Planned Parenthood founder and eugenics advocate Margaret Sanger started “The Negro Project” in 1939 to thwart the...

>Planned Parenthood founder and eugenics advocate Margaret Sanger started “The Negro Project” in 1939 to thwart the population growth of the poor and minorities, or, as Sanger put it, to discourage “the defective and diseased elements of humanity” from their “reckless and irresponsible swarming and spawning

Why is Sup Forums anti-abortion again?


If that is true Margaret Sanger is my kind of woman.

>b-but muh based nigger fetus

Because it doesn't actually do anything. They just get abortions until they're too old to party, and then they start poping out babies for the food stamps. So basically you end up with the same number of nigs, but you've paid more for them.

Not enough, we should pay black women to abort their babies.

abortion is sadly the symptom of a morally ill society but has become a necessary evil for as far gone as the west and humanity at large is


What the fuck

not enough

Sup Forums is anti abortion? Since when?

The good thing about abortion is not only does it get rid of niggers, it also wipes out spics and future white liberals. Good riddance.


Have eight abortions and still end up with five kids


One abortion because she was reckless as a teen and she's forever scarred and will become uncomfortable even thinking about babies, never again to procreate.

The problem is that no one likes to compromise anymore, it's always got to be one extreme or the other. I want to find some middle ground in this debate. I propose we make abortion illegal for whites, optional for non-whites, and mandatory for retards.

>believe me because I put words over a picture.
No. Fuck you. I actually appreciate abortion. So many children grow up with no parents, or shitty parents wishing they had none.

Maybe a bonus for referring a friend and a $15k flat rate for their ovaries

They shouldn't be. Pro-life is white genocide.

Nothing wrong with piercing an ear. You are aware of circumcision, aren't you? Now that shit's crazy

Unironically this

Reminder hoosier user, the only places in Indiana where abortion centers exist, is where we keep the blacks... That could change how that chart looks, not to mention Indiana is already pretty prolife.

I'm sick of black people too but let's not get crazy here

Abortion is the intentional destruction of an innocent human's body and violates their fundamental right to life. There is no justification for abortion. It needs to be abolished.


Because it’s not 100%

White abortion should be illegal, black/Latino abortion should be encouraged

It is not a difficult concept

>Why is Sup Forums anti-abortion again?
I am pro-choice for exactly this reason. I understand why lifers are the way they are but I don't think they have considered the nigger population explosion which would result from banning abortion.

I would be willing to ban abortion only for whites if that were a possibility.

Everyone sane on Sup Forums is FOR abortion. Especially in USA, where it's mainly for niggers, spics and white trash. It's prime example of cover eugenics program that doesn't call itself eugenics. The result is still the same: less unwanted genetics in the gene pool.

>hey it's too far to the clinic maybe I will keep this baby
t. no woman ever

The negro problem can be solved with deportation and sterilization.
Abortion is a barbarity spawn in a moral-less, frivolous, putrid, rotten society with no values or righteousness.

Because murder is wrong, this is first and foremost
Second, because it is destroying the fabric of society through difference of responsibility

>Suspected WFBM mulatto
>Allow abortion, obviously
>Women claim potential nigglet to use loophole
>DNA testing before aborting to close loophole
>Women now only sleep with the animals so they don't risk having an unabortable child
>Same happens if subsidized abortions for subhumans while whites pay same price
>Still doesn't get to root of problem, whites remailn skanks
>Most degenerate whores account for most of white abortions
>The skankiest of skanks become single mothers instead
To be clear, I'm not against the idea, it just needs refining.
>Spay the mongrels
>Infertile kweens become more attractive to niggers, as they don't risk becoming the baby-daddy.
>Make making kids hurt the nogs, make them pay alimony etc.
>If you have a blacbortiion, mother and nigglet get enrolled in 23andme
>Identify most prolific dindus and pay them to get vasectomy
>23andme shares database with glowniggers
>glowniggers use database to arrest and prosecute criminal (read: all) nigs

Seems low.




It's a murder, no matter what mental gymnastic you do. I know you guys like to be edgelords and scream "kill niggers", because you think it's funny, but would you dare to do that with your own hands? You don't have to answer. We both know you wouldn't, apart from maybe like 1% of psychopaths.

Niggers aren't human, so it's totally kosher.

Nigger were a mistake,our ancestors were retarded for bringing them to our lands. Now they are our burden.

Nice and the rest are white people. Founder much like Hitler started with an idea that ultimately got twisted failed and led to the opposite of what they wanted. She killed millions of whites mostly poor conservative right wingers and Hitler annihilated more than 50 million white people.



wtf i love abortions now

based Margaret Sanger is /OUR GIRL/

>he thinks nigs would ever use birth control

That's 265 more whites aborted than it should be allowed

There should be something equivalent to planned parenthood that sterilises blacks in exchange for trinkets and iPhones

>whites born in New York City
90% of them would be socialist voting faggots and white in name only

Only if they agreed to be sterilized after. Otherwise they will just keep getting pregnant repeatedly for dem handouts.

>but would you dare to do that with your own hands?

So with that line of thinking, have adopted an unwanted black kid right? Being that's always the come back with pro-life, just give the kid up as if they all find homes with low effort. So have you taken to raising someone else's unwanted child yet? We have two adopted kids in my own extend family, how about yours? I'm going to guess its zero but your ok with that, it's someone else's problem.

Pathetic. I was expecting at Least 80%.

And other good thing about abortion is that it is way more available in blue state leftist shitholes like New York and California. I think there are like 2 abortion clinics in Kentucky which is an overwhelmingly white state and one of the most pro-Trump.

And what's the problem? Crime is lower because less single mothers.

Actually whites get the least amount of abortions.
It goes
>non hiapanic whites

And way more liberal whites get abortions because conservative states make it hell for abortion clinics to operate

Why shoudl I take responsibility for someone's else actions? What do you think I am, a cuck? Babies shouldn't be aborted and their parents should take responsibility of their actions. That's not a hard concept to grasp for a white man

yet leftists love planned parenthood. ironic black comedy reality

Free vasectomies for all upright walking chimps.

I'll take an ass burrito

One word for it



I am 100% pro abortion. I'm so pro abortion I say you should be able to kill that thing in your womb at 9 months. I'm so pro abortion once it comes out if your vagina you can smash it's head in with a hammer as long it's still attached to the umbilical cord thus still part of her body her choice.

I want that 35 nigger abortion rate to 50 pronto.

Black Lives ...Matter?


>I want that 35 nigger abortion rate to 50 pronto
you white genocidal kike, why so low? Commies please get of my board.

>reported by the Centre for Disease Control

Kek, pole kike let's not go into fantasy land now. 50% is very nice,40% for spics, and 10% for whites.

The government should offer $2,500 to anyone on welfare that wants to be sterilized.

Taking responsibility for mistakes doesn't mean having a kid you can't afford so you can collect welfare. I'm not paying for someone else's kid. If you can't feed don't breed.

This is why you're 56%

>only 35%
That leaves the vast majority as white girls scaping beautiful white babies because they're disgusting whores not willing to accept responsibility for spreading their roastie pussy

And why should you pay for someone's abortion? Why is state supposed to fix your mistake with welfare or abortion? Gtfo commie. If abortion was disallowed people would be forced to be more responsible. As for now they can fuck like there's no tomorrow and always had in the back of their head a "back up plan" - murder

Blacks make up 13% of the population. a 50% abortion rate would keep that the same or even lower it over time.

We must encourage wholesome whites to have more babies like the Mormon's and Quacker's.

because rich white women do it too
and 1 high IQ white dead = 100 low iq negro dead

Can you imagine how much they could improve that statistic if they spent the same but decreased welfare proportional to the number of children instead of increasing it?

We should pay blacks to kill themselves. They might take the bait.

we already do, it is called wellfare in chicago

I don't get why my brothers are so against the government paying for womens contraceptives if it parents a niglet from being borne or a single white mother, that's a huge return on investment.

Just look at the stupid shit the government wastes money on.

The only downside is it increased and encourages degeneracy, but I can live with that.

black abortion is over 50% already. I'm pretty sure you have wrong numbers

>Be on pol
>Let's not get crazy

because they do use it anyway
we pay for it here and batches of monkeys keep coming

Your statistics are wrong. Let's not forget niggers killed thenselves in droves and high obesity rate and diabetes.

The Jew is smart in culling them. Don't want to many blacks, but just enough to keep whites on edge.

because more kids more benefits

well her plans completely backfired. Africa is a real fucking problem and probably worse for humanity than getting hit by a comet.

We need to increase this number

Also it's a moral abomination to kill babies. But ya, literally it's their issue and return on investment is a jackpot.

that's surprising. In Russia it's about 50%
That makes sense, why that number is relatively low.

If that's your rationale for abortion you may as well argue for plain old genocide

Jungle niggers must operate differently than ones in the 1st world.
You would think so, but do niggers really want these little devils because of gibs?

Did you not read correctly? It's ok if not, I'll say it again.
I'm not paying for other people's mistakes.
Say again? No problem, bud.
I'm not giving the leftist bloodsucking diaper babies my hard earned money to pay for a kid they can't afford because its immoral to do so while no one cares that 20,000 people die of starvation daily.
The paradox lies within fine print. It's a bitch that we have to pay for people to NOT have kids they can't support or subsequently pay the child's well being for over a decade. The moral side of it matters nothing to me anymore the world is a fucked up place.

they just want to fuck and condoms feels worse
and when they think about abortion or gibs, gibs win

You're a bitch. I said you shouldn't pay for either thing, moron. They got a baby, they should deal with it. No welfare, no government paying for abortion.

I would pay them not to have, like a reverse premium, if they got kids, they have to pay back

I am truly conflicted by this, as I definitely sympathize with the pro-life side as most abortions are not for fetal anomalies, but on the other hand, abortions of sub races has led to a period of relative peace in the country, other than nigger ghettos.

Well, at least that's humane, but still socialist and degenerate.

>but still socialist
not if done privately and willingly
just a contract, no government involved

Abortion is birth control to niggers.

giving themto have injections when the collect the food stamp is not asking to much

This. For every aborted niglet it's mother should get payed the benefits she would have if she gave birth plus 10%.

For example, if one niglet yields $100 of benefits to its mother, an aborted niglet should yield $110, but any live births would revoke the previous bonuses.

The negress in order to get nigger-rich she would abort any niglet she conceived until she wouldn't be able to give birth anymore

This is the only sane policy

Blacks have the most kids. Black people are going up both in absolute numbers and as a percentage of US population while white numbers fall absolutely and as a percentage.

The US is becoming more black and less white.

Honestly that's far lower than I thought.

You'd be surprised at how resistant they are to that because it's one extra step for them to get "muh gibs".

Proposing only the fit or financially stable can have kids and lower class people will stop fucking? I'm down for that. While we're at it lets pay for the irresponsible parent making minimum wage to get a better education to support the child. No? Ok. Let's call CPS. Child placed in foster care. Monthly tax payer check to the new legal guardians. Shit. That puts us at square one. I tell you what. I'm gona meditate on this one. Or I might write my congressman. "How do we get the financially unfit to quit fucking? I'm not paying for the abortion and I ain't paying for it when it's born." He'll probably picture a bunch of kittens being put down at the animal shelter or some shit HAHAHAHA
That's a trippy concept desu