Why were the Nazis bad other than the holocaust?

Why were the Nazis bad other than the holocaust?

Is there another reason that we ask hate them or is the holocaust the only reason?

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>the Holocaust was bad

Ask a normie why we went to war with Germany and they will tell you "The Holocaust".

Killing massive amounts of Europeans and not succeeding in stopping the jew. Had they won, there would be no cons that outweigh the pros.

why is a wall on the border illegal?

Anyway in a perfect world that wall wouldn't just keep Muslims out, but it would mainly keep the Hebrews in

sad how accurate this is

Normies are fucking ignorant as all hell.

>Haavara Agreement

the Nazis fucking built the Israel you know, retard

That would be the brits, user.


google motherfucker

Because pearl harbor forced Germany to declare war on us and thats all our jewy government needed to go balls out and attack.

The Eternal Anglo stopped the plan to send (((them))) all to Madagascar, thus making the jews stuck in work camps - just like most other non-VIP POWs.

>the holocaust happened

Why is that wall illegal?

im tripling down to support this guy.
It was the fucking Brits

Britain has been ZOGED since that cuck Cromwell let the Jews back in.

They killed pows by submerging them in vats of ice water and measuring how long it took them to die.

Not the worst thing people've done during the war. It was a wild place with it's own rules.

International socialists don't like it. It's probably racist too.

I don't know what to believe anymore because most of the things I was taught about it have proven to be completely false.

how can a wall be “illegal”?

Slight correction. Germany was not obligated under their pact with japan to join in an offensive war.
However, USA had already broken international rules for neutral states; sinking german ships and occupying iceland. As usual, USA are too jewish to declare an honest and open war. For all practical purposes USA had declared war on germany already.

>implying they have been britkikes for 600 years
Good thing they binned all the knifes or some bomber harris fag might stab you.

Welp another to reason to despise the governments of old I suppose.

>he thinks the holocaust happened
how's your first day?

Here we go again more conspiracy bullshit. You idiots! The holocaust happened.

Evidence for six million

How revisionist historians manipulate data


Death camps


One thrid of the holocaust debunked


Holocaust denial and misinterpretations



>This same idiot posting this same shit in every thread

Fuck off dude you haven't even read my links

Of old? You guys didnt officially declare war on Vietnam Afghanistan or iraq either right?

Okay, so they didn't rape every woman and girl like the Mongols or Soviets did. They didn't impale thousands of people like a savage slav. But there's something coldly cruel about slowly murdering people for "science."

>Why were the Nazis bad other than the holocaust?
They gave up.

Hitler would have you killed, you Slavic subhuman, and rightfully so.
Pot calling the kettle black.

uhmm... gimme a second...
uh cause you built it on land not owned by you?
ooohhh... I get it.
cause its in the west bank.
huh... Sneaky nazi rick

Then let me tell you how the story ends. After the war, America's came into possession of the data the Germans generated from those killings. Then they had a debate about ethics. Some people said that the only way to honor the dead was to use the data, too make their suffering be put to some good use. Others argued the ends don't justify the means. Because the data was created by evil methods, any good that could be developed from it was irrevocably tainted by the evil with which it was created. The latter group won, and the data was destroyed.

But the u.s. Army knew it was possible, and they wanted it. So they decided to conduct their own experiment, "ethically." They volunteered a number of soldiers to be studied. They measured their temperatures on various points of their bodies, put them in various stages of dress, and made them go out in the cold. Then they measured them again to see how heat was lost. You may have heard that you lose 70% of your body heat in cold weather through the head. That's from this study.

But the army was retarded. They didn't give any test subjects hats, so no shit that's where they lost their heat. So it wound up being bad data anyway because Americans aren't Germans.

Who cares? They deserved it. Vietnam was France's fuck up, btw.

>be poland
>have german clay
>get offer from germany
>"lets have a referendum if the population of disputed region wants to belong to germany or poland. Loser get compensations and strip of land for railways/roads."
>hmm sounds reasonab...
>poland: " ok, no then I guess"
>germany declares war
>ussr declares war
>UK and France: "lol sorry poland just kidding youre on your own. Even after we win the war we wont lift a finger to help you. Also we will pretend this war was about protecting jews."
>germany: "seriously?"
>poland: "KURWA"

Why did it end up this way ? People watching The Simpsons or South Park didn't turn this autistic.

Who deserved what and why?
Just saying USA are fucking snakes who dont even give their enemies an official declaration of war.

>Why were the Nazis bad other than the holocaust?

>Is there another reason that we ask hate them or is the holocaust the only reason?
You are taught that you must hate nazis no matter what, and hate everything connected to it. Don't question anything and enjoy your bread and circus, be a good goy and never question authority or reach your potential. Carry the red flag, don't question what they did to europe, ignore venezuela, wear a che shirt and enjoy your slow death.

Sad but true.
a couple kegs of heineken later however and dont even try telling us were not germans

>illegal borderwall

they really just lie to themselves until they believe their own lies aren't they?

ThisHolocaust happend, stop spreading bullshit

Fucking sand niggers aren't smart enough to watch Rick and Morty

Don't you see how from a propaganda standpoint that story is perfect? They get data from the monstrous Germans and are too virtuous and good to use it? And the data and record of having it is destroyed.

The Holo-what?


When the bombs start falling, they figure it out. Fuck them, they shouldn't have opposed us.

Fuck outta here jidf

The holocaust was the only thing GOOD about the nazis. And they did such a shit job at it - tons of Jew and non Jews were killed in WWII, but only Jews got their own country out of it.

Hitler seemed like a whiny faggot most of the time, he really seemed to want to tell people how to live their lives.

>pic featuring illegal border wall
>Palestine ever at any time an actual state and not a tactical measure of Hamas and Jordan to annex land for Islam
kys asap

Well, there are a lot of German Americans, but they don't admit it like, say, the Irish.

>why is a wall on the border illegal?
Havent U heard of #openbordersforisrael?
Its illegal to enforce law.

The data was destroyed, not the record. Who cares if it was used to make Americans seem noble?

Nice argument, really compelling i might have to reflect after this thread

why did israel have a pact with Hitler?

I guess they're ramping up recruitment because you're really bad at this

>Who cares if it was used to make Americans seem noble?

Because stories of human skin lampshades were used to make Americans seem noble and that never fucking happened.

>>be poland
>>have german clay
have a you

I would just ignore him, lol.
Seen him shilling in other threads as well in the last few days.



Why do you feel the need to lie about the holocaust?

I think they were used to make Germans seem evil, but you're right. So what? It's a non sequitur.

Part 1 of the series that convinced me "the Holocaust" was a hoax.
Holocaust Revisionism for Beginners - David McCalden (full)

Another good one, but TL;DW for some.
Huh, looks like it was put in (((limited state))) since I watched it.

Every propaganda post automatically transfers 1 shekel to his bank account

why did the zionists fail to protect jewish life?


why is a wall on the border illegal?
because the nation of Israel is illegitimate

>savage slav
>Slavic subhuman

I sometimes wonder whether it's jidf shills with VPNs crying over any social injustice and then calling Slavs subhuman in the same breath to dumb down the people here or has the right been watered down to the point that even real snow niggers have forgotten how important being a ruthless barbarian in the eyes of a civilized man is to the survival of your race...


>Holocaust happend

Retard. The "holocaust" was a deflection tactic to distract people from the mass slaughter of german civilians and the rape of berlin

I agree that it happened. Just because the evidence points to the jews absolutely deserved to be killed for fucking up russia and europe

2/10 for effort

Great, now I can't use this meme anymore

Beacuse he was a sell out


Coins debunked


I agree. Acting ruthlessly is an advantage in evolution.
I've recently read about experiments with artificial intelligence. They found out that the more intelligent an AI becomes, the less it cares about its opponents.

You guys should see Ahmadinejad's statement about this topic on YouTube.
It's really worth watching.

Its like the human soap bullshit, I figure you would have to boil a human body for ~24 hours to get the fat out of the corpse. Even then it makes middle age tier shitty soap/candle-wax.

I figure some guards were trolling new inmates and it spread from there.

Absolute state!

I don't even see the sense in exaggerating it anyway.
I mean, it's history, and it's an important topic, but after all it's just that. Something in the past.
Unless we can travel back in time to see what happened, we can but speculate.

Normie genocide when?

>literally 0:01 in, pause video.
>little soyboy with star trek shirt, chewbaca mask

top fucking kek you don't belong here kid

'Illegal border wall" Kek. How is a border wall illegal you fucking sand niggers

>ignores the information and focusses on looks


>he thinks I deny it
Not even that I don't deny it, my question is why it didn't happen on a bigger scale?

They were a threat to the sovereignty of other European countries?

You know, like Bonaparte.

Beacuse hitler was a pussy

Never happened,
but it should have,
and it will.

they killed a lot of white people in their autistic fit

It’s illegal under international law, in the beginning Israel and Palestine shared Jerusalem, then Israel annexed Palestine’s half of the city and put up the wall.

Good now its safer to be in jerusalem

his 'looks' say everything about what forms of media he consumes, as well as which opinions and "informations" have been spoonfed to him

you need to lurk for like a year

I didn’t know pol is so full of Jew shills.

Uh huh yeah lurk about conspiracy bulshit from Sup Forums lol

Guilty as charged.
you told em it was theres.
we sold em the guns to make that true.
yeah were both ZOG assholes.

I'm not really sure there was anything wrong with the Holocaust (TM), user.

>only in one's mind

Why don't the Jews love diversity?

>send (((them))) all to Madagascar

I think it would be fun to push the send the Jews to Madagascar idea. As if the last 72 years didn't exist.