
It just dawned on me.
If you are pro choice and support the notion that fetus is not a human, but a part of woman's body... then what punishment would you propose for forceful abortion?

If it's not a human, then you can not argue that it is murder. Would you treat it as bodily harm?

I think it's a hipocrisy that same people who argue for pro choice will scream murder when the child they actually want is removed.

Found this on a previous thread...
"Abortion is a human sacrifice ritual -- the most powerful known to exist. It was invented by eugenics operatives within the occultic elite to cury Satan's favor while gaining his protection of their warmaking, usury, currency manipulation, and control over the minds of men.

Why is abortion the most powerful form of ritual human sacrifice? Because it entails the most defenseless victims conceivable (the unborn) being murdered by the very persons most duty-bound to love and protect them from harm -- their own mothers, and medical doctors who've sworn oaths to their gods to do no harm.

These ritual murders which society misnames abortions are, furthermore, carried out in a nonchalant and routinized fashion exclusively to facilitate hedonistic apathy, laziness, and convenience; symbolically placing ten seconds of vaginal pleasure above the value of a human lifetime's worth of a living, breathing human being's consciousness.

In short, Satan loves abortion because it symbolizes evil within cruelty within evil. It proffers that a few seconds of vaginal contractions mean more than human life itself, and it does this using the greatest symbols of love and compassion (mothers and doctors), satanically inverted into spiritually numbed, unfeeling executioners.

So the next time you see a western woman screeching about her abortion rights on the steps of some state capitol, look into her empty eyes and know that you're seeing more than a simple murderer. Look into her eyes and know that you're seeing a demon, the very definition of evil. And know that the steady stream of death she inflicts on the unborn is what powers the elite's satanic karma."

it's counted as murder

I'm pro-choice because its neither the government's right to tell people what to do with their body, nor do they have to right to define what is evil and ban it because of that
I don't think the government should be financing abortions, though, that's on the private citizen


>nor do they have to right to define what is evil and ban it because of that

this is literally the point of having a government

if you don't believe that the government should have an power to restrict behavior, then why do you want a government at all? just for the gibs?

Move to Somalia less government to tell what to do right?

>If abortion is legal then killing a pregnant woman shouldn't count as a double homicide.
>If The father has no say in the pregnancy then he should never be approached for child support.

>killing babies because muh body muh choice
You sound like a feminist. This mindset is why white birth-rates are sub-replacement. We need to outlaw abortion and promote large white families and provide them subsidies

The government is there for the protection of people, be it on a micro scale with criminals, or macro scale with other nations
The Governments job shouldn't be to define what is morally right or wrong, and base laws around it
Once you set the precedent of "____ is wrong; it's now illegal" anything can happen

Love how people ignore my argument and just state that they are pro-choice.

Why is it counted as murder, if a fetus is not a child?

Do you have the same libertarian attitude on every topic? Are you pro anarchy?

If not, then you are contradicting yourself.

Daily reminder that the redpilled positition is to be pro-life on healthy white babies but forced abortion on cripples, retards and other physical and mental degenerates. It's the best position short of outright eugenics – something we need, but probably won't happen


it's alive when i want you to be punished
it was never alive when i wanted to kill it myself

>nor do they have to right to define what is evil
so laws should not exist?

Just live and let live, bro

As an ancap I think abortion is alright as it's the female's body and she has all right to decide what to do with her property.

Also banning abortion just leads to dysfunctional children. If your mother hates you so much that she wanted you dead what do you think how happy of your childhood will be when she's forced to have you?

If you want to prevent abortions don't fuck roasties and other lowlife women.

My brown hued african descendant.

you correctly realized that the government is a nigger and shouldn't exist

If somebody stuck a newborn to your back with super glue against your consent, is it okay if you kill that child?

As long as non-whites get abortions at 5 times the rate of whites, I'll keep telling people I'm pro-choice.

How about...wait for it....wear a condom?

Implying that the glue won't give up that is.

>then what punishment would you propose for forceful abortion?
Dude it just "dawned" on you? this shit has been discussed ages ago, even in the autistic maga community. The response is that it's the will of the mother to give life to che child so if she wants it, is murder, if not then it isn't.
t. pro lifer

hypothetical because that person trying to glue me would have been long time dead (don't step on snek)


yeah sure, if you really want to fuck degenerate trash females go and wear a condom...

Way to avoid the argument m8. I'm not even surprised.

start dumb arguments get dumb replies

>The government is there for the protection of people
And it's failing to protect it's most vulnerable constituents

Imagine having more of a meme-ideology than you do

>muh snake
>gubmint iz alwayz bad
>muh capitalism
>muh NAP

>and let live
Abortionists are directly opposed to this

>Why is it counted as murder, if a fetus is not a child?

because the people who wrote the laws aren't retarded feminist cucks like yourself who believe otherwise

>The government is there for the protection of people
oh boy, public education works perfectly into their hands. no the government is a gang of thugs whose only purpose is to extort protection money (taxes). and to do so they come up with wild fantastic explanations why it's ok for them to rob you of your property

You can leave now. There will be no dishonour in that. Or you can choose to make more of a fool out of yourself. That, however, won't do justice to the ideals you wish to represent.

wew, your arguments disprove everything about my ideology. you win!

I too am a libertarian. You need to know when to admit a mistake though.

thanks for showing me my options. but your dumb arguments still are dumb

>call somebody dumb
>fail to provide an argument why

Read the sticky.

your free helicopter ride is waiting, statist fuck

Abortion violates the child's fundamental right to life via the destruction of their body. There is no justification for it.

It's more complicated matter locally in countries that are totally white, but as a global principle pro life means white genocide.

yeah well, sucks to be the child. it should sue the mother then. oh no it can't because it's not a human yet.

Pick both

>not human
Kill yourself, sick fuck.

>it's not a human yet.
Wrong. A simple DNA test shows otherwise. Next meme response?

Abortion is a barbarity spawn in a moral-less, frivolous, putrid, rotten society with no values or righteousness.

Pro choice girls = hideous purple haired DYKES
Pro life girls = conservative feminine qt's

I think that the weak cull themselves from the herd. Our strength lies not in numbers but in quality. What use is a horde of white racemixers? Other races breed faster than we do. It's a matter of educating people not to mix, rather that of rapid procreation.

liberals don't even respect the life of their own children, yet expect conservatives to value the life of 3rd worlders who just want to leech off the welfare system.

If I kill you, you can't sue me, cause you're dead. Does that make it okay?

Are you seriously arguing to judge the value of life by its ability to utilize the legal system to protect its rights?

There is always the father.

Oh, wait. He does not have the right to decide about the life (or death) of his child. Only the mother has it, even though both of them are equally parents.


Abortion is Molech worship. In ancient times Semetic peoples would burn their little kids alive and have a drunken blood orgy. Similarly, today, modern parents acid wash their babies in the womb, so they can keep the slut party going.

Removing a leg without permission is also a crime. Crimes don't have to be murder to be a horrible crime.

you are not a pro-lifer

it doesn't matter whether the mother wants to keep the baby, if she or anyone else murders it, then it's murder

im not pro or anti abortion because theres nothing defining when life begins
you are all retarded, put forth a fucking definition already or shut the fuck up

Exocommunicate them

Just imagine what it does to womens' soft, under-developed brains when they look at every enjoying child and think "I wish your skull had been crushed and limbs amputated in the womb".

What should the cut off be?

Minutes before birth

Minutes after birth

Day after birth



Two Years

It is murder at any time