Hey Sup Forums how do I join a church? I'm interested in becoming Catholic. I was baptized as a baby...

Hey Sup Forums how do I join a church? I'm interested in becoming Catholic. I was baptized as a baby, but my parents didn't raise me as a regular church goer (despite being religious in their childhood). How do I join a church? Just show up on Sundays? I want to get involved with more than just that. Do I just show up and chat with the priest? Also, I'm not sure which church to join, but I definitely don't wanna join one that allows abortion and fags. Looking for a strongly conservative denomination. Thanks all.

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Well the church I go to says things in sunday service like "mens breakfest" or want you to fill out things so they can invite you to gatherings and stuff but thats a christian church....just go and something will pop up

What denomination. Do they support the LGBT agenda?

Talk to the priest and he’ll set you the right way. To become a confirmed member you’ll have to take a 1 year class called RCIA if you’re talking Roman Catholicism. Pro-tip: don’t fall for ge sedevacantist meme and try to go to a Church pre-vatican II. Regardless, receive communion where you can though.

No in the bible it say gays should be stoned and shit. Its really nice, sitting around with a bunch of non degenerate genuienly happy people. Maybe thats why jews hate christians so much its opposite of thier influences.

What does this mean, pre Vatican II? How can I tell which church is which?

Church is false-idolatry and a path to sin.
The only true covenant is between man and God.
The body of mankind is the only true temple of the Lord.

>Regardless, receive communion where you can though.


You're missing an important caveat there.
In order to recieve communion, several criteria needs to be met.

1. You need to be baptised and confirmed in the Cattholic Church.
2. Your soul needs to be in a state of grace (which in the most liberal interpretation, means you have been to confession in the past year)
3. You have to accept that the bread and wine is actually the body, blood, soul and divinity of Our Lord, in it's substance. Even if you don't fully understand it, you still must accept it. It is NOT just a "symbol"

Whenever the Eucharist is taken by someone in a non-worthy state, it is sacrilege, and Christ's earthly dignity is wounded, as explained in the Summa.

It's important to spread awareness about this, since even regular church going Catholics don't know about the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist, thanks to lack of catechisis. If you do choose to become Catholic, commit yourself to spreading this information.

>I was baptized as a baby
You'd better confirm that with the diocese where you think you were baptized. The Catholic church takes the holy sacraments VERY seriously. If you didn't complete communion and confirmation, you'll have to do that as well. And if you want to get married in a Catholic church, you have to have those sacraments, no exceptions. I have every ticket punched except for extreme unction and am just waiting for Jesus to come get me.

Not OP but in the same situation, I have some kind of Catholic baptism papers lying around, in my mom's possession I think, would it be enough to prove infant baptism?

Some Catholic churches choose to perform the mass as it was before the reforms of Vatican II. (said in Latin, priest facing away from the people to the east, etc)

This is called officially called the "extraordinary form of the Mass". So you can search for a parish that offers these. You might need to ask around to find a church that offers extraordinary form and is in good standing with Rome.

I would suggest starting out with the Novus Ordo Mass, which is the modern, English language mass that most Catholic churches offer. Then once you are comfortable with that, explore the extraordinary form.

If you were baptized in a Catholic church in the USA, they have records, they're like the IRS when it comes to Sacraments. If you are unsure, go to the diocese and check. If you don't have the Baptism and Confirmation sacraments, they will NOT marry you. And if your wife doesn't have them you will have the same problem.

Vatican II was a meeting of bishops in the 1960s that changed a few general principles about Catholicism, mostly that the scripture readings in mass could be performed in languages other than Latin and that the Eucharist could be given out by Eucharistic Ministers other than priests. I don't really see it as a huge deal, but Sup Forums definitely doesn't like the liberal current it brought about. If you want the more traditional style try to look for any churches offering a Latin Mass.

Level 99 redpill though: These changes were around the time when the Church also admitted more gay men into the priesthood. These were the priests who eventually turned out to be pedos.

Good work
There's no such thing as a "pre-vatican II" Catholic church. If the church calls itself Roman Catholic, you're in the right place. That said, your political leanings should not inform you about the truth of religion and don't fall for fideism (belief in God without rationalization). Read some Aquinas and be an informed adherent. God bless.


Any particular reason you're choosing Catholicism, besides their rejection of gays and abortions? Because that's not an uncommon thing, despite what leftist media would have you believe

>You can't take communion if you aren't a Catholic
This is why I can't take Catholics seriously, there is no Scriptural basis for any of the nonsense you just mentioned

Not sure, what are the differences to other denominations? I am mostly interested in the history of Catholicism, my father was also Catholic. I like the idea that being saved isn't just granted by believing Jesus died for you, but that you actually have to do good. I'm open to other denominations though.

21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?

23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

t. Catholics

You have to start with the basic.
We are saved by grace (faith). There's no difference in this.

But protestants do not believe in sacraments or in auctoritas ecclesiae.

Getting wrapped up in denominations is, in my opinion, a needless complication that undermines the very purpose of Christ's sacrifice. Frankly, I'd look for any church that prioritizes script Scriptural accuracy over anything else. After all, we have the Word of God already, so why deviate from it with human rituals and derivative beliefs?

As for being saved by grace vs. saved by acts, I personally don't know why people look at this as mutually exclusive concepts:
>I have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God
But I am saved by my belief in Jesus Christ, who sacrificed Himself to atone for the sins I cannot atone for
>However belief requires action, and to be a true believer of Christ is to seek to emulate him in deed and word to the best of my mortal ability

Hope this helps friend, glad to hear you're seeking Christ again. If you're in AZ I'd be happy to introduce you to my church.

Thank you based user. I live in MA. Time to begin searching for a good Church

Amen brother in Christ, seek the Lord with an open heart and He will find you

Belief leads to salvation. Salvation leads to works.

Once you believe Jesus died for your sins a rose again, you admit how broken of a sinner you are, and call on Him to save you, you begin to change.
Some people all at once, most here a little there a little. That is how my walk has been.

As to OP's general request, I'd have to fall back on a search engine. Not enough Catholics near me to advise.

Go to a local parish and ask to be initiated as an adult, and they'll lay out the process. If you haven't had a first communion, you're basically not Catholic anyway.

You don't need to attend Latin Mass every time. Just choosing a church that offers it is generally enough to avoid the "lel Catholicucks" liberation theology nonsense.

Don't bother, there's a list.


The complimentarity and in fact the synonymity of faith and acts is basically Catholic belief. We cannot justify ourselves through our work, but the faith that saves us is manifest through our good faith effort to act in accordance with Jesus' teaching.

It has nothing to do with ‘choosing’ an organisation based on your values you projecting faggot. By what means will you abide to our Lord’s will if you disagree with it then?
You will submit, which means knowing the fullness of his faith in the Father and the tradition he established, which you can only find in Orthodoxy or Catholicism. It is your duty to research which side you think was right in the great East-West schism. Read the history and read the church fathers.
A good book from an Ortho perspective is Two Paths: Papal Monarchy - Collegial Tradition

Your subjection and projecting upon Christ and holy mother Church will assure your damnation. Do not turn to heretical protestantism.

Don't join a church. Thank your parents for giving you an edge on life by not pushing religion. Jesus the "Christ" is a myth. Christianity is cancer.

Catholicism is a false religion.


Almost this. Nothing wrong being with a community of other Christians.

>I'm interested in becoming Catholic
That ship hit an iceberg a while ago. I'm planning to jump ship for Constantinople as soon as I've moved out of the basement, you're welcome to join me