DNA Testing


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anything under 1% is a scam by the company to promote multiculturalism. you are obviously british with ingvaeonic ancestry.

I'd gas you for being Ashkenazi, but there is way toomuch identical or meaninglessly small numbers from random fucking places to be taken as a serious assessment like this guy says How would to even manage under 1% in any real world setting...

yep Kike and me said the purposely ad 1% to mess with us

Stop spreading misinformation.



a nigger kike, thought it was only ethiopians.
gas yourself already.

hello my white friend

Only nonwhite in me is some native american.


These tests have a fairly high margin of error. It's hard to find solid numbers but it is likely >> 1%. Thus anything

>14.6% Eastern European

Citation needed.

i took this fucking bullshit when it came out and i was 100% european then a few years later my dad took it and he's only 98.98% then i had my mom take one and it was only 94.33% so how exactly does that work? fuck these kike jews who run it and fuck with people because "WE ARE ALL ONE" bullshit

i am the purest burger in this therad

>0.3% sub Saharan African

Gas yourself you fucking nigger

What Czechs aren't white now?

>using and/or trusting 23andMe

use ancastry.com instead, they won;t fudge your results.

At least on the ancestry DNA test they give you a range of possible values along with your most likely value. These ranges are normally on the order of 10-20%. I'm being generous by saying only ignore the

That company admitted to throwing in less than one percent of Jew/negro DNA into full European profiles to mess with racists.

So close

That is possible. You just got fully bleached by the euro genes.

Margin of error most likely. But it isn't impossible for your mother to get 90% European and you to get 100%. It would just mean that egg that resulted in you happened not contain any of the 10% non-European genetic markers that your mother had.

meh. I'm 99% european, 1% "European" Jewish. I always joke that my 1% is in my vocal cords.

That's not how that works.

yes they do, i got the infamous 0.1% sub saharan from them


Oh cool a data mining thread


it looks like we might have the same grandparents

>tfw the Moorish rape baby meme isn't a meme
>tfw my Spanish ancestor fucked a native
I can understand the first one is hard to avoid BUT WHY WOULD YOU FUCK A NATIVE?!

source for that claim?


I've read that Ancestry sells/stores your DNA results without any option to opt-out, meanwhile 23andme allows you to opt-out of data-selling and completely destroy the DNA sample once it's been tested.

Are you sure you got blacked? I beg to differ :)

these tests are fucking stupid, pretty much everybody knows their ancestry if you have records back to say your great grandparents. My aunt did one and was all excited, I saw the results and just facepalmed. Absolutely nothing we didn't know already and not enough specifics to be interesting.

also they log your DNA sequence forever and study it, which is the whole way the company makes money. They want to build a DNA bank and license it out. If some Silicon Valley hobag with ties to Google's founders wants my DNA, she better get on her knees and suck it out.

Things above 1% might be bullshit too. Keep in mind that there are confidence intervals


Typical beaner

We're the purest.

What part of the US you live in?

Under 1% is genetic noise dude., not much reliable or relevant

This and the fact that they're very imprecise. For example, AFAIK none of them differentiate between different subsets within "eastern european".

I know I'm 100% eastern euro. The only thing that might mildly interest me is if my polack ancestors actually have some russian or ukrainian in them, etc.

all people found some jew dna in them

La creatura...

>hey, wanna see my DNA test? I'm 0.25% irish!

So the memes were true?

>I saw the results and just facepalmed.

Cus you know you're a mutt

that sucks man. sorry

Congrats on the election.

Am i white enough

Barely a scratch.

Why even worry?

>le 99.8% face

I imagine the brazilian results. what a mess

Looks like theirs works in a similar way with a similar range of possible values.

When they say they are 99% accurate what they mean is that 99% of the time your result will be somewhere in the range they give you. Said range may (and almost certainly will if centered on a low value) contain 0.

Exactly. I'd for instance like to know what percentage scottish/english/irish/french etc. but they cannot differentiate with that level of granularity. telling me that I'm 98% northern european is pretty fucking dumb, I already knew that since my family is WASPy as fuck.

If UK/Ireland/German is a mutt, sure



ANY non-white admixture is depressing, desu senpai

How bad should I feel about this

I'm white

Geographical location and lineage does not equal race. Genetic differences are mostly from individuals. Not from populations and the ones that are amoung populations are slight and is due beacuse of the organisms within those populations that adapt to they're environment and climate adaptation therefore natural selection choses certain genes for that population but mostly individual differences not populations. Genetic diversity and gene flow show how one individual can have more genetic similarities to some on from africa. Humans have not been isolated enough to be considered races unlike animals humans share 99.8% genetic relation to each other and its only 1% that makes us have what we have.

what is your haplogroups?

just imagine your great great great great great grandmother getting blacked

or perhaps it was the other way around? hmmmm



Don't feel bad, it isn't your fault that your repulsive ancestors bred with shitskins. Feel peace in your soul, and feel free of guilt as your life flows out through your slashed wrist veins. It isn't your fault, but you have to die.


>100% euromutt
>black hair, brown eyes


im not moslm ,kike

So strange, looks a lot like mine...

Pretty bad


what is the 26%?

See this image? The birds are from the same continent but as you can see they have differences beacuse of each of their own climates and environmens amoung other things. So if i were to show you a picture of someone from northern Portugal that has different facial features and other genetic differences from some one from southern Portugal does that = race? Even thou the are from the same population they are genetically diffrent. The guy from Portugal is more genetically simular to an asian

Same population differences in genes. Native Americans were genetically diffrent from the Europeans. So? Answer the question

mine came out fine

a-a-alright, user

people who didn't feel like filling out that box on the national census?

I'd guess germans/rusyns/gypsies mostly

we are brothers, user

You should feel awful. Nobody should have that many tabs open at the same time. Clean that browser up.

>Whites in Americas for ~500 years
>Apparently long enough for one ancestor's DNA to be watered down to 0.1% of your genome
I smell bullshit

gypsies mostly?

I'd say you're a mutt but you most likely have no African in you so it's probably just as much a lie that you are juden.

lemme guess ur 1/15th moari?

How reliable are the low confidence regions anyway?

We still lack data for that. But you could do a test then upload your raw data in one of the calculators in gedmatch. There are some designed for europeans. It is your best shot and quite good option actually

No actually I'm as white as they come ginger and pale/freckly as fuck.

Whiter than you Jamal xddd


so u are a pale moari with red hair? i watched documentaries about them before. the moari said they had people with blue eyes

i think i'll just leave this here

They aren't. They shouldn't even include it in the final report unless it's over 5 or 10% desu, these things aren't that accurate. Not to mention they literally put in black ancestry to fuck with white people

Maori, you mean?

it isnt misinformation you dumb nigger

someone post the article



oh shit nigga, that changes everything


I thought it was supposed to go into specifics like "chinese," "southeast asian," "japanese," "korean," "mongolian," etc.

T. Moari chang kong

lol our northern italian uncle likes to talk shit about the south

he takes one of these tests

and comes back less italian than the southerner

people are stupid


This site told me I have native american dna when I'm fucking British


I have no Jewish ancestors nor can I have native american