with Germans.

I haven't actually met or dealt with people from Finland, but I like you guys regardless (Sup Forums and otherwise) seems like a cool country.

>airborne acid attacks
soon to appear in local news near you, courtesy of drone proficient pakis

germans are quite similar to their ashkenazi and russian counterparts

Absolutely correct. Used to do admin work for diplomats and got invited to a lot of diplomatic events. I have noticed this behavior too. However, it isn't endemic to Germans - it's seen in a lot of North Europeans, including amongst non-Mediterranean French, North Italians, Swiss, Austrians and Scandinavians.

The only differences are on a cultural level - Germans and Scandinavians are more friendly, Non-Med French take themselves very seriously. But they are all very deferential to the 'correct' ideologies. German girls would comment on the 'horrible sex crimes' in Cologne, but would defend Merkel's refugee policy and say that the correct alternative would be to educate refugees on 'rape culture'. Scandinavians found Donald Trump abhorrent because he 'didn't respect Obama's viewpoint', not because of anything he said or suggested. They will go along with what they are told to believe.

That's part of the reason I stuck with other Americans, Arabs and Asians - they didn't let ideological blinkers change their perspective of reality. Even Liberal Americans would try to understand the other side.

>from drones
if you unironically belive there were drones in ww2 kys brainlet

look up foo fighters, fgt

>foo fighters
flying saucers doesn't mean drones, it would have the same capabilities as a bomber technologically in the bombing aspect

In 1898, at an exhibition at Madison Square Garden, Nikola Tesla demonstrated a small unmanned boat that used a coherer based radio contro
The Soviet Red Army used remotely controlled teletanks during the 1930s in the Winter War against Finland
In the 1930s, the United Kingdom developed the radio-controlled Queen Bee, a remotely controlled unmanned Tiger Moth aircraft for a fleet's gunnery firing practice
Radio control was further developed during World War II, primarily by the Germans who used it in a number of missile projects.
development of radio-controlled missiles and glide bombs for use against shipping, a target otherwise both difficult and dangerous to attack.

The effectiveness of the Luftwaffe's systems, primarily comprising the series of Telefunken Funk-Gerät (or FuG) 203 Kehl twin-axis, single joystick-equipped transmitters mounted in the deploying aircraft, and Telefunken's companion FuG 230 Straßburg receiver placed in the ordnance to be controlled during deployment and used by both the Fritz X unpowered, armored anti-ship bomb, and the powered Henschel Hs 293 guided bomb,

The German Kriegsmarine also operated FL-Boote (ferngelenkte Sprengboote) which were radio controlled motor boats filled with explosives to attack enemy shipping from 1944.

>no milkshakes
you have a shit country bruh

didnt antifa try to use a drone to spray the house of a prominent soros opponent with toxic sgit?

underrated as fuck.

>this kike nonsense

I remember the period between 9/11 and the invasion of Iraq we had a special show on the "History" that told about the secret invasion of America by Adolf Hitler. It was so full of absolute shit and contradictory garbage but at the sametime it was expected since 9/11 got people into wrapped into the clutches of Neo-Cuck establishment intentions to help bolster the pro-war stance to fight in Iraq and protect the Chosen People.

Germany was already tapping into its reserves during the battle of Stalingrad and Hitler's air force was not funded well enough nor had the resources to even get their more experimental projects off the ground. This article is ludicrous and just another "Hitler revealed to have tortured kittens" article from Shlomo and friends.


This is an old as fuck copy and paste. There's a reason why everyone except (you) fell for it.

Where can I buy this delicious treat?

how long before this becomes a daily occurence in londonistan?

Kikes are out in full force today


They sell them at dairyqueen. My girlfriends 11 year old brother demands them every time he goes and he's 260 pounds. It's just depressing. The parents don't care and he already looks prediabetic.

I just read a fictionalized account of the ability to do this somewhere. Drones flying a liquid hazard over a number of targets in a sports arena. Anybody else see it?

we are being programmed to accept localized daily mini-drone attacks (similar programming occurred pre-9/11)

in the near future, you can forget about guns. anyone will have access to a small remote control drone to navigate above a house or target and release a hazardous payload over.

the pakis with their acid throwing tradition will be the first to mass-adopt local drone attacks

Honestly the Germanic laws dominate the western world, where sexuality has been so heavily demonized throughout its history that attraction to teenagers is seen as some egregious moral offense.

There was variety amongst different people. In Roman times, a woman was most valuable once she had her period and able to have her first children, a man would be most valuable when he was established with a career and status. The age gap of marriage in Greco-Roman culture was therefore quite high.

Now compare that to the Germanic people. According to Tactius' Germania, the Germanic people would stay pure untill both men and women reached around the age of 20 or 30, their strength would be combined in strong offspring.

This is nowadays still quite noticable, in countries like Italy, it is still quite common for 30 something year old guys to have 16 year old girlfriends. In Northern European countries, this is heavily frowned upon.

yea, user forgot the part about Germanics liking piss porn, scat, and zoophilia

I mean wtf?!?!

Germanics should have been given the Carthage treatment: It would have never, ever risen again.

>Germanics are a total fucking joke who can't get anything done right


why are we bringing in pakis and poos?