Am I White enough for the Ethnostate?

Amerimutt here, I just got back my MyHeritage results today. Am I white enough to live in the future white ethnostate? These results surprised me. I thought I was English with some German and Irish in there.

English: 41.4%
Baltic: 18.8%
Italian: 16.4%
Irish, Scottish and Welsh: 9.1%

West Asian: 6.6%

Ashkenazi Jewish: 5.4%

Nigerian: 1.5%

Native American: 0.8%


Gas yourself and any offspring.

>Nigerian: 1.5%
That's fake
Test was probably done through 23&me or Ancestry right?
They throw in a few percent african to fuck with people, even some of the MSMs reported on this.

mutt thread


I used MyHeritage.


Lets have another repeat.


>Can't beat this!!

Not necessarily. Most slaves in the US were from west Africa (eg. Nigeria) and 1.5% is just 6 generations split. So assuming an average childbearing age of 25 years his negro ancestor lived 150 years ago, or about a decade before the civil war. Slave owners porking their slaves was by no means unknown, so it is perfectly plausible for him to have a black ancestor.

Not true. Mine, as you can see, is 100% European from 23&me.

larp, also who would believe what a company telling them their ancestry is based on undecided science lol. also no you are definitely not.

Mate the my heritage is the worst one, it's algorithms take tiny chances and escalate them. Download the raw dna data and upload it to gedmatch. Com and read up on how to use it, the run your dna through the eurogenes algorithm model its the most accurate for euro descendants

That is not what those numbers mean... It's how "similar" he is to the current Nigerian population, it cannot be historical.

No, that looks bad.
You arent even half anything.
You are a colorful and diverse little salad.

unfortunately, you're an oven nigger

Seriously dude?

if you have doubt about it no

You see, you live in a multi-cultural society for more than 200 years. if you live in america its practically impossible to be "pure"

You are also measuring your purity in a much different scale than us,
we measure our purity by how German a german is, how French a Frenchman is how Anglo a Brit is.

You however fear of not being "white".
Tell me what you get when you breed a German Shepard with a Dachshund and tell me if you are ever able to retrieve the traits of a Shepard when you interbreed another time.
Purity is a lost concept to you, american.
