51st State?

Arguments for and against Puerto Rico as a 51st state?

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You have to go back, Julio.

No thank you. You just don't bring anything(positive) to the table, quite frankly.

Island Mexicans

Before the hurricane I was kinda of the opinion that I really didn't care. Now it's now way.

We don't any more mexicans.

>Why are you part of the USA if your not a state.

>Poor as fuck
>Full of commies

Really splitting California to get a 51st state is a better idea.

food is ok i guess

free citizenship by birth(but pays no taxes)

receives financial aid in the form of food stamps, ect but pays no taxes

don't speak english

proud to be "American" but at the first sign of criticism they retort and act all "fuck them gringos, proud 2 B BORICUASS"

thieves, drug dealers, rapists, murderers, liars.

shit music

shit culture

shit language( you are so lazy even your language pronunciation is lazy)

should I go on?

What flag do they hang from their rear view mirrors? Right the PR flag. Send aid and help the island get to a point it can hang better during hurricanes and start limiting the amount that are coming over.

Its populated by americans

51 is an odd number.

It's a shithole. An island full of welfare spics. We never should've let Spain trick us into taking it and we damn well shouldn't have kept it this long. All the spics should be sent there and it should be used for target practice by the navy.

>arguments for and against Puerto Rico as a US territory
Fixed your question for you op.

>it looks nice where not populated

>it's useless
>can't maintain itself well without federal money
>residents flee to Florida(a swing state) after storm, will likely stay for federal elections

We put a man on the god damn moon, we don't need any people or culture from anywhere on earth because of the food. We can make that shit ourself.

Puerto Rican’s are among the most interbred people on the planet.

If you want 2 more permanent Democratic senators and another state that will never vote for a republican president than it's a good deal.

Calm down bro you cant send the "spics" back beacuse they already live there.


Think again

Having an odd number would trigger my autism.

I forgot to write it's a con. Definitely a con.


The thing is you really can't. US cuisine is absolute garbage tier compared to the rest of the world. Your best restaurants are all ethnic, no exceptions.

For fucks sake you eat oatmeal made with water in the morning.

these arrogant spics used their US territory status like an unlimited American Express black card. they can't be trusted with statehood. $50B debt for an island of 4M people? they're basically fucking niggers when it comes to credit rating

Guessing new California has a better chance than Puerto Rico

>burgers and bbq
>complete trash
You're retarded except when it comes to oatmeal, I only use steel cut/rolled oats and milk.

>Puerta where?
Is that in Antiarctica?

>Implying bbq is authentic USA
>Actually arguing for burguers as food

You fat fucks are hilarious

We should fix their infrastructure on the condition that they leave and their people have to renounce their American citizenship.

They have hot women and I lost half my virginity to 9/10 PR chick.

51 is an ugly number.

We should be a state, even if we're indebted. You don't like us now? Well too bad, maybe shouldn't have declared war on Spain, retards.

Wait until they figure out how to distribute disaster aid, then I'll consider it.
New California can be the 51st state (or Jefferson, whatever the name is this week)

We're American citizens
Our men fight on your military.
We don't have representation
Our official language is Spanish, not English

Gringos worried about influx of Puerto Ricans after statehood are out of the loop. We can already move freely from mainland US and PR