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I wanted to LARP as a culture-warrior moralist who had a miraculous sudden conversion to my coutnry's traditional religion thanks to the rise of a counter-culture movement on a Denisovan Cave-Painting Forum that I frequent which appealed to my inherently anti-social and noncomformist proclivities.

I've grown to appreciate Christianity culturally from edgy atheist, but just can't get into it. I'm incapable of believing in the supernatural aspect and it doesn't really evoke any "spiritual" emotions in me.

>being this immoral

is that an actual quote? because it would mean that he implies it is a legitimate way of raising children

I was an atheist for a long time, there is hope. Saying you aren't content with atheism and are searching for real faith is a start.

yeah here's your problem Finnbreh. You can rationally justify literally anything depending on your starting assumptions. It's perfectly fine to kill 50 million Chinese people if your entire sense of right and wrong is based on achieving equality. If everything is based on the GLORY OF THE GERMAN VOLK you might end up invading Poland and turning Europe into a gigantic smouldering mess.

Muh rationality actually has very little to do with it. For example, a cat's entire "ethical" world is little more than "I will jump on this thing and kill it." There's nothing particularly rational about that, but when the last ever Lyall's Wren had been ripped apart by a domestic cat, no amount of "rational" argument was going to bring it back.
Is it rational that you should want to stay alive? Obviously not. You have no proof whatsoever that being dead is unpleasant. However, you have a naturally-selected instinct for self-preservation. You have to look at the meme almost as if it were a gene. Does it survive? If it does survive what does it drive its carriers to do? Is it tolerable? Does it make you marry your cousin and cut people's heads off? If you and people around you were to take statements like "Humans have within them a faint but ineradicable reflection of divine majesty" and "Jesus Christ is God become man, and he died for your sins and then rose from the dead" as the starting point, as the self-evident truths, what would that drive you to do? What would you become? What would you build? What would the world be like?

It's the natural state of men to worship God, every culture on earth has, and every culture has punished the impious. That neither proves or disproves God's existence if that's where you're going with this. Denying God and embracing nihilism just destroys a man inside and out.

Was raised Catholic but never really believed, and was a full on edgy atheist by 21. Could never believe how my mum, who is a very intelligent lady, could believe in something so infantile. Then I had an existential crisis and strong feelings of nihilism, which led me to try religion again.

First, through reading the likes of Houellebecq, Dostoevsky and Hesse, and listening to the meme man Jordan Peterson himself, I became convinced that religion is far better for the human psyche and social functioning than atheism. That wasn't enough to make me actually believe though. Then I stumbled across the cosmological argument from Dr William Craig on YouTube, and from there started to explore the similar cosmological arguments from Aristotle and Aquinas. I was staggered to learn that belief in God (who or whatever he may be) actually seemed more logical than the atheist perspective. It also helped me to move away from the Simpsons beardy man in the sky image of God and listen to how actual theologians describe Him, as this is far more sophisticated and believable than I had ever realised.

Right now I'd class myself as an agnostic deist who's still learning about theology. Not sure where I'll go from here, but I definitely feel much happier that I can logically retain the belief in 'something more'.

Did you just try to rationalise belief in God and the Bible by arguing for a kind of moral relativism?
Isn't that self defeating?

I still don't believe there's a God, and if there's one I don't think it is Yahweh. That being said, seeing militant atheists, satanists, vwgans and other species pushing their dogmas and smearing christians while defending islam is very enlightening. Maybe religion is something inherently human and the faggots can't resist the urge to change what's outside of them to better fit what's inside.

No I mean it's impossible to claim any ethic is 100% rational because some sort of axiom has to be at the foundation. When the lads said "we hold these truths to be self-evident" they didn't literally mean the following statements were evidence of themselves. They meant they were going to take these statements as fundamental assumptions and work from there.
So if you're going to be serious about this you have to ask yourself honestly, what are your fundamental assumptions from which everything else follows?

I grew up and realised atheism was for fags.

First cause argument is accepted by honest atheists, they just get hung up when you start calling that first cause by name. Its semantics really. CS Lewis describes it well.

Yes, the only alternative explanation for the origins of the universe is something which is equally as logically incomprehensible as God (perhaps even more so). It doesn't really say anything about the nature of God or whether He is personal, but I think it's a very good starting point for starting to think more seriously about theology. I wish I'd learned it in my job school RE lessons desu.


>Raised Christian
>Became anarchist-communist at age of 16 (cringe)
>Grow up and back to Christ at age 22 or so
I realized during my atheist stage that religion actually unifies families, then I realized churches are beautiful and had a deep cultural impact, then started to hate communist atheists, then I found out "le helicopter man" was Roman Catholic.

Why are you using a meme flag? Are you some sort of retarded faggot?


I studied the us govs involvement with UFOs

Very disturbing is how I would sum that situation up

Wrong thread bucko