Redpill thread

Redpill thread
Redpill the masses, Educate the public, Push the conversation forward
If there is no redpill thread copy and start one (

Jewish Question - The issue with the Jews
Historical record of every instance that jewish people have been oppressively and anti-semitically expelled from nations -
The Truth About Jews - By Evalion
George Lincoln Rockwell

WW2 - It wasn't good vs evil as our overlords would like to have you believe, it was racial. Everyone thought they were doing the greater good.

World War II justified by former German soldiers
This was written 6 months prior to the holocaust becoming a thing and directly heightened racial tensions between the international Jew and German racialism!
The original goal was to segregate the Marxist promoting Jews from the German people
Many people supported the Germans, even in America, where the largest minority was German and Irish (who had an issue with how the British treated them historically)
In fact many nations were neutral, if not supported, Germany's right to their pre ww1 borders and the unification of German speaking people that was neutered through revenge by the French and Anglos
Spain -
Britain -
Portugal -
Soviet Union -
China -–1941

Other urls found in this thread:'état).

Germany was fighting for something larger than itself. After WW2, nationalism, positive eugenics and all realisms were thrown out the door for degeneracy in all of the west (although National Socialism continued in the middle east until America got involved to defend their corporations and Israel'état).

Eugenics - Our genotypic IQ has been dropping due race mixing and a promotion of negative dysgenics, like birth control and state welfare which the least intelligent of our population takes advantage of. This is true even as our phenotypic IQ rate rises but that has started leveling off
Positive Eugenics vs Negative Dysgenics -
National IQ correlates with gross domestic product per capita at 0.82, and with the rate of economic growth from 1950–1990 at 0.64
7 uncomfortable facts about how IQ affects your life
Heritability of IQ -

Racial differences - RageAfterStorm: RACE IS REAL
Fear of Race Realism and the Denial of Human Differences
The Bell Curve: IQ, Race and Gender | Charles Murray and Stefan Molyneux
Nobel Prize winner, discoverer of DNA structure, James Watson on racial differences

Cuckoldry -


Transgenderism - Suicide attempt rate is 40+% and doesn't go down after transition
Transgenderism is caused by hormone imbalances that promote schizophrenia

Google search anything and you'll find they actively suppress literature and sites by even Nobel Prize winners on the subject. The tech giants are trying to support a new world order of morality where they are the arbiters of free speech.









































>seleucid empire ruling Greece

kill all jews

were they doxxed?
can we find them today?
social media?
can we get someone to handcuff them in a room so we can interrogate?

After the takeover, it's going to take a generation of steady work... or a big event or two

If we could just get everything in order

Not accurate. There are more left wing than right wing. The right just shows up to the polls, which is why they are holding on.

Right wing probably have the 85 to 100 while left has the rest. They represent t those eager enough to try and better themselves, but not smart enough to realize how the game is stacked against them.

we are victims in the fight between two subhuman races
jews and muslims
they are the same
they are both disgusting
kill THEM all


We have Nobel Prize winners on our side and most of the leading elite historically has been right wing. I can't think of one intelligent person in mainstream media who is a leftie... nobody can

> be me
> follow my culture's (i.e. mother's) value system
> be successful in STEM, meet a good woman, continue to follow my culture's value system
> be dumped
> process repeats with another 2 women
> spend years reading shit (books, forums) to understand women so I could give them what they want
> realize women don't want to have sex with engineers
> realize, in fact, that women prefer predatory antisocial men such as finance guys, rock stars and motorcyclists
> realize no one is enforcing my culture's value system
> spend more years reading (books, forums) to understand why my culture allows predators to live within and and prey upon it
> read the Gervais Principle
> read the 3 Ladder System of Social Class
> read the 48 Laws of Power
> wish there was a community where people were good to each other, judged fairly and openly, and pushed to reach their full potential and have families
> discover le edgy nazee memes
> learn about multiculturalism
> learn about human biodiversity
> learn about the JQ
> learn about the fall of Rome
> learn what the ancients knew about the nature of women
> be so totally demoralized that I gain 130 pounds and stay in my room all the time when not at my STEM job
> know that the world is creeping toward a social and demographic cataclysm
> know that no one is in charge, and that every globally-powerful group is actively hostile to me and my civilized human desires (marriage, land, family)
> know that I am alone and powerless, and that the only people who understand me are my fellow Sup Forumstards who surf this humble heavily-shilled forum
> adopt the only worldview that allows me to continue to function in the face of these horrors

There is no peace amongst the stars, only an eternity of carnage and slaughter, and the laughter of thirsting gods. Since in these ancient days the Emperor of Terra has not yet arisen, that burden falls to me: it is necessary for me to conquer the Galaxy in my name.

I wish I was kidding.


seriously, in this massive thread, no one else replied to the op?

i gotta know, who is feeding me these redpills?

no matter, the great thing about free speech is that I get shilled from all sides.


post hand pic with timestamp if you're really irish, schlomo.

It's just 8 people who posted and most are on our side

just read the points and quit being a shill


What would that prove? Jews can be pretty pale


how is this redpilled



I don't remember white people being nice to us tho

Bumping for truth

>until they aren't

Y'all lead the first fight against bolshevism

Jew confirmed by pilpul. Post nose if not jew.

hispanics are not white. most are mestizos.

Some China red pills








A lot of people who are white nationalists but don't like Hitler say things like Hitler ruined white nationalism forever due to his aggressiveness in completing Germany and (if they believe it even happened) the "holocaust." I must say that if WW2 didn't happen and Germany was never taken over by Hitler, the USSR would've extended probably all the way to the British Isles and Iberia, and may have even continued existing to this day.

While it's true that the Stalinist "national communism" isn't quite what the Jews had in mind for what Russia, and their ideology, was supposed to become (see the disdain for Stalinists among modern Marxist-Leninists and Trotskyites) the Jews still had significant influence within the regime and it was undoubtedly the result of USSR and Jewish subversion in the USA that lead to the creation of the hippie movement and communist sympathies among whites in Western Europe and America. The annexation of all of Europe (which, make no mistake, absolutely would have happened if not for Germany fighting with Russia) would've given the USSR enough of an economic boost and enough staying power to eventually become the undisputed global master and the Jewish plot for world domination would've been completed at least 40 years ago.

gas the kikes