Make Antisemitism Great Again

Ever notice how jews were banned from clubs and how they flocked to lowbrow humor?
Where do you think "lowbrow" comes from?
>The terms ‘highbrow’ and ‘lowbrow’ come from phrenology, the nineteenth-century science of regarding the shape of the skull as a key to intelligence. A ‘high’ forehead meant intelligence; a ‘low’ one meant stupidity. Phrenology thrived as a popular science in the late nineteenth century and led eventually to the racial theories of the Nazis, for whom the Jewish cranium and pale, sunken face were clear indications of Jewish racial inferiority.”
Let's uncover more common phrases that are linked to the kikes.

Other urls found in this thread:

So this?

My god.

so let me get this straight. Nazis were white and nordic supremists who persecuted the jews because they aren't white or nordic. And one of the ways they determined this was their pale faces? Aren't ashkenazi almost always either the same skin tone as their gentile host population or a bit more sallow/olive? since when have they been known as being paler and why the fuck would white / nordic supremists take that as a trait of inferiority?

Look at all those lowbrows

>Jews are dumb yet Ashkenazim score higher than any ethnicity and made plenty of unique and important contributions:
Keep in my mind that the prizes themselves are irrelevant. And somehow they have a disproportionate amount of wealth and power? Hmm, something isn't adding up when you claim they're dumber than whites. Is highbrow humor when you make a dumb claim?

Go make more lowbrow dick jokes or something.

Need sources. Also I don't quite understand what the brow is.

>can't refute anything I said
Nice highbrow tendency. I guess it's called highbrow because you guys think way too highly of yourselves.

Take a hike, kike

>highbrows are this much of brainlets

it's called trading your soul for fame and money

That doesn't address IQ and contributions.

yes it does you imbecile (((contributions))) is for fame and they're not intelligent, it's a myth , they're bullshitters, unless you call that 'being smart'

OP didn't say jews were dumb because they have a lowbrow, you stupid kike.
He linked the term ''lowbrow'' to nineteenth century science to explain why jewish humor is called lowbrow, it's because at some point someone noticed that the kind of person who makes infantile dick jokes and muh vagina jokes had a low brow.

This is the dumbest fucking comment I've read in weeks.
This fucking idiot completely missed the point and thinks he is smart by trying to debunk some nineteenth century scientists.
Woah dude, you debunked old outdated science that no one said was true. Good job, man.

Except all of those discoveries were and are applicable in the world, retard. Whites are dumber measurably and in theory. Enjoy it.

I guess you can't read because the OP explicitly said:
> A ‘high’ forehead meant intelligence; a ‘low’ one meant stupidity.
And it takes a non-retard like me show you and everyone else that a dumb 19th century claim is debunked.

"the nose knows"

Guess who doesn't like to be called lowbrow?

Wonder woman jew

no their not , all panels in the nobel prize committee are 40% jews, it's not hard to sway a few and pull nepotism out of their ass on kike BS, theres thousands of good scientists that get nothing out of the jewish nobel prize circuit because they aren't JEWS

whites are 800 million, kikes 15 , statistically speaking there are more white geniuses than kikes altogether , let that sink in you corrupt guild-ish nigger

My PC died otherwise we'd be 4 posts into a 7 post series debunking the claims of nearly every Jewish inventor of note in the last ever. Luckily I don't need to stroke my dick to know you're just a worthless kike, the truth remains the same either way.

Only because there's more whites. Jews are disproportionately more intelligent; a Jew is more likely to be a genius than a white person.

Like I said, the prizes themselves are irrelevant. It doesn't matter anyway, because dumb faggots like you aren't ever going to make it with any goal you have. Bye.

OP didn't said high brow meant intelligence and low brow meant stupidity. He cited nineteenth century science and what it ''MEANT'' then.
You've been called out, jew. Anyone who is reading this thread is going to check OPs post and see that I am right. You can't lie your way out of this.
You tried to attack the strawman in the shape of a nineteenth century scientist, and you failed.

Will you continue doubling down on the lie? Please do, redpill people on the JQ with your jewish behavior.

Degenerate lowbrow shysters

Use percentages goy. Going by raw numbers is what niggers do when saying there are more whites on welfare than blacks.

You're literally using the nigger math. Get yourself tested and stop eating watermelon.

that's all from one dead-horse-beaten study in the seventies , the avg IQ of israhell is 95 let that sink in, you literally are sub-100 iqs plus you cant beat 20 million whites @140, you're just not good enough, ergo nepppotism and collusion

haha butthurt kike the yogim know

you btfo in the post above kike nigglet

Lol, I don't care about my behavior here. Do you think I'd be talking like this if I did? You guys are impotent faggots. Yeah, he made an inference about intelligence relative to brows and then I affirmed it was nonsense and now you're getting upset. Enjoy the future of Europe, faggot.

Doubling down on the lie. Every time you lie, someone reading this thread will double check OPs post and see that you're lying.

Jews as Neanderthals

Jews as Neanderthals

Haha, point out the lie. I'll wait.

I'm personally awaiting the moment our lowbrow shyster friend resorts to accusations of sexual inadequacy or deviancy

I redpilled a Normie on Jews using that today. In person too

theres no one more impotent or deviant in many many ways than jews, also they our not our friends

well done, leaf

You claim OP said lowbrow and high brow was linked to intelligence.
This is what OP actually said
>The terms ‘highbrow’ and ‘lowbrow’ come from phrenology, the nineteenth-century science of regarding the shape of the skull as a key to intelligence. A ‘high’ forehead meant intelligence; a ‘low’ one meant stupidity.
Must be frustrating being a fucking jew in [current year]. I can literally just copy and paste what was actually said and you can't lie about it.
It's hard to lie about what someone said when it's all recorded.

IQ is a Jew invention.


>the nineteenth-century science of regarding the shape of the skull as a key to intelligence. A ‘high’ forehead meant intelligence; a ‘low’ one meant stupidity
>not claiming lowbrow and high brow being linked to intelligence
Sorry, you have brain damage. Why do you think "The terms ‘highbrow’ and ‘lowbrow’ come from phrenology" negates what is said afterwards? Gas yourself.

Keep doubling down. I'll just copy and paste the same quote again.
>The terms ‘highbrow’ and ‘lowbrow’ come from phrenology, the nineteenth-century science of regarding the shape of the skull as a key to intelligence. A ‘high’ forehead meant intelligence; a ‘low’ one meant stupidity.

Asians and Whites actually have more neanderthal DNA than any of the other races.
Despite what you may think, it seems those with Neanderthal DNA actually turned out smarter than those without.

Answer my question or keep looking like a retard. Why do you think "The terms ‘highbrow’ and ‘lowbrow’ come from phrenology" negates what is said afterwards?

you are confusing genius with being clever.

Jews are good at taking other people's original ideas and making money, that in and of itself is clever, not genius.

This is why their own god called them stiff necks.

whites arabs and mongoloids are all neanderthal-homo sapiens hybrids, only pure homo sapiens are niggers and abos, also the neanderthal was actually smarter than homo sapiens as neanderthals lived in a harsher environment and depended more on hunting than their berry picking southern cousins

Canard and [x] denial (of ersazt religion icons) are two common ones.

Because the next sentence explains what the terms meant in phrenology.
I can say ''the term transmutation comes from alchemy'' and follow it up with ''the term transmutation meant turning one element into another.'' It doesn't mean I believe you can turn iron into gold.

You've been absolutely BTFO, you stupid kike.


Who told you that, a kike?

>neandertals shitposting furiously

>the term "retarded" comes from measures of intelligence, the 19th century idea of determining intelligence. Not being retarded means higher intelligence, being retarded means lower intelligence
You're genuinely quite stupid, congratulations.

It's just a bad meme spread around among browlets

OP never used the word ''means.''
For a second I thought you maybe were just an illiterate, but now I am 100% sure that you're a lying fucking kike.
>The terms ‘highbrow’ and ‘lowbrow’ come from phrenology, the nineteenth-century science of regarding the shape of the skull as a key to intelligence. A ‘high’ forehead meant intelligence; a ‘low’ one meant stupidity.

>A ‘high’ forehead meant intelligence; a ‘low’ one meant stupidity.
>He thinks this isn't saying means/defining
Are you actually this dumb or are you baiting me?

ITT: kikes getting BTFO

>a jew not using literal interpretations
color me sunshined
>so you finally evolved into abstarct thought in 2018 ?

Fun fact: the word ''means'' was never used in this entire thread before these two posts.
Now why would someone change the word ''meant'' to ''means'' when trying to accurately represent someone's position? It really makes you think.

Yeah, because he used the word meant. Guess what the word "meant" means. Retard.

''Meant'' is the past tense of ''means.''

it's also the past participle of mean

>When you don't have any good facts proving the inferiority of the Jews other then outside looks which u find unattractive
>(muh arian forehead)

Wow, congratulations. Now tell me why you said
>OP didn't said high brow meant intelligence and low brow meant stupidity
in Congrats, you wasted our time to make yourself look like a moron and make "high brow" people look retarded. Gas yourself.

That's the correct use of ''meant'' too. OP made the thread in the past so I am not going to refer to it in the present.
You are not going to win on semantics, you stupid kike.

Jesus christ its like a fucking troll circle jerk in here. WERE ALL ASSHOLES.
really should go without saying

"Trust No Fox in the Green Meadow and No Jew on his Oath"

Yes, he said that's what it meant. Now tell me how I ever contradicted myself with this post:
Dumb fuck.

no, we save the gas for jews (you)

Haha, you're not in charge and never will be. Keep crying on Sup Forums.

haha , my hands wont be soiled when they snap your neck at the gallows (remember who is the 98% and it isn't you)

Yeah just like the 6 day war and all attempts afterwards, right? Are you looking forward to 1.8 million more refugees that Trump said he's bringing in? How prepared are you?

cant wait to see you all get hanged, I'll go buy popcorn from now, dont forget you are in our lands, in our hands , you dont buy guns and your death will not be met by pity but a celebration for mankind

>he thinks neo-nazis arent a small minority and thinks it's gaining traction
pretty pathetic, honestly.

you could argue physiology all day, but it takes a back seat to cultural upbringing mixed with the natural primeval forces of fright and flight.

Jews and a number of other cultures have been pushed into facing the reality and importance of tribal cohesiveness, the power of numbers, protecting your own and sticking together, community. This is just starting to reawaken again in European Peoples.


he thinks jews will get away
>pretty short sighted, almost imbecilic to the point of blind dumbfuckery

I disagree and agree. I'm a nordic type with high forehead with jewish ancestry.
People with small foreheads are legitmately stupid. Look at every group with tiny foreheads.
The same belligerent backwardness in everyone.

but their women are cute with small foreheads