"Ending The Cultural Marxism Meme"

Has this young commie eternally BTFO Sup Forums beyond repair, literally how is Sup Forums ever going to recover from this?


Also is it just me or does he unironically look like an oven dodger?

Other urls found in this thread:



Absolutely terrifying.


Do I have to listen to another progressive faggot lecture me that the Frankfurt school and critical theory is not bad and there is no subversive elements behind them even though CRITICAL theory and DECONSTRUCTIVISM are inherently subversive... Fuck man have you ever notice progressives flip their shit when Habermas or Marcuse is brought up?

Fucking snakes. There are some honest and out front commies who know the cultural marxism evil is real.



I don't even listen to commie arguments anymore. None of them, not one, argue genuinely for the common good that they claim to support. Every single one, in their specific and personal brand of communism, is posed to be on the receiving end of wealth redistribution. The truth is that they're all shitty subhumans that want to hurt people who have more than they do and take their things.

>Do I have to listen to another progressive faggot lecture me that the Frankfurt school and critical theory is not bad


I'm so bored u guys

Whenever anyone mentions communists or says they are a communist, these are what they look like.

>It's not that scary, it really isn't.

Until the dictator of the proletariat like Lenin or Stalin starves you to death, or ships you off to a fucking gulag, for questioning why your grain 'belongs to everybody' now, and you can't feed your family. Here's the kicker, the dictatorship of the proletariat, that's supposed to seamlessly transition into a true Communist society, never actually ends. Not in a single instance in which Communism has been attempted. Instead you just get a regular dictator handing you line after line of bullshit.

>"Seize the means of production, comrade." *Snort*


>gommunist can't understand the philosophical relationship between marxism and cultural marxism

Color me surprised. That being said, the term 'cultural marxism' is used far too often and used wrongly. Not all lefty politics are cultural marxism. Gay/transfaggotry/demigenderqueer politics are not necessarily cultural marxism or a jewish conspiracy. Sometimes a libtard is just a libtard. Cultural marxism is more of a framing device for political and cultural issues than a set of political beliefs in and of itself. Hell, one could use cultural marxism to argue extreme right wing, openly anti-semitic political stances if one was so inclined.

Pump !
Downvote his viedo but also bring Explanation. for normies.

Why are catalonians being a meme now in Sup Forums? They start that type of shitty threads and don't know how to argue

Leftypol pretends that they only care about economic marxism and that they don't care at all about "idpol", and meanwhile they're all trannies, homosexuals, feminists, and other degenerates. Their actions betray their intentions

Are you really so much of a brainlet that you think my OP was not sarcastic? I mean, I even said how he looked like a kike in my post you doofus.

I challenge you to refute his argument instead of resorting to strawman fallacy, ad hominem fallacy, and appeal to ridicule.

That is, if you can. My gut says you can't.

Oh, leftypol, sure. I just meant left wing politics in general.

My fallacies are not wrong!

Cultural marxism applies to fag politics because cultural marxism is still MARXISM. It's simply an economic theory redefined to be a social one. The working class vs. merchant class narrative is simply rebranded as the 'oppressed classes' struggling against the 'oppressor class', which are defined in ethnic, religious, and sexual terms.

Fag politics is marxist politics because it's all about the oppressed faggots fighting against the oppressor normies.

Communism is the way of the future you bigoted racists. Just try and refute my claim. Fascism will never be tolerated.

>wearing the order of Lenin

While at the current time that is often the case, my point was that fag politics are not necessarily (or rather, do no necessarily need to include) cultural marxism, as such things can be argued about without using it. It is an unfortunate state of affairs that cultural marxism is almost ubiquitous within such political topics.

Nah. Go fuck yourself. You voted for Hillary, didn't you? Sold your soul?

eve makuse himself said that the critical theorie can only destroy. there is nothing positiv about it

What are you supposed to call a movement that sees disparity of outcome as mostly or entirely due to racism/sexism/oppression?

Is left wing identitarianism and zero sum class/race/sex politics just a happy coincidence?

It's about time people gave this unscientific and uncritical movement a proper ideological name.

This is like claiming there are no Nazis in America because none of them want to create an ethnostate of only ethnic Germans.

Why some burgers have those flat noses ? They look like pigs

>Communism is the way of the future you bigoted racists
>Modernist idea barely surviving in a post-modern era
>way of the future
Lel, vargism is the way of the future


Eh he’s a shitty troll

I know Luke personally, good lad and pretty intelligent. However he is stuck in the trash can.

oh joy. yet another bourgeoisie acting like it is a proletariat. only good thing is after the revolution, little blue collar worker me will get to watch all these fucking losers be shot.

try to red pill him with humor but not with force

He looks like a fucking kike

Big surprise

>inherently subversive
it's almost like they fought against an immoral system

What's up with the big eyes and why's his nose so big? Is he a Jew?

He's not a Jew

He is pretty stalwart in Marxism

are you sure?

Where do you know him from?

He does look fucking Jewy desu.

First, prove to me you aren't a Somalian


dox him, or even better his family

>Yeah, we DID wanted it to destroy you, but at least it makes sense to me, with this array of morality mental gymnastics, so it's all good after all.

Fucking commies should be purged.

He is my friend and I wouldn't do that to him. He is no threat to me, I respect friendship over ideology.


>t. Paki

cultural marxism is real

it replaces marxist theory (which is about economics) with race politics

so instead of the bourgeoisie oppressing the working class, it becomes white people oppressing non-whites

to deny that this change has taken place and that it has infected the culture is to deny reality itself, which is ironically what marxists do best

you can't have equality because mother nature does not make us equal

he's definitely a jew btw, he is concerned and becoming active due to his own ethnic evolutionary strategy, which is to protect and defend the jews from the evil goyim who know

Leaf pls

>i'm friends with commies because i'm a loyal friend

cuck, plz

Failed people who have no ability, decide to back a system that rewards everyone equally...what a fucking surprise.

Plus...what the fuck is Bubbles doing there?


Been discussed to death, no new arguments possible. Issue is settled, just downvote and be done with it. Props at least to acknowledging that the Frankfurt school was a thing that existed I guess, but otherwise 0/10 more reading required.

"i would like to castrate all white men and distribute the reproductive organs of all white women to anyone with a darker skin tone"

>he is no threat to me
>i respect him

you fucking twat, are you retarded?

Why do communists all look so weak and pathetic?

What someone says on the Internet compared to how they are reality is very different.

Why don't you worry about what Trudeau is doing to your country rather than a teenage YouTuber.

it is all worrying.

This little 130lb commie fuck didn't read neither Marcuse nor Adorno and Horkeimer. I have. Let's see the goal of "the Authoritarian Personnality".

Fundamentally The Authoritarian Personality studies resulted from a felt need to develop an empirical program of research that would support a politically and intellectually satisfying a priori theory of anti-Semitism in order to influence an American academic audience. As Horkheimer stated in 1943,“When we became aware that a few of our American friends expected of an Institute of Social Sciences that it engage in studies on pertinent social problems, fieldwork, and other empirical investigations, we tried to satisfy these demands as well as we could, but our heart was set on individual studies in the sense of Geisteswissenschaften [i.e., the humanities] and the philosophical analysis of culture” (in Wiggershaus 1994).

Indeed, the goal of producing political propaganda by using the methods of social science was selfconsciously articulated by Horkheimer. Thus Horkheimer reacted with enthusiasm to the idea including criminals in the study: “Research would be able here to transform itself directly into propaganda, i.e., if it could be reliably established that a particularly high percentage of criminals were extreme anti-Semites, the result would as such already be propaganda. I would also like to try to examine psychopaths in mental hospitals” (in Wiggershaus 1994, 375; italics in text). Both groups were eventually included in the study.

Needless to say this pseudo-scientific psycho-marxist bullshit (which tried to develop a theoretical link between the repression of instincts in the context of family relationships - or, as in the case of Fromm, the development of sado-masochistic and anal personality traits within the family - and the development of oppressive social and economic structures), were NOT supported by any scientific method. No verification, no falsification, no measurement.

>immoral system

>30's were moral
there is no brainlet meme to depict your stupidity


You should tell your friend to come to Sup Forums some time.
I don't really care much about his desires for more control over his economic decisions in life. Ironically, that is one of the prime reasons for the defence/promotion of market economies and private ownership of capital. His dream is possible within a market economy in the form of a thing called a "cooperative" business model.
Believing that greed drives people is a forgiveable mistake, but one need only look at the legal and moral barriers that prevent individuals from exploring the full extent of their economic options to realise that this is very much not the case.

My personal problem is the casual way he dismisses the White genocide thing. This is not something that can be dismissed. The evidence of double standards, denial of "reverse racism", of open hostility to White people in education, politics and the media as well as institutional racism against White people is extensive, and some literal genocides have taken place such as what happened in Zimbabwe.
There very much is a gathering storm against White people and the progressive left are very much violating pretty much every value they tried to preach in doing what they are doing.

>pic related.


Another trend of thought is to reduce the "tolerance paradox" of Karl Popper to this bit of quote : "unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them" while forgetting the other part : "In this formulation, I do not imply, for instance, that we should always suppress the utterance of intolerant philosophies; as long as we can counter them by rational argument and keep them in check by public opinion, suppression would certainly be unwise."

"The paradox of tolerance" of Popper hence becomes undistinguishable of the "repressive tolerance" of Marcuse expressed into "A critique of pure tolerance".

Marcuse believed that a new kind of tolerance is needed : tolerance of the Left, subversion, and revolutionary violence, combined with intolerance of the Right, of existing institutions of civil society, and of any opposition to socialism. Freedom of speech is not a good in itself because it allows for the propagation of error; Marcuse believes that "The telos of tolerance is truth", that is to say a socio-constructivist one. Revolutionary minorities hold the truth and the majority has to be liberated from error by being re-educated in the truth by this minority. The revolutionary minority are entitled, Marcuse claims, to suppress rival and harmful opinions.

They are weak and pathetic, thats why they are communist.

Communism appeals to such people, i have never met a communist who was an all around good person.

Problem is that they are dangerous and aggressive as fuck. Shouldn't be underestimated.

Marcuse, Adorno, Horkheimer, etc. weren't actually concerned at all about the content of the media they were criticizing, they were talking about the production ("seize the means of production" says Marx) and its effects, and how Marxism would somehow fix it.

This is identical to what Marx did in the Communist Manifesto. Point out all the flaws in capitalism and current economics (which is ironically created by Jewish control of the banks and media), then give them the wrong solution and use it to justify a Marxist takeover, which is even worse than "capitalism". They didn't want to stop the media from causing degeneracy, they were only interested in criticizing it (hence "critical theory") to justify implementing Marxism, with more emphasis on culture than economics. This is what Marxists do, tap into the resentment or problems people have with current society, then use it to justify a revolution and create a totalitarian regime under their control, then the useful idiots who helped them get shot.

The Venona Papers confirmed one of the Frankfurt School members, Franz L. Neumann, was a Soviet spy regularly in contact with Max Horkheimer, Theodor Adorno, and another confirmed spy Hede Massing (the wife of Paul Massing, an other intellectual figure of the School.)

Source : johnearlhaynes.org/page62.html#_ftn12

"Of the 159 persons listed above, there is substantial evidence that nine assisted Soviet espionage against the United States: Lauchlin Currie, Harold Glasser, Gerald Graze, Standley Graze, Many Jane Keeney, David Karr, Robert T. Miller, Franz Neumann, and William Remington. David Zablodowsky is a tenth ambiguous case."

Herbert Marcuse was part of the Spartacus uprising/German communist revolution that was supported by the USSR.

Yuri Bezmenov himself mentioned books by Herbert Marcuse & Erich Fromm as being Marxist propaganda pushed in every American college, and that he even helped edit them & print them when he was working for the KGB.

>Why do communists all look so weak and pathetic?

because they are, that's why they want compelled inclusion


How bizarre, just had this conversation with the gf this morning after one of those lefty memes precisely about this popped up on goybook and had to explain how it was not actually an invitation to openly suppress dissident opinions. It was never meant to be interpreted as a prescriptive statement

We noticed, but you deserve shit for trying to be funny and failing...get gudder

Yep. I was thinking about this exact shitty and misleading infographic. I'm currently into training course, assisting and giving philosophy classes, and my guardian (an insufferable leftist) defended the Marcusian lecture of the Paradox of Truth by Popper. I politely corrected his mistake while pointing out in front of the class that it was an "extreme right wing point of view", non neutral politically, originated into Marcuse's work. He went silent and I light-redpilled 30 souls that day.

He is well aware of Sup Forums and all the arguments. He actually made the white genocide video because I was talking to him how I believe that cultural Marxism is used to subvert white European countries. He doesn't believe 'cultural marxism' exists as it is not in any of the books he has read about Marxism. Makes sense as it's pretty much right wing terminology.
He is still very young and the Uni we are at will only really encourage his Marxist leanings.

His point was that I made a shitty thread, not that the thread wasn't funny you dribbling cunt, besides it got quite a few replies so kys and git gud.

> kill yourself

oh right then cunt I'll just off and do that you fucking shitstabber

Yes. Her too:

You could of just done it without coming back to tell me, if I told you to "Kys" then you can just assume that I don't care if you tell me that you're gonna do it, get on with it you fucking chavvy fat slob, git gud faggot.

An english faggot whos countrys had jewish cock up its arse for centuries Thinks he knows anything? lollled

Why are his eyes so buggy and wonked out?

>Literally has a British flag and is making fun of his own country
Type in English please cock gobbler, are you drunk? I'm not English and what does what you've said logically follow what I've said? Literally has nothing to do with anything.


He genuinely looks like the archetypal Jew, someone in this thread said that he isn't one because apparently he knows him personally, but I think if you were to look at his family tree you'd uncover some Jewy shit no doubt.