Daily reminder while the achamenid empire was at its peak northern europe...

daily reminder while the achamenid empire was at its peak northern europe, these so called civilized white folk were living in caves eating their own shit.

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bow down to the BPS

big persian schlong

hey look it's another kike divide and conquer thread

stay upset white man

bow down to the superior persians

>he has a different opinion than mine
>he is a shill paid by da joos

great, so how are they doing today?

Genetically? 95% continuity.

dude even though the Nordics were nigger like barbarians in ancient times, its still impressive how far they have come in such a short time, the last 400 years have been absolutely astonishing for human progress and the Nordic people have been at the forefront of this era

i think he is talking about economy

>daily reminder while the achamenid empire was at its peak northern europe, these so called civilized white folk were living in caves eating their own shit.

This is literally the best example why "white privilege" isn't real and niggers are just lazy.

Okay... so what did the Achamenids, Scythians, Mohenjo-Darans, Hittites, Sumerians, etc. do with their centuries-long head-starts? Did they use their extra time to escape into space? Or did they waste it and somehow fall behind other groups? Hmmm...

When are you going to liberate your ancient land from the Muhammads... before stroking your cack over history... shfm

In 1377, the Arab sociologist, Ibn Khaldun, narrates in his Muqaddimah:[20]

"It is a remarkable fact that, with few exceptions, most Muslim scholars ... in the intellectual sciences have been non-Arabs, thus the founders of grammar were Sibawaih and after him, al-Farsi and Az-Zajjaj. All of them were of Persian descent they invented rules of (Arabic) grammar. Great jurists were Persians. Only the Persians engaged in the task of preserving knowledge and writing systematic scholarly works. Thus the truth of the statement of the prophet (Muhammad) becomes apparent, 'If learning were suspended in the highest parts of heaven the Persians would attain it "... The intellectual sciences were also the preserve of the Persians, left alone by the Arabs, who did not cultivate them…as was the case with all crafts. ... This situation continued in the cities as long as the Persians and Persian countries, Iraq, Khorasan and Transoxiana (modern Central Asia), retained their sedentary culture."

One Abbasid Caliph is even quoted as saying:

"The Persians ruled for a thousand years and did not need us Arabs even for a day. We have been ruling them for one or two centuries and cannot do without them for an hour."[21]

One of those slide threads again.

You jew shills have to stop, you are not fooling anyone.


no, I meant economically. Denmark is 96% ethnically North Germanic btw, and the remaining 4% divided in 2% mix of Anglo-Saxon, Celtic and Med and 2% shitskin + various other non-European.

but how bout that economy?

Roman bro is bro.

Pretty damn good considering the circumstances, unfortunately since the UK and the US have been fucking with our shit these past 100 years, now recently with the 1979 coup putting this bearded islamist faggot in power we're not operating at our fullest potential

remove your memeflag, Persian. No need for it. And yes, you're right, The US did fuck you over royally. You were better off under Mossadeq.

get your democracy sorted
free your women
stop ranting about teh jooz
and either build those nukes really fast or not at all

then you'll be golden.

Mossadeq sure, but the Shah was better.

Carter's administration backed Khomeini because the Shah was no longer being an OPEC puppet:



It is fairly clear from the linked document and several other declassified papers that elements of the US government were actively conspiring against the Shah from the mid 1970s until his fall. The Shah kept pushing for oil price hikes at a time of economic weakness in the West, and just after the US domestic oil production peaked. With that revenue he was embarking upon ambitious development programmes. Eventually, the US managed to get Saudi Arabia to undercut the official OPEC oil price and therefore undercut the Shah. Revolution came shortly afterwards

The USA began distancing itself from Iran since William E. Simon's 1974 petrodollar deal with Saudi Arabia.

Also, on a funnier note, Carter's ambassador to UN also called Khomeini a saint

To be fair, they are under economic sanctions with the highest brain drain in the world and have the US and the entire middle east going against them. Considering their situation, I'd say they are doing pretty good. I would honestly expect any other country under such circumstances to be struggling to get food and water, which isn't the case for Iran.

I am not upset, kinda wish I had his hair volume though.

t. Shitskin that most likely lives in norther Europe. If you hate it so much, then go back to your shithole

persians are whiter than italians macaroni.

Arabs btfo
