What would a hyrbrid human / chimpanzee look like?

So what if it really were possible to cross humans and chimpanzees? What rights would the offspring have? If it happened in the USA, would it be a citizen? Would it be eligible for government assistance? Why or why not?

Other urls found in this thread:


Story here: thesun.co.uk/news/5447151/human-chimp-hybrid-born-florida-lab-killed-humanzee/


only non humans would ever consider anything 'sexual' with this








>Human x Chimpanzee
The product of that is Africa.
Top kek OP

this chimp tried it on with the guys mrs apparently, avid brandy drinker, weird innit

she sneeze we all die

Given a choice of cigarettes, I wonder if it would have picked Newports over Camels.

>What would a hyrbrid human / chimpanzee look like?

Like a black person.

Drudge already answered that

Well we all know the answer to this one

don't talk shit all your life

>little monkey fella

Who is this?