Tokyo Ghoul:re

Chapter out

To the autist from yesterday, pic related.

Ishida... you only say that because... after this, i'll...


You only say that because...

Can't wait for Chibi's in depth analysis of this chapter so i can understand what the fuck is going on.

touka is 100% confirmed pregnant now.. and kaneki isnt feeding his people.. Amateur king

Why exactly did he show the Qs when he was talking about 'dragon'?
My hunch is that there's something up with their kagunes, seeing that Saiko is crazy strong for no good reason.

Kaneki needs to start listening to Tsukiyama and start getting serious

>inb4 they implanted/will implant the old OEK kagune to the Qs

Kill yourself Ishida

At least start stocking up on arms and legs.

So who's little sister is Roma?

Uta , nico or Itori?

So the whole thing about arima being one shotted by this dragon was probably just furuta joking around, it'll be stronger than him but it doesnt mean it could one shot. Anyways if dragon is the qs that'll be so fucking lame.

Oh my, never before seen OP ghouls and shit, how surprising.

Then I'll become...

She resembles Itori if you think about it.

Roma is obviously Itori's little sister.


Is Shinohara dead?

They make a statement about the costs for treatment being too high for CCG, and imply they're cutting corners. Followed up by Hanbe saying something about Shinohara before being cut off.

What would Suzuku do if he found out CCG took Shinohara off life support because they couldn't afford the bills?

>Ken is /still/ a one-dimensional fuckwit with no concept of the grey-area

I need this manga to hurry up and end. After this many chapters I'm no longer capable of dropping it.

Shinohara is a veggie , it doesn't matter

If only Nishiki's Kick was still alive...

Is Furata going to fuse these three retards?

>to unlock Dragon, you must first be cucked
it's powered by reeeeee

>be a ghoul
>live in tokyo due to work
>tokyo ghoul...

I was the TOKYO GHOUL all along...

His kick required the love of kimi

Or they've done something with Shirazu's body

In Kaneki's defense he's caught between a rock and a hard place.

If he started sending troops out to kill humans for food he might win the battle, but he'd lose the war. Only problem is that losing the battle is quickly becoming synonymous with losing the war if the result is that they all starve to death.

He needs to figure out how to solve their feeding problem.

Maybe they'll find a solution in Ghoul Tokyo.

>In certain languages, "Cuck" means "Dragon"

So the original one eyed ghoul is still out there, it's not even a secret anymore or something.

Wouldn't Ishida be a fuck and call if Hydra then ?

>new boss enemy and a whole new city of ghouls
This manga really is ending in 6 chapters. Good I don't want a Part 3. Fuck you, Ishida.

Itori's of course.

3 cucks in 1 page

It's missing Ui, king retard

it's not like he doesn't have to *not* kill, he can just *not be seen* killing...

we're likely getting a part 3 mate
buckle up

>turns out kaneki didn't beat one thousand investigators

It matters to Suzuya, Shinohara is his driving force.

It sounds like his subordinates are concealing the fact he's been taken off life support from him.

Saiko is the dragon. Her kagune is already absurdly powerful now imagine if Furuta forces her to get a kakuja.

It's actually pretty interesting, if the CCG cuts Shinohara off completely, I guess Suzuya would be autistic enough to just leave.

Kaneki better be letting his army use those quinques if they're not eating enough to use their kagune.

>disarmed thousands of doves
My headcanon will interpret that as literal, as in ripping their arm off
Although he's probably too beta to do it

>Shirazu zombie with Owl + Rize + Arima cells (Arima's face located on Shirazu's chest) with super quinque mecha wings attached to him

Why the fuck do the clowns want ghoulkind to be wiped out? You can't fucking tell me their only motive is lol xd muh funni tragedy.

That'd be really fucking shitty.

God just end it already, the entirety of RE has been all over the place. Even if he starts a new ip it will be popular.

>not even a secret anymore or something.

Should be.

This is supposedly the crown jewel of all that research and data digging Kaneki did.

le tragedy (LOL!)

>Part One: Tragedy
>Part Two: Comedy
>Part Three: ??????

Oh my god, didnt even realize it.. fatty loves wierdo, wierdo loves retard eyepatch tranny , retard eyepatch tranny loves Series protagonist LOL

Why doesn't Kanou just turn him into a ghoul? It should save him right?

Along with Shirazu's sister.

Yeah, we get it, it was a decent twist for the first part but now it's just over the top stupid.

>Part Three: ??????

You will become the...

Man, itori and uta really don't give a shit about yomo at all.


I am (have become) the...

Largest pregnancy test I have ever seen.

I like the fact that Kaneki's strategy of not killing investigators is apparently having at least some impact.

Namely that CCG's infrastructure for handling wounded investigators is so beleagured they no longer have the funding to get quick treatment for special investigators like Suzuya, let alone keep investigators like Shnohara on life support.

Uta probably does. He has his inner monologue about Furuta always playing games.

>In the end the Tokyo Ghoul was the underground friends we made along the way

Along with some supplements i guess


>Ishida's really memeing the "become the" in this chapter


that's what im thinking

So that overpowered ally Furuta was talking about is not really the original OEK like everyone thought?

All ghouls need to be exterminated, Furuta is in the right killing them all.

>Why doesn't Kanou just turn him into a ghoul

You apparently need some genetic compatibility.

Kanou was burning through thousands of investigators in his operations for a handful of successes before his treatment was refined enough to identify good patients.

Shirazu's sister would likely be a good fit, but Shinohara is probably shit out of luck.

>an enemy capable of one-punching the likes of Eto, Yoshimaru and Kishou Arima

It sorta makes sense, but I think Ghouls will drop first in this staring contest unless something changes the balance.

Wonder if that was just teasing or if Roma might really be Itori's sister.

Doesn't seem like it. Seems to have something to do with the Qs.

Consecutive JUST punches

It's a paper bag.

Why do you think it's fully occupied?

Nah, just the fucking qs.

Is he planning to turn them into some kind of framed out kakujas or something? Still can't imagine them being leagues above Arima or Eto in these states.

Namely, Shinsanpei.
They send him down to 24 and hope Ghouls die of laughter first.


Come on guys, Furuta probably is staging a play again like with "killing Sasaki".

And his play will end up being a truth as the OEK really does exist.

I agree.

I don't know what solution Kaneki can achieve on the surface though, aside from killing investigators and he's already laid out why that would be devastating to his goal.

I do think the underground city will contain something that helps turn the tide of the war, the fact Kaneki put arguably one of his best ghouls on something that seems as trivial as reconnaissance implies it's pretty important to him.

Wait a moment. I thought ghouls age the same as humans so how is the original one eyed ghoul still alive?


Well there's still the question as to where their kagunes came from. I always thought that Ishida omitting it was rather odd, so maybe it has some relevance.

>hide underground with hundreds of ghouls
>food is scarce cause CCG patrolling hard on land
>Touka's possible half ghoul pregnancy would require she eat more to sustain the baby
So is this how she gets a miscarriage?

He is a mega Kakuja who threspassed god's realm ;)

say something nice about our oek birthday boy

Considering that Uta and Donato can seemingly clone themselves, I'm sure that method could be used to bypass ageing.

I want Saiko to punch the shit out of Touka.

Lmao it's really not that hard to understand if you pay attention.

I think they're assuming his descendants are still alive, unless what Hanbe said about the war being about 100 years long is correct.

He could be a very venerable age then, if he first arose after the war started in earnest at a fairly young age.

He's betting everything on the tokyo ghoul at this point. These ghouls have somehow managed to survive without a steady supply of humans, so Kaneki desperately needs them.

Difference is that Yoshimura was a killer from the get go and not comparable to Arata at all. Just accept that you misunderstood it.

Looks like you got proven wrong.

Maybe it depends on how good they're eating or it's just some bullshit kagune magic again.

Fucking hell people theorized about Hide being a detached kagune clone of the original OEK and also Kaneki's father. What the fuck.

What if Furuta plans to have the 3 Qs get fused together into some grotesque ghoul golem? It would be a nice way to get rid of 3 main characters fast

Looks better then the Urie cover.

>Touka's possible half ghoul pregnancy would require she eat more to sustain the baby

For human children you just need to eat extra calories equivalent to about 1 banana a day.

She probably doesn't need to eat a whole lot more if she's pregnant.

Not like she's some brood mother with a thousand young.

>>not even a secret anymore or something.

>Should be.

>This is supposedly the crown jewel of all that research and data digging Kaneki did.

When did he do all the research on the OG OEK? I don't remember this.

It can be just the kagune being kept alive through artificial means, and the host body dead.

>lol there's catsup in my eye



Reminder that Dragon is Furuta using the three autists to revive Arima and make him a kakuja. Less than six (6) chapters until he's back boys.