Execution methods

Basically, what would be the best execution method in modern society. The current one is expensive and tends to fail so what would be a good alternative?

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You answered your own question, you smartass Ivan

load them in one of these and throw their naked body against the side of a mountain. or into Mexico.

- Exitbag with inert gas.
- Lethal injection, enough fentanyl, alternative, a tiny amount of fentanyl and 5 to 10 grams very cheap potassium chloride.
- Any firearm that i stronger than a handgun to the head. If it fails shoot again.

Just shoot them. It's quick, it's not as painful as other methods, costs less than a dollar, and doesn't require any special training on the part of the executioner.

It's already complete if leftypol care to stop. One way or another this shit has to end, that's all.

Just shoot them.

Bullets aren't expensive.

Have one or two guillotines per state. A sharp enough blade from a high enough drop yeilds instant death

It's more messy and personal I guess.
But yeah, bullet to the back of the stem is instant painless death.


Inject them with helium and make them wear a clown suit while reciting Black Twitter posts in a squeaky voice until they asphyxiate

00 Buckshot to the medulla is instant, cheap, and enough to handle any human.


how fast was that? 0,1 seconds?

British measured drop hanging, very quick, severed the second and third Cervical vertebrae, you're dead before you hear the trapdoor open, think the world record from the cell to the drop was about 23 seconds. Plus it leaves the body intact and is much more dignified than being strapped to a table and pumped full of chemicals.

>23 seconds
23 seconds isn't quick desu

throwing people out of helicopters

Fuck i love when people say these are fake

I have no earthly idea. I prefer it to the other methods mentioned here because there's no head severing with the head retaining enough oxygenated blood for a few seconds experiencing bodiless consciousness, I've seen those severed heads blink before and it gave me pause. My way just shuts you right down, turns your command center off. If the guy is really being a belligerent shit or truly fearful you could always administer sedative and blast the guy's head once he's out.


Poncho Villa used to line prisoners up in a straight line and see how many he could kill with one rifle bullet.

Hang, draw and quartering

all violent criminals and drug addicts should be rendered brain dead and used for organ transplants / medical testing.
murderers and rapists should have their arms and legs amputated and teeth removed before being handed over to the victim or their family.

Based Nippon still hangs people.

Half pound if c4 to the head.

Less messy and destructive that you think. 100% effective. Very very cheap

Don't be silly tha.....


I like it

Traitors shouldn't be given the gift of painless death. Shoot them in the head and let them bleed out if it doesn't kill them.

best method would be to sell criminals to the highest bidder, so to indemnize victims best
from then on, be they sold for medical experiments, as hunting game, as pet foods, whatever: I don't care

>using drug addicts for organ transplants
You didn't really think this through now did you?

Huh low quality but you can see the disinhibition of the body afterwards.

Violent disinhibition is the likely reason they need that basket

the drug addicts can be used for medical testing, or vehicle crash testing, or even as a bomb guidance system.

Nothing beats good ol' hanging. You can even use either strangulation or long drop for instant or agonizing death depending on what crimes you want to punish.
Other important thing about capital punishments - abolishing publicity of them was a mistake. There is nothing wrong for common people to enjoy seeing guilty paying the price.

Automated firing squad.
You could easily devise a booth they sit in with gun pointing at the back of their head.
Even give them control of their own exit button or string to pull to make it fire.
After, booth can be hosed out, or automatically steam cleaned.
Instant, cheap, clean, very limited failure mode.

If they don't press their own button within, say 30 seconds, during which they get to contemplate their worthless life, the thing fires automatically.

Beat the condemned to death with ones bare hands.

>cell to drop
user we can't eliminate the from the cell to the execution place. 23s is fast af

None since I'm not an edgy retard.

Logical. I like it

>medical testing
They'd still be useless because their compromised organs would throw off selection for control groups. I'd be fine with the other two though.

> whatever: I don't care

Haha, do french keyboards have a button mapped to this phrase or something?

shotgun to the back of the head
instant death

I was incorrect actually from cell to declaration of death it was 7.5 seconds, humane as fuck.

Good ole fashion hanging
>doesn't require a lot of cleanup
>hanged bodies have a psychological effect

NO2, increase saturation until dead. Painless, cheap and effective.

Agreed. It's humane, it's cool, it's traditional, and it's a little bit hot honestly.

Just throw them into one of these


Use the result as fodder for pigs

27 left user
How many could you guys make it through before your pull the trigger?


depends on the crime. some faggots need to be fired at the sun in a rocket


>attack the messenger
hey, rabbi, watcha doin'?

a final ride on the Euthanasia Coaster

1. It's God's law
2. It's long and painful so you're less likely to do the crime knowingyou could get stoned
3. Stones are free so it's super cheap

Bullet to the back of the head. Not that expensive.