The US Navy's newest $440m combat ship has been stuck in Canadian ice since last year and will not actually be free...

The US Navy's newest $440m combat ship has been stuck in Canadian ice since last year and will not actually be free until the snows melt in spring.

This comes after all those US warships colliding with slow ass oil tankers in busy commercial lanes last year.

The Obama-era Navy secretary Ray Mabus devoted his attention to social justice reforms and naming new ships after gay rights activists or similar ventures. He was in charge from 2009 until 2017. Trump ended it.

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We don't even need a real navy, we got our iceberg platoons.

what's up with all the navy collisions?

Still better than this I guess

The northwest passage never freezes anymore. Global warming you idiots. Do some research.

>cucked by Canadian ice
You guys would never win a war against us.

Canadian world domination imminent

How many nukes do you have trudeu? None? Oh that’s right

It will have been stuck for a few months. #WhoCares.

You know like 95% of Canadians live near the US border, right?

female captains

>The US Navy's newest $440m combat ship has been stuck in Canadian ice

>and will not actually be free until the snows melt in spring.
That's actually hilarious

Looks like captain schettino is loose again

You know the fallout of tactical nukes is almost nothing. Throw in neutron bombs and yeppers, over.

>The Navy Secretary is responsible for ships crashing

That's as retarded as saying the CEO of GM is responsible for people crashing their cars.

neutron bombs have surprisingly short effective range

You know an entirely insignificant % of US citizens live within fallout range of the Canadian border, right?

It's a Canadian trick to learn our top secrets.

The US Navy is undermanned. With less personnel it takes longer to do a lot of things. And that means less time for drilling and training.

nah, Trudeau just wanted some navy bulls for a party

Looks like more American Navy brass will be fired. LMAO
There is such a thing as weather reports giving prognosis that water will freeze and form ice in winter time.
How stupid you have to be not to take this into consideration, yet you are given job to command $440 million dollars war ship.

Active duty sailor here, can confirm navy is chronically undermanned and has awful morale. Nobody gives a fuck and everybody skates by for the paycheck. We need more sailors, we need a genuine war to get the blood pumping, and we need less women and incompetence in the chain of command. Das it mane. Fix this shit.

Obama didn't mess with navy military policy. This is an accident nothing else

>This is an accident nothing else

>Our Navy falls for it
>Canadians control the water freezing
Fucking leaves as bad as Wakanda not sharing the cure for cancer.

Our military is the worlds most expensive joke.

maybe you should call the marines bub

Reminder that Obama replaced over 240 Generals/Admirals.

Autopilot. They don't even teach sailers to use a sextant to navigate by the stars anymore.

Why? I would have figured riding on ships and not sitting in hot zones would be crowded with enlistee.

Cobalt bomb ez.

>we need a genuine war to get the blood pumping

...And spilling onto the floor. You really want to be stuck on a burning ship?

amount of traffic on shipping lanes has increased exponentially in the south china sea to the point where it sometimes looks like a freeway instead of an ocean

>Ray Mabus
Mabus? as in Nostradamus' quatrain referencing Mabus?

>So undermanned we don't have a single person to look out the fucking window of the bridge

better question yet, what's with american and their complete inability to deal with god damn snow? Your marine come here for artic training and almost freeze to death while for most people it's a breezy day if more than two cm of snowfall on Washington the whole east cost gets shut down, what is wrong with you people, get a shovel and a coat, holy shit.


I don't really care. I'm a functioning alcoholic and want a greater stimulation to move me before I go insane. Also I'm a corpsman so my job is fixing up the poor fucks who get burned, I'll try to avoid it myself.

>chronically undermanned
>awful morale
> Nobody gives a fuck
>incompetence in the chain of command

>we need a genuine war
A genuine war is the last thing you need. You have like 4 of 5 ingredients for a disaster. The only thing missing is massive overconfidence in your invincibility.

At one point the US will send its navy into a war they have to fight to save face. It'll propably be the Dutch or someone like that. Don't laugh, the Dutch have won wars against the Royal Navy.

If they really wanted to get it out they could. Call in an ice breaker, drill holes in the ice and crack it using hydraulic jaws or place low grade explosives to break it up. It would appear that the US brass is alright with it just sitting there for now. Probably lower operating costs and it's not like the ship us desperately needed right now. Just a thought.

>the Dutch have won wars against the Royal Navy
Anyone who dimisses the Dutch Navy given its history are fucking fools.


Electronic warfare tests by opfor, The Russians and Chinese have been developing this field for a while.

It's winter so we call it climate change because it gets cold. makes ice grow summer makes ice melt.

Holy stronger together, Batman!

60 admirals getting buttfucked for corruption has its costs.

Nice global warming there, libcucks.

Fun fact: The military investigated using pykrete-ice and sawdust- to build giant aircraft carriers.

Fuck! I hope we don't get invaded by you goddamn frostbacks!!! You guys are way to nice and happy!!

Fun Fact, you probably learned about this from My Tank Is Fight.

And that was a god awful idea

Canada you forget that we don't need to use a boat to get to you
We could walk over the border and shoot you in your face.

No can afford, please no bully

Send coats and shovels

Who's that semen aryan demon

This is what I thought.
The effects of pozzing our military are beginning to show. In a real war watch all the poz and diversity be removedd after the first few disasters.

before the hollyjew got ahold of her.

This is around when she played the 13 yr old prostitute in the "taxi driver" with al Pacino

Sorry forgot name, Jodi foster

Don't the ships have radar though? Can they not see that another ship is heading on a course that might collide with them with enough time to turn off the propellers and hail the other ship to arrange passing?

Also, if the sailors are at a point where they need a sextant to guide the ship, isn't it probably inoperable anyway? I'd assume they could more easily use a satphone to determine their location.

Canadian military
>total 40,000 in including support staff
You couldn't win a war against the bears. You'd better not piss them off with your annoying little brother antics.

Bad piloting perhaps?
It's not always easy to know the waters around a harbour. On commercial vessels a guy called the pilot often comes out of harbour on a boat to steer the big ships into port. He knows the waters (and what's just under the surface) like the back of his hand.
Ice doesn't show up well on radar, so if the ships are being piloted by officers that don't know the port, its icy and there's little boats (that dont always show on radar either) it's a recipe for an accident.
Ships aren't cars, they aren't designed to dodge each other, they are for open seas.

Has any black nation ever had a function navy?

Hopefully the antichrist has stopped naming all our ships after gay people

Sure, but I'm talking about the ship that collided with a big barge. Obviously something must have gone wrong in that case, since I'm sure the same situation comes up often and is handled without incident.

Because the US Navy is shit, because it's ran by shitskins.

>In a real war watch all the poz and diversity be removedd after the first few disasters
And how many Americans will be killed by these "disasters" before the incompetent are removed or imprisoned? Not a great selling point for the Navy there. "Hopefully you won't die before we get our shit together!"

I am sure co-ed crews and affirmative action promotions have nothing to do with it ....

Also should kick out gays from the military.

We all saw that Mythbusters episode, my friend.

Montana could take you over if the faggot blue states wouldn't get in it's way.

>The Navy proved that when they started allowing women on ship. What happened? They were having sex and getting pregnant, ruining unit cohesion (not to mention derailing the operations because they’d have to change course to get them off ship.)

Jesus, what's up with you guys? Even in the Coast Guard half of you are functioning drunks, what has the sea done to you my friend?


>going to boot camp next week
>see all the bad navy news
did I fuck up boys

Look post above yours. KEK

>I'm a corpsman
Future navy doc here. See you soon, bud.

wow hightech stuff you got there

in mean time chinks are drilling holes in the bottom of the $440 million toy. lol
Justin Turdeau is part of this setup.
Watch this and you will know why...

Justin Trudeau Chinese fundraisers: Rich Chinese lobbying prime minister for $1,500 a head

well guess i'll enjoy the 4 years and try to survive