Will White Niggers be Allowed in the White Ethnostate?

What say you, Sup Forums? Are you willing to grant white niggers amnesty in your conceptual ethnostate?

yes. end of story

So that we are clear, here: You are saying that a person who has all the characteristics of a black nigger; i.e., criminal behavior, low education, violent tendencies, penis fixation, lack of personal hygiene, drug addiction, etc., will be accepted just because they're white? Trailer trash. Rednecks. Meth heads. Etc.

I mean...isn't the whole point of the ethnostate ridding yourselves of your nigger problem? And isn't harboring niggerdom the primary reason for your hatred of black niggers?

Can a nigga get a straight answer or no?

Yes, that is what I'm saying.

The ethnostate is so Whites have self determination, not because all white people are superior and problem free

All these problems can and will be fixed in one generation using edcation and forced integration

Thank you based Italian

Every society has issues. But when you're not throwing money at niggers and spics you can afford to help poor whites. Everyone wins

All White niggers will be lead trail of tears style to the white nigger ethnostate aka the Florida panhandle.

come to brazil

If you hated white niggers just as harshly as you do black niggers, then you wouldn't need a white enthostate. Black niggers wouldn't have white sympathizers to help them.

White trash aren't the biggest nigger sympathizers and enablers. That would be white liberals.

Fpbp. White niggers can easily be brought to heel. In fact they want to be. Give them something to be proud of and a structured environment and they’ll do just fine.

>assuming whites won’t chimp out like it’s 1945 when cornered with ethnic cleansing

I thought white liberals were the biggest white niggers of all?

No. Only white people of good character will be allowed. The wiggers can go stay with their homies that they adore.

I would really really like an Ethnostate.

I have a few idea's to fix things quickly.

This is the answer I was expecting

>civil war get
For example?

Ethnostate civil war confirmed.

My very First action would be to Provide Food for homeless Children, Reading Material, how to fish how to understand blueprints how to use a drill, just toss a shitload of reading Material at the homeless, feed the Machine.

I would eliminate the poorest class from Society with Education and militaristic Nationalism and hard work!

white trash are the ones most willing to fight.
they're soldiers.

Slide thread. Go find what it is that they don't want you to see.

How exactly is this a Slide thread?

Seriously I want to know how to Identify a slide thread?

The white liberals will be the first hung so they arent getting in the ethnostate either way.
