Does anyone seriously doubt that the holocaust ever happened? How docyou explain all the shoes, the mass graves...

Does anyone seriously doubt that the holocaust ever happened? How docyou explain all the shoes, the mass graves, all the camps, are they all just made up?

70 years ago one of the biggest atrocities to human kind was committed, and 6 million IF NOT MORE jews were systematically exterminated

What do you have to say to that?

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Thanks Obama

I dont doubt people were killed in a war, but claiming six million jews died in death camps is one of the biggest hoax of our time


I honestly don't see how there were even 6 million Jews there at that time

nobody cares about the holocaust. it may as well be ancient history . the history of the world is a lot of bad shit happened to people because they couldnt defend themselves

a bunch of jews dying a long time ago means nothing and isnt special

>another fucking holocaust thread
it never happened and if it did kikes had it coming

70 years ago the war was already over bro, get with the times my nugget

Wow dude...


Just wow.


Based on available evidence it did happen but that doesn't mean I like it and other dark days in history used to brow beat white people. It wasn't all sunshine and lollipops for Europeans either.

Weren't children gassed on arrival?

>and 6 million IF NOT MORE jews were systematically exterminatedWhat do you have to say to that?

It would have been a good start if true, too bad it wasn't.

SAGE shit b8 threads.

When people are saying the holocaust never happened they are mostly referring to the parts about gassing 6 million jews and cremating them in in ovens. There may exist people who deny the existence of the camps all together but I doubt they make up the majority of holocaust deniers.

holocaust deniers are as stupid as flat earthers. They should be exterminated.

thanks Obama

We have all heard the total deaths attributed to communism in the last 100 years. Did hitler actually end up saving more lives by persecuting the 6 million jews than if they had actually won and seized control thus bringing in a Western European communist regime. I bet the total death tool of their own citizens would have vastly surpassed the 6 million

I didn't happen to you, why do you thrive on drama?

It happened, but the numbers are unclear

I'd love to work for JIDF. Do they pay well? I need a second job

This flat earth bullshitetry is being pushed by the jews to create a strawman, just like you did, Jeremy Liegberg

I don't believe soviet jew propaganda.

Except it's such a stupid, pedantic term created in the same vein and by the same people as "conspiracy theory. " No one denies that camps existed, but there is demonstrable proof the witness testimony is flawed. Evidence outside of testimony is limited and specious at best, outright lying at worst. The term should probably be revisionist, but that actually applies more to modern day historians looking for empirical evidence than anyone here, since very little evidence exists for any of the major claims (gas, mass graves, roller coaster pyres, human soap, skin lightshades, et al) has ever been found

You just got 'wow just wow'd' breh


the holocaust happened but the 6 million is a bloated number and 500k died tops

Didn't happen as (((they))) say it did. Jews are pure evil. You'll understand one day.


No historian, not even the Holocaust museum/archive, claims that 6 million Jews were killed in camps. You're probably one of those retarded stormniggers who unironically think all 6 million were gassed too. But hey, everyone is wron - Russian, Poles - all bought into this supposed Jewish conspiracy.

>mass graves

According to all of the world's many Jewish organizations, there are no mass graves of Jews due to the Holocaust. So, what did you mean by this?

Also, when I went to military boot camp, they took my shoes from me.

amazing that none of those kids look even remotely jewish

>do you believe a fake event?
>posts picture form Russian ammusment park

Idk, this all seems so forced.

People did die and the bodies are evidence. But there was no death camp program or plan to exterminate. There were executions for Jewish criminals, but the vast majority of the death was overworking, scarcity of rations as the supply lines were cut off causing starvation, and Typhus outbreaks. Delousing chambers are not gas chambers, and you couldn't cremate enough bodies to keep up with proposed death figures.

If you want to talk about the cruelty of concentration camps in general for their operation during war, fine. But there's just no evidence for some grand master plan to exterminate millions of people. We're lied to about our present, and we're lied to about our past.

Yes, it's bullshit.
as if this proof of the hoax
>mass graves
ground penetrating radar says otherwise.
they claimed they were all extermination camps that got cut down to only the five camps controlled by commie russia because the lie was busted and disgusted for the camps in allied controlled area because they were inspected and proven to not be.
>6 million IF NOT MORE

holy shit an infographic my almonds are on fire!

Daily reminder that the concept of "The Holocaust" literally did not exist until the 1970's. President Eisenhower, President Truman, Winston Churchill, and French President Charles De Gaulle all wrote extensive memoirs of World War II -- over 8,000 pages altogether -- and none of them mention any word of gas chambers, or anything at all about a German effort to systematically kill Jews. "The Holocaust," as it is marketed today by the Jewish Holocaust industry, simply did not happen.



>NAZIs couldn't burn thousands per da-

>there is demonstrable proof the witness testimony is flawed

>Hitler didn't want to exterminate the Je-

It would take 1666 years to burn 6 million bodies

>There's not mass graves and no photographic eviden-

>Bodies weren't being burned in camps eith-


D/ubs of truth

What's the letter sent to David Irving, is it testimony from Eichmann's trial?

What the actual shit are you talking about? The consensus among the public is 6 million, and in any countries with laws against Holocaust Denial will punish you for ''downplaying the atrocity'' when you claim that less than 6 million were outright killed. The original claim by these holohoax archives was 6 million, that's what they still teach in schools, and that's what is uphold by the law.


I don't really know anything relating to Irving. I'd also like to find part 2 to the image. Somebody post it if they have it, please.

Irving acknowledges gassing during Aktion Reinhardt. He actually has documents and sources supporting this claim. It's driven deniers crazy overt the years, because thy can't prove him wrong on it. Quite funny how he's had to accept the truth after getting BFTO and proven to lie and misrepresent his sources in the past when denying.

Actually, last I heard there was new geological evidence to suggest upwards of 8M were exterminated

You know I was thinking how other peoples look at their "dark days" in history such as the Turks, the Mongolians, Japanese ect. and most of them are proud of it. The vanquishing of an enemy. Germans showed compassion and regret in retrospect and their weakness has only been taken advantage of. Something to think about. Right or wrong showing weakness is a bigger mistake.

It never happened
And if it did who gives a fuck
These Jews are ethnically cleansing us
We should finish the job

What's the evidence for that? That's not what censuses say of the time. But nearly 6 million Jews are missing.

It's hard to argue with eyewitness reports.

" Holocaust survivor Perla Ovitz told us. Again and again, she

recounted in detail how she and her family were taken to the gas

chamber and ordered to strip naked. A heavy door opened and they

were pushed inside. "It was almost dark and we stood in what looked

like a large washing room, waiting for something to happen. We

looked up to the ceiling to see why the water was not coming.

Suddenly we smelled gas. We gasped heavily, some of us fainting on

the floor. With our last breath we cried out. Minutes passed, or maybe

just seconds, then we heard an angry voice from outside – 'Where is

my dwarf family?' The door opened, and we saw Dr Mengele standing

there. He ordered us to be carried out and had cold water poured on us

to revive us."
you have to be blind not to see the number being changed every day....

>Suddenly we smelled gas.
Didn't the Nazis use an odorless variant?

maybe they should have finished the job

>It's hard to argue with eyewitness reports.

Why isn't it showing me this study they're talking about?

oh maybe because someone is LYING.

Mass graves? How much massive, like six millions massive?

>Fake Vietnam veterans make up stories about the Vietnam war so therefore the Vietnam war never happened?

Yeah, the person who wrote that article. What historians claim is based off testimonies and forensic evidence and documents and German diaries. Historians aren't claiming what is in that article.

>Fake holocaust survivors make up stories about the holocaust so therefore the holocaust never happened?
and historians like to talk about this table that somehow disappeared, what do you think about that?

Okay, are you going to disprove: all German documents, speeches, NAZI diaries + Mein Kampf, mass graves with Jewish traces, censuses showing 5+ million disappearing, photographs of bodies being burned in camps and photographs of mass graves, all NAZI testimonies, mid-war reports from various countries? Go ahead, I'll wait.

This site contains all the autistic denial Sup Forums goes through, which not even revisitiknists use. It's quite funny. Literally all their autistic denial points covered here. Have fun.

Show me the mass graves. Go ahead, I'll wait.
the graves need to show 6,000,000 jews.

>the graves need to show 6,000,000 jews.
I like how you're especially dumber than most people on here. At least they acknowledge the ones dead were gassed or at least allegedly gassed, and you're trying to tell me all were shot and not gassed and no gas chambers exist + German documents? By the way, still waiting for you to disprove everything else I mentioned.

Here's a bunch of pictures of mass graves:

Thanks for all the links.

>ur dumb everyone here is dumb XD
fail tactic off the bat, sounds like something a facebook user would say.
next, those mass graves showed about lets say at most 2,000 bodys, 5,998,000 more to go pal.
next, dont need to disprove anything other. this is the biggest topic that determines everything.
last, and links still show no proof of 6,000,000.

The holocaust is the only genocide of the modern era that lacks proof as defined by the UN.

Of the camps, most of which were claimed to be death camps are now not classified as such.

Of the ones that remain, insofar as their design, do not reflect a mass killing machine that was designed by one of the most advanced civilizations on the planet.

>still demanding 5,998,000 more when I just told you that most were gassed and cremated and aren't buried
>he thinks he's not dumb
So, where did 6 million hide if 6 million didn't die? The Wannsee Protocol said there were about 6 million Jews in German controlled areas. In 1948 there were less than 700,000 Jews and allied countries weren't accepting refugees.


I just said there were less than 700,000 Jews in Israel in 1948 you massive retard. Gas yourself.

Reminder that deniers STILL are unable to give a valid answer to any of these questions

Why did the jews in Palestine give the Nazi gov a medal of cooperation for the "Transfer Agreement", which allowed thousands of Jews to leave Germany for Palestine?

Why would they do that if the plan was to kill them?

>jews wouldn't lie
and in this post you claim maybe some holocaust survivors (jews) lie.
so wich is it? jews lie or dont lie?

History is written my the victor.

You can't ruin a race when that race is fighting.

You're right, it's only Jews who decide censuses. Nobody ever realized there were 6 million Jews in Israel and not 700,000 and nobody, including their hostile Arab neighbors, said anything. Nobody saw 6 million travel there either.
>The holocaust wasn't real in my mind

Q1: They were there to fight partisans, which were trained to sabotage the war effort.


Q2. Dont think for a second Nuremberg was a fair trial.

The allies had already spun the narrative, all those on trial could do is minimize their role in it.

It did happen but the numbers are exaggerated. Jews was a minority from all the people that died on ww2


Most intelligent post in those whole shitty thread

about 60,000 jews went to Palestine through this program though. This does not, in any way what so ever, negate or disprove eveything else about the holocaust though

Also, see:
and still refute all of:
Posting debunked infographics and tired disproven arguments won't prove anything.

3. Its a crime still in Germany to tell the truth about the Holocaust. Duh.

This is bullshit as even the nazis own records show that there were 11 million jews in europe at the time

Fake Vietnam veterans make up stories about the Vietnam war so therefore the Vietnam war never happened?

your logic is flawed. noone denies that the vietnam happened in spite of fake stories. noone denies ww2 happened in spite of fake stories. we are talking about "stories" that were sworn under oath to have occurred that were used to convict and kill former german soldiers of "warcrimes" that were later found lacking

bot thread
do not reply

Cold water, the cure for cyanide gas. What else will I learn today?

4. The zionists needed a way to claim victimhood to excuse away their own.

It's okay, there's photographs and documents and speeches and 6 million Jews missing so it doesn't matter.

Most places where it's illegal to deny the holocaust makes it illegal to deny any genocide. And it's not illegal to deny in the US and no one has ever debunked it. I wonder why.

>shit we are getting bombed, quick remove the metal doors with wooden doors!


Does anyone seriously doubt that the japanese genocide ever happened? How docyou explain all the shoes, the mass graves, all the camps, are they all just made up?

70 years ago one of the biggest atrocities to human kind was committed, and 6 million IF NOT MORE japanese were systematically exterminated

What do you have to say to that?

>still not proving anything and not refuting any evidence
I wonder why normal people don't take Neo-NAZIs seriously. It's a real mystery.


did you not even read your own "debunk"?