What the fuck is not ZOG these days?

What the fuck is not ZOG these days?

Other urls found in this thread:


North Korea, Syria, Iran.


I don't think hot dogs are ZOG?

Putin isn’t completely controlled by ZOG

North Korea is entirely ZOGED.COM

Russia is ZOGED.COM as well.

Putin is Jewish his mother maiden name is Jewish and he stated his father was a Hebrew reading Talmud scholar and that Putin and his family lived in a orthodox Jewish apartment. Putin was put into power by the oligarch Jew who is a deputy of the Rothschild family and his close friend. And who was the leader of the Jewish congress of Russia and a major Chabad member. Putin has created a billionaire Jewish one percent power block in Russia keeping his tribe in total power. He also kisses Israel's behind.

The funniest part of Putin tard propaganda is the Rambo Putin images. Putin purposely dodged the daft for the Red Army. So he could go to law school and be a legal geek. His KGB service the James Bond propaganda.....Putin just sat in a cubical in East Germany drinking coffee and being a clerk. Putin was able to kiss ass to get high enough in the Moscow political machine to get rich enough by criminal embezzlement of money meant to help the populace of Moscow that allowed him to move up higher in the pay to play world of Russian politics'. Let us also not forget the documentary showing Putin used his position for false flag attacks on his own people to bring him into power as crisis dictator. Thus removing any rights and freedoms the Russian's gained after the fall of Communism.

The Jews will always seek to build a tyranny.

The Putin tardism turned into Trump tardism over here. We are supposed to believe says people like Andrew Anglin, Kike enoch and others. That despite the fact Trump is surrounded by Jews, spent his life building up his corrupt businesses with Jewish help. The fact he worships Israel and proudly proclaims he is a Zionist. Is best friends with Bibi the leader of Israel. His son in law and daughter are Chabad members. His whole cabinet is full of Rothschild agents who are Jews and just Jews in general..... And Trump will throw his major promises in the trashcan when it comes to benefitting Jews...

That somehow Trump is against the Jews...

No they aren't.

Vladimir Putin: Traitor to the NWO

1 youtube.com/watch?v=4W85OnL4xtY

2 youtube.com/watch?v=3boC2D-iviI

3 youtube.com/watch?v=pVxV5aZwo3A

Keep believing the lies buddy.

Holocaust denial is illegal in Russia. Freedom of Speech does not exist. People who are opposed to the Ukraine war are severely punished.


Why is Holocaust denial illegal there?

Why haven't they called out Big Schlomo?

Classical music. It's my only refuge in the face of all of this insanity.

my ball sacks are called DEUS und VULT any questions see the gruppengrabben after class

Actually I'm a girly and my bobs are called?

bob and bob


Actually i lied, I'm a hermaphrodite and have all the junk.
Should i go fuck myself?

>good choice

big bob and littler bob it is

Owning a dog
