Do you still believe in Democracy?

Do you still believe in Democracy?

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The USA is a Republic.

>democratic republic

Never tried it, don't want to.

No. Constitutional Republic.

No, monarchy is the only answer. Democracy is based on class equality, no different then communism. We where always doomed to fail as long as we're using it.

constitutional republic led by Trump or at least an alpha male who isn't afraid of liberal cucks.

>People voting for representatives (where majority chooses) then those representatives vote (majority chooses) is not Democracy!
This level of retardation is exactly what I'm talking about, Democracy is always a poor choice. The idiot masses have no place in deciding the future of a country

>Trump gets into office with good ideas
>Can't implement any of them because of being cucked by congressional representatives
>Throws some of the ideas away in order to make a deal
>Gets cucked by elected judiciary
No Democracy, it's always doomed to fail, even with good leaders

In Democracy within a National Socialist / National-Bolshevist regime.

People should be able to discuss and vote among topics that go along with patriotism and goverment controlled markets, but not against it


i never believed in democracy

Sup Forums never believed in Democracy

>The mindless masses should have equal say to the philosopher kings of their society
No Democracy

Democracy must be the way to fascism, otherwise i dont

If the people where capable of choosing their best interest, then Democracy wouldn't be part of the problem. Even Adolf Hitler lost the election

in a natsoc society there are no commoners and no philosophers. Onley the leader, a Doge, and the Volksgemeinschaft

>Community is equal and lead by a leader
Equality is a false notion, social hierarchy is a necessity for a functioning society

That's a weird way to sit...

Maybe when I thought the US was a Democracy. Now I know it's a Republic and if you read our Constitution or any of the 50 state Constitutions you won't find the word 'Democracy' anywhere. I hate Democracy, it's fucking stupid and a failure. A Republic is the best form of government for the United States.

Equality is necessity to destroy capitalism and crush attempts to introduce an anti patriotic open market

only works with closed borders

Capitalism is a model for exchanging goods and services. It's a tool, how it's utilized by a society is set by the accompanied guiding ideology. Currently the guiding ideology of our societies is egalitarianism. Severing the tie the individual has to his associated hierarchies (family, tribe, community, city, nation etc) leads to hyper individualism. Of which consumerism and wide spread degeneracy/hopelessness/screwing over family is symptoms of. The idea that capitalism is itself a problem is the same reason people view Communists as a problem despite having the same underlying concept of Democracy. It's short sighted ignorance of reality

Sure, with the right restrictions. Certain requirements need to be met to vote. Some examples would be:
-Be born in the county you're voting in
-Paid taxes for at least 2 years
-Not currently unemployed
It really depends on the implementations in the end.

>America is not a democracy

What the fuck is a Representative Democracy?

Democracy is a false god that has failed us

Heck no. Have you met people?

>believe in Democracy?
hahahahaahahahahahahahahahaha, there is only one way out

Can't work on this scale or with multiculturalism
Natsoc now

>American education


Never believed in it. Direct democracies have always led to the fall of empires.


"Democracy is an abuse of statistics" - Borges

Not since I've seen how easy it is to use mass media to shape delusion into reality. Unregulated "democracy" is a complete farce.

Top kek

We don't have a democracy because we don't elect bureaucrats and judges who practically make legal norms. Democracy = collective decision making, as in Athens

I believe in a dictatorship as long as I am the dictator.

No. Can't wait for the revival of monarchy.

Bingo. It's a cult

Not one where women get a vote, that's for sure.

Democracy is a form of Judaism.

Democracy is suicide for a multi-cultural society. The only solution for our future is authoritarianism of one form or another. Whether that's an ethno-state or a tyrannical multi-culti empire, that depends on how hard we fight and what we fight for.

USA is pratically an oligarchy.

Leaders can't be elected, but they can be raised
Monarchism is the way

>I believe in a dictatorship as long as I am the dictator.
That episode is hilarious

I think that our country should be controlled by an aristocracy that votes in an absolute leader when there is one worthy enough. Also, clerical fascism.

>Democracy is suicide for a multi-cultural society
Just because some ancient retard wrote that down in a book doesn't make it true.

Nope. By the end of this century there won't be any more democratic government left. Leftards make sure it will this way. Either they will succeed, get to power and change a state into a totalitarian hellhole or people will prevent it and create some authoritarian government like China or Russia.

Democracy only makes sense if everyone plays fair. And leftards show how that ends. Manipulation with corrupted media, false propaganda, calling anyone not supporting their ideology a fascist/nazi, etc.


Russia is an oligarchy, China and USA are on the way there.
It's the way of the future where global corporations rule.

LOL i knew i was going to open up this thread and see most people supporting Marxism/Communism. What the fuck happened to the world.. Its totally unreal. Its like a totally different timeline or dimension than it was 30 years ago. These people are totally alien to me. You must fall out of the society to have accurate judgement but then you cant survive because of Marxism. Fuck this.


what the fuck are you talking about, the vast majority of people here are the opposite of marxist

All democratic shit are dictatorships, you idiot, so no and never believed in it.

>marxism and democracy are the only ideas that exist
No wonder we're up shit creek. You people are focused on irrelevant dichotomies of your own creation.

not when people that don't contribute to society get to vote

Nobody here has said anything about "Marxism/Communism" besides you.

Democracy operates under the pretense that all "people" are humans and will for the most part listen to reason and support the most reasonable positions. That is, it assumes that most people are humans capable of enlightned thought.

Reality shows that most "people" are incapable of this and will always follow the consensus of whatever group they identify with. That is, it shows that most people are actually subhumans incapable of enlightened thought.

It's inevitable that one group will inevitably gain the support of over 50% of the population, which means that tyranny of the majority is inevitable.

The only solution is to develop a foolproof and nonbiased method of identifying humans and subhumans, and allowing only the enlightened to vote.


I do not believe in democracy because I do not believe in relativism; relativism is asserted absolutely, when according to relativism it's just as valid as any other viewpoint asserted absolutely. Thus there's no reason to accept relativism over my own absolute viewpoint.
Once you judge society according to an absolute standard, the idea of egalitarianism falls away as some will conform to the standard better than others, the notion of equal rights goes away, as it is necessary to discriminate against those with different standards, and the idea that the only value in life can be happiness falls away, giving purpose to life beyond just being happy.
The only way to both reject relativism and still save democracy is if you are a utilitarian that wants to maximize happiness; I do not want to maximize happiness, as minimizing suffering and ending enslavement is more important to me.

>Only works with closed borders

In a broken world democracy doesn't work , we need fascism.

After the world is healed it's time for real democracy

Major political parties are siding with non citizen invaders in order to replace native populations. Fuck no I don't believe in democracy.

My trust melts with every passing day.

A republic driven by white, christian men who own property, and have seen war, is the only way to maintain a free and prosperous country.

>Do you still believe in Democracy?
No. Democracy is social anarchy which inevitably leads to a form of totalitarianism, which I strongly believe in

I've never had faith in democracy. The general person is far too retarded to be trusted with government decisions.

The only difference in democracy and monarchies is that in monarchy theres only one tyrant to blame.

If the world were 'perfect', there'd be no need for government to begin with.

Governmemt should only exist to fix the issues too great for individuals to reasonably manage themselves.


You cannot have open borders and democracy at the same time. Its like letting foreigners vote in our elections.

I don't believe in anything anymore.

My sides

any user’s have thoughts about “direct democracy” as practised in Switzerland?? i.e the citizens vote on legislation formulated by the Parlament.



im so lonely

The problem in the Western democracies is the lack of leadership. Most politicians are “professional politicians” in that they joined their own party’s youth branch, went to Uni and was a member of the party’s branch on campus and then became a party apparachik after leaving Uni.

>No. Constitutional Republic.
The US is a liberal democracy within the framework of a constitutional republic. (Spoiler Alert! It's going to be on your 9th grade Civics exam next year, newfriendo)

corruption and weakness fuck things up
dynasty dies out then everything is fucked up
all you need is one corrupt individual and things are fucked up
things are just fucked up

everything is flawed, fuck.

>Now I know it's a Republic and if you read our Constitution or any of the 50 state Constitutions you won't find the word 'Democracy' anywhere. I hate Democracy, it's fucking stupid and a failure.
America is a Constitutional republic AND a representative democracy. The US Constitution establishes America's form of government a republic and the US Constitution establishes America's type of governance a representative democracy.

There are 3 distinct democratic institutions established in our Constitution.
-->the direct democratic election of District Representatives
-->the State legislatures' democratic election of Senators
-->the democratic Electoral College to elect the President and Vice President

The "People" of the serveral states are assigned this right in Article I:
"The House of Representatives shall be composed of members chosen every second year by the People of the several states..."
Anyone with the reading comprehension of a 9th grader can see very clearly that the founding fathers created a republic framework, then fleshed it out with the democracy need to sustain it.

I know why corporations do this. The weaker they make you think your authority is, the stronger their artificial personhood becomes. The question I have is this: How could a legal fiction fool a natural person into surrendering his inalienable right to exercise his natural authority over his government? How did you let Koch Industries and other political manipulators trick you into falling for that "America is not a democracy" lie?

>Its like letting foreigners vote in our elections.
But you're OK with foreigners giving money to Trump to get whatever they want from the White House? I fail to see how that's any better.


Absolutely not. I believe that monarchy is undoubtedly the best form of government. What we have today isn't even democracy, either. It is mob rule with elements of oligarchy. Democracy can only work on a very small scale, 10,000 people or less, and even that is pushing it. I am all for locally elected representatives like mayors and such, but elections on a national scale are an abomination, especially when women, first and second generation immigrants and 18, sometimes even 16 year olds can vote in them. And what sense does it make that the people of one distinct region can elect people who represent and make decisions for another region? How could those people possibly know who to elect to solve the issues of the other region, even if it is the same country? What knowledge do they have of the issues and resources of the other region? Absolutely none. Democracy on a national scale is shit. Only the best and brightest leaders can and have, most of the time, come from royalty or nobility. An aristocracy/monarchy is the government of the best, this much was said by Aristotle himself.

we don't have a democracy
we have a republic

“And hence when by their foolish thirst for reputation they have created among the masses an appetite for gifts and the habit of receiving them, democracy in its turn is abolished and changes into a rule of force and violence. For the people, having grown accustomed to feed at the expense of others and to depend for their livelihood on the property of others, as soon as they find a leader who is enterprising but is excluded from the houses of office by his penury, institute the rule of violence; and now uniting their forces massacre, banish, and plunder, until they degenerate again into perfect savages and find once more a master and monarch.” - The Histories 6.9.7-9, Polybius (ca. 200–118 BC)


Many of you underestimate a lot the lessons of history. When Brunelleschi went to Rome in the XVth century to find an architect or workers for his dome in Florence, he could not find one single craftsmen capable to build a small Pantheon. They were looking at ancient buildings yet no one knew how to do such large openings. After the fall of the Roman Empire, for 1000 years, the knowledge was lost.

Evolution works both ways. It's not always up, in only one direction. And here we do not talk about specific countries, not even cultures. It's more like we are all against thousands of years of totalitarian darkness, it's like a "devil in history" (there is this recent book about socialism with this name). The enemy is the old and dark nature of man. Nature is not friendly. From the comfort of our homes we tend to underestimate how bad it is. This is not a sunny day at the beach with good weather, somewhere in Australia or NZ (where they had cannibalism for many years, btw). 99% of the history is not like that, it's full of blood and pain. There is a reason people used to have so many children, as only very few managed to live to the old age of.. 39. The last 50 or 70 years of so called "peace" are the exception, not the rule.

come to brazil

Its a constitutional democratic republic laddo. It has the framework of a democracy. Ie everybody fucking votes now. Its been a democracy for a while. Its like saying the UK is a constitutional monarchy which it is but its also a democracy since everybody votes for the next prime minister

It's my favourite form of government since it's basically a bunch of fucking idiots clogging up the gears of government so instead of politicians just doing whatever they want they have to content with the heaving masses of retards who suddenly don't like them because they looked sleepy on stage once or whatever.

I see this more and more. People seem to think there are only two systems of governance and economics. Particularly burgers it has to be said.

You're confusing ancient Athenian Direct Democracy (mob rule) with modern day Representative Democracy (rule of law).

In 1776, there were few representative democracies in the world or in history so when they spoke of it, the were usually referring to direct democracy. The founding fathers, being educated, knew the huge difference between Athenian (direct) democracy and the type they established, representative democracy. Not surprisingly, anyone taking the Koch Constitution misinformation tea party "classes" don't have a clue what representative democracy is or they wouldn't make such an ignorant blunder.

If you actually believe what you are saying, you will obviously never participate in America's democratic process. Elections are democratic, so a single vote in any election means anti-democrats are hypocrites or lying.

i think its clear that many of the rights commonly guaranteed in liberal democracy are exclusive to each other for solvency.

democracy could probably work.
..more easily with
the descendents of the european revolution
ethnic homogeneity
higher iq
less debt
less free speech or smaller platforms
more concrete collective tasks as moral centers
more limited enfranchisement
a somewhat flattened class sytem

The thing is: democracy needs maintainance. You need to make it work.

You need to view ideologies and ruling systems in their era. For example, democracy was quite impossible for anything bigger than a city since only recently.

In the past, talking about before the industrial age, the amount of information that was available to the commoner was VERY limited. They'd know the gossip of the city and got their country news from newspapers, which took very long to print and distribute.

Then during the last century, stuff like telegrams, telephones, and television became available to the commoners. And people could read the news of the day before. They got more information and were able to form a better educated opinion.

Nowadays, we can see what happens in Europe, the Americas, Asia, etc.. what happened literally a minute ago. We can contant who we want and get a reply within seconds.

Because of this, people can be much better informed. Of course there is fake news, of course there is bias. But there is no doubt that people nowadays are MUCH better up to date than in the past.

Say what you want about the SJW youth, I also despise them. But at least they are politically active. And in a way, that's cool to see.

If the general populace does make good choices, then you can give them more freedoms in democracy. Look at Switzerland, perhaps the most direct democracy in the world. They're not stupid, they are educated. So it works.

And I may add that the funny thing is that extreme collectivists who despise democracy in any ways, only vouch for dictatorship if they agree with the policies of said dictatorship.

>we don't have a democracy
We do

I believe the representative republic and I believe you shouldn't be represented for being such a giant faggot.


Aristocratic Oligarchy.

not at all, never did. i believe in autocracy

Let's get some more cool artwork on here

Us is a republic, UK is a parliamentary system, never tried democracy, and never want to, I am for Fascism/Natsoc personally