Need heart transplant

>need heart transplant
>black person's heart assigned
>what do?

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Pass. I don't need sickle cell, thanks.

Hearts gonna get rejected by the immune system so it's kind of pointless, though a doctor would know this.

Sue them for malpractice because they sewed a heart into you that your body is going to reject.

accept death and write will and testament.


no pass allowed. it's your only chance

Its not a bone marrow transplant.

Say you changed your mind.

Offer it to the aztec gods.

plot twist, you're a nigger

not necessarily, we can transplant across the HLA barrier, hell even the ABO barrier isn't impossible to bridge anymore. But you will have a lower 5 year survival rate doing those things


>black person

I think someone might have made a mistake.

So then what's the point?


I would rather take my chances with a totally artificial heart desu, no immuno suppression drugs to keep from rejecting the nigger heart.

>knock out the surgeon
>transplant his heart with the nigger heart
>perform heart transplant on myself with his heart
>laugh at surgeon when he wakes up infected with AIDS

because you get a few good years of life which is more than what you have other wise. And the 5 year survival rate is statistics not certainty, you still have an ok chance of making out to 10 years if you're not retarded


Rather be dead than have a nigger's heart.

well played amigo

Take it but don't take the meds so my body rejects it and they have to give me a new 1

you get knocked pretty far down the list for non-compliance

They use pig hearts and shit so why not a monkey's?

>wake up from surgery
>smacks lips...

>Die now or die slowly from AIDS
Geee OP, I donno


Black people don't donate organs, check statistics liberal scum

What if you got a nigger heart and could come out singing and playing blues like Gary Moore? I know - he's white but still - maybe he had a nigger heart to play like that.

That's all they're good for libcuck,

Sounds good. So long as my chromosomes and brain aren't messed with then who gives a fuck.

Kill myself if I have close enough genetics to not reject the heart.

Hope I don't get diabeetus from it

xenotransplantation is still seen as a bit of quack science in transplantation circles. Although they have recently made pretty big strides in engineering pigs that don't set off an immune response when their organs are transplanted into monkeys. The problem is that you have such a massive antigen load with xenotransplantation that you you need massive doses of immunosuppressives as well as some real horrible induction therapy and even then it would still be a crap shoot

>Black donated organs
Might as well find unicorns while you are at it.

Now they come in a can.

Collect gibs, steal, kill whitey, be a gud boy who dindu nuffin
ooga booga

Not a problem that exists
This is actually more hbd proof

>doesn't know that the current plan is growing human organs in pigs that use the dna of the human who needs it so no rejection

actually the current plan is seeding decellularized organs with stem cells to allow non-immunogenic organs to be grown, thus avoiding the need for long term immunosuppression.
This will then transition into 3D printing organs as needed before finally our mastery of stem cells reaches the point that transplantation becomes obsolete

Tell them you don't have Coon+ blood.

how would u even know who it came from? anyways what a dumb reason to reject a heart

Steal a bicycle

maybe a family member hears the doctor asking ja-meek-rius' family for permission to harvest his organs and puts two and two together

Start applying for benefits, holy shit.

Can I pick which black person?

>>need heart transplant
>>black person's heart assigned
>>what do?
Trick question. They have neither hearts or brains.

Try out for the basketball team

Kiss your ass goodbye and die with dignity

>get heart transplant
>live on immunosuppressants

is it really that hard?

Cash them ousside?

The Doctor wouldn't do it. The risk of rejection is too high.


Thanks for sharing.

Organ farm soon.

Your body would reject it

Good one Paco. Maybe we can take an niche or two off the wall

Which is why they wouldn't give it to a white person. Never mind that black person organs are rarer and much more necessary and worthwhile to transplant into a recipient of the same race.

>dosage tacrolimus blood level
>it is known you are not taking the pills
>out the line for new yeart

>implying anyone in this thread is white

Underrated post

Wasn't this a movie with Christian Slater?

Develop a taste for Kool cigs. Start drinking Nyquil. But, hey welfare is in your future/

>i actually an black on the inside - look!

being from taiwan you're more likely to be killed so rich chinese can have your organs

Black peoples organs have a higher success rate with transplant.

I turn the heart down so another nigger dies.

A black heart will be working for me 24/7 for free. I have a slave in 2018, awesome!!

If your body rejects it you can chimp out and demand gibs

a true racist would choose DEATH!!!
so go KYS

I honestly did not know this. Why aren't we shoving this hatefact in SJW's faces when they say race is only skin deep?

best answer by far

You will likely have a cardiac arrest if you get the nigger heart. The heart will be up to no good.

>until rapidly approaching death consumes me

You can't mix races with transplants. You should look at what the transplant potential is if you're a fucking mutt.

Spoiler: Half-Breeds can't get transplants.

Transplants are fucking degenerate and disgusting. I would rather die than let a sadistic k*ke turn me into a Frankenstein monster.

It's not a brain transplant, so I should be fine.

Daily reminder to take yourselves off the organ donor list.
You have to be alive for them to harvest organs. They keep you alive and are given paralyzing drugs during extraction while FULLY conscious.
Look it up if you dont believe me. If you say im full of shit, im gonna assume youre either a shill, or a brainwashed idiot who wont look into things himself. Entertains only sanctioned establishment ideas

>Britbong education

I'm a brainlet, but what does a heart actually do? Just pump blood? Why isn't it possible to make artificial hearts now?

And if we can, would it be possible to live forever this way?

doesnt happen. donor organs (and often blood transfusions) must be of the same race

>get porcine valves implanted
>no life of post operative anti- rejection pills
>your body literally more accepting to pig cadaver tissue than negroid

>not having a bacon heart in 2018, why even wake up

I'll make better use of it than that nigger ever would!

They more or less due, and they keep beating after your brain dies.

>mfw I have had to shut one down with a powerful electromagnet because dummy got a no helmet brain buster on a sports bike

You can't live forever unless you find a way to prevent your brain from dying. You could have 18 year old organs but if you've got a 100 year old brain, you're still going to die.

1. the predisposition to heart disease rules out most nigger hearts from being transplanted.
2. I’d rather die than be part nigger

Artificial hearts are still too crude, and the body doesn't like them, so they are only good as a last resort for a short while.

is that why Mr. House was able to live for so long? kept his brain alive with a machine?

Don't take it.
Just die right there.
I don't want to die a year later of heart disease.

>2. I’d rather die than be part nigger
You wake up from the operation, hungry for chicken. Too late, homes.

Your odds of survival are 4.4% decreased...
Because race is a real thing.

Sorry bro


Just be sure to lube it up with cocoa butter or it wont take.

I wouldn't take anyone else's organs, organ transplants are degenerate and unnatural, I'd rather be dead.

I know someone with a mexican heart

you clearly have no idea what sickle cell is

don't worry, it'll only be 56% incompatible

this OP is larping, , pics or didn't happen

>get dead nigresses heart
>now your black % is up
>smack lips and thank the doctor by calling him your nigga
>collect reparations, welfare, and get accepted to multiple universities
>get use womens bathroom as you have the heart of a woman and win false rape cases as well

Its not about your brain really, its about free radicals and oxygen. Oxygen while is what keeps us alive is also what is killing us slowly. It denatures cells and causes the aging process. That's why they use nitrogen to preserve things like chips and fruit; it doesn't damage living things like oxygen does.

If we could find a way to live off something like nitrogen, we would live longer. That's why there is higher life expectancies in mountainous villages is the lack of oxygen.